Early teenage pregnancy thesis

Women are more likely than in the past to resolve a premarital pregnancy by abortion (table 4. Of those sexually active, 33 percent had ever experienced a premarital pregnancy, a small increase since 1971. If you're struggling with writing an essay on the topic of teenage pregnancy, feel free to review the essay example below for writing inspiration.

Since accurate pregnancy estimates depend on accurate abortion reports, the reports of pregnancy obtained from surveys will be lower than those estimated on the basis of nationally collected data from organizations such as the centers for disease control and the alan guttmacher institute. A growth in the percentage of girls attending school after puberty inevitably leads to a rise in the risk of pregnancy among students being that they are already sexually the fluidity of the traditional african marriage process, the onset of sexual relations and childbearing prior to formalizing a union was not unknown in kenya in the past (meekers 1992). It further concluded that 11% of pregnancy terminations were done by girls younger than 18 years of age.

The most important factors associated with choice of pregnancy resolution are expectations and academic achievement. Anyone who has lived or travelled in africa and read the local papers is familiar with the attention given to “schoolgirl pregnancy”- a term which draws attention to the risks schoolgirls face when they stay in school beyond the age of sexual maturity (lloyd & mensch, 2005). 1986) are that 1) high levels of sexual activity do not necessarily result in high pregnancy rates, given adequate use of contraception, and 2) low birth rates do not necessarily imply high abortion rates; they may simply imply low pregnancy rates.

The change in the absolute numbers of births and pregnancies does not adequately indicate the incidence of teen pregnancy and childbearing because it does not take into account changes in the number of teen women. To determine the estimated sample size per school, the following slovin statistical formula was used:An evaluation of sexuality education programme implemented in south african schools [homepage on the internet; unpublished phd thesis]. They must either terminate their pregnancy by taking recourse in abortion in order to continue their education, or drop out of school either on their own volition or on pain of threatened official expulsion…..

Major question that several researchers have addressed is why individual women choose one form of resolution to a pregnancy over another. Avarua: united nations population fund (unfpa); e pregnancy in south africa: with a specific focus on school-going learners. With all the uncertainties pointed out here, it is evident that the issue of teenage pregnancy as a reason for school dropout among school girls is an area worth investigating; singling out the influence that teenage pregnancy has on schoolgirl dropout and the extent to which it is felt.

Course, this estimate, too, is rather crude, since among those young women are some who became sexually active very early in their teens, others who became sexually active very late and others who were still virgins at age 20. The goal of this study is to determine whether reduction in unintended teen pregnancy is a useful policy lever to improve school attendance by girls ensuring gender equity in school ble arguments suggest that programs to avoid unintended pregnancies among teens can have spillover benefits in promoting gender equity in education in many countries. Gilbert approved as to style and content by: how to start a contrast essay teenage pregnancy research proposal paper rem koolhaas on writing strong thesis the right.

Based on data from the national survey of family growth, the estimated annual number of unrelated adoptions declined to a low in 1976 and has been gradually increasing since data support survey evidence which showed declining adoption placements from the early to the mid-1970s (bachrach, 1985). Girls who withdraw from school due to pregnancy would have otherwise continued in school had they not become r 2: literature studies have investigated the degree to which pregnancy related school dropout is a major cause of gender differences in educational attainment (eloundou-enyegue and strokes 2004). However, more young women than those currently living in welfare families would be eligible for welfare if they did give birth; thus the study really measures the effect of actual receipt of welfare benefits, rather than their s associated with marriage before birth (legitimation)young women are less likely now than in the past to resolve a premarital pregnancy by marrying.

The data that are most helpful in showing what the actual risk of pregnancy is among those who are sexually active, breaks the probability down by the length of time since first intercourse and uses a life table methodology to estimate the risk of conception within the first two years after first intercourse (zabin, 1979; koenig and zelnik, 1982). What are the levels of school drop outs in embu municipality due to teenage pregnancy? Although in 1971 the percentage of teen women who had a premarital second pregnancy was higher 2 years after the outcome of the first premarital pregnancy for those who had an abortion than for those who had a birth, by 1979 the figures were reversed.

Than the health problems associated with teenage pregnancy, it can also affect the girl’s future by delaying or terminating education, decreasing the chance of education beyond high school and increasing the chances of a poor marriage, unemployment or a low paying job. Pregnancy can be resolved in a number of ways, only one of which is a live birth kept by the mother. However, poverty, cultural practices and peer pressure are among the factors assumed to be predisposing girls to pregnancy from the findings of this study, while these factors in themselves would also cause dropouts.

Whereas there have been issues raised with regard to teenage pregnancy and its subsequent influence on school dropouts, the literature available is really not about schoolgirl pregnancy at all, but instead on the relationship between school exit and subsequent childbearing. The most important factors affecting the outcome of the pregnancy was whether the pregnancy was wanted. Although in the early 1970s black teenagers had a lower likelihood of using abortion to resolve pregnancy, according to these abortion ratios, after 1974 the abortion ratios are similar or slightly higher for blacks than whites.