Quantitative research article
For study implementation, both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used, and the project was guided by tenets of two common but integrated theoretical frameworks in hiv/sexually transmitted disease (std) prevention research: the social cognitive theory and the stages of change model. They are honest and forthcoming, so that the researcher can make robust can repeat the findings of the les are defined and correlations between them are the researcher is biased, or is expecting to find certain results, it can be difficult to make completely objective chers may be so careful about measurement methods that they do not make connections to a greater -ended ipant -ended tory a dictionary of qualitative ative research includes all modes of inquiry that do not rely on numbers or statistical listic [qualitative] approaches comprise a wide array of research traditions, most often in the categories of ethnography, grounded theory, and phenomenology, but they also include ethnology, ethnomethodology, hermeneutics, oral and life histories, discourse analysis, case study methods, and critical, philosophical, and historical approaches to more!

Quantitative nursing research article
To find a quantitative study, possible keywords include the type of study, data analysis type, or terminology used to describe the e quantitative following search uses thoreau, our multi-database search tool, to find examples of quantitative research studies. Continue to step 3 to determine its 3: now, let's determine what type of original research this is.

At the inception of a research project, when the research questions are formulated, thought must be given to how the research variables are to be quantified, defined, measured, and more! Advising91academic residencies176academic skills center19accommodations75apa5apa: in-text citations3apa: references95apa: word formatting11appointments15billing31blackboard3calendar6capstone intensive11career management30career services center13center for degree acceleration25center for research quality11commencement & graduation20course materials16courses & workshops16disability services36dissertation54doctoral capstone38doctoral study44doctoral writing assessment10faculty35field experience66financial aid47financial services15full text4gmail17google scholar26grades5grammar3grammarly24i-205institutional review board (irb)39international5international student finance portal18job search170library22library databases28library research122library skills1math/statistics37mechanics/punctuation28military services2military spouses & dependants5ms excel49ms powerpoint110ms word4mydr7mywalden9networking20new students12office 365103policies10practicum34project study39registration8resumes9safeassign226software/technology9spss6statistical tools9statistics4student organizations9student records203student support2taskstream13textbooks & course materials3transcripts39travel7tuition4turnitin29veterans18videos & webinars3virtual residency69writing193writing center3writing: academic ed by: erin guldbrandsen last updated: oct 09, 2017 views: can find quantitative articles by searching in the library databases using methodology terms as keywords.

Nevertheless, the need for additional research to further explore the issues of retrospective and prospective condom-use behaviors in order to promote consistent and effective condom use, including hiv/std-related prevention strategies, for this high-risk urban male population remains a significant public health ledgmentthis study was funded by a developmental/exploratory grant (r21 hd048253) from the national institute of child health and human development (nichd) of the national institutes of health (nih) in bethesda, nces1. Finally, the study protocols, implementation procedures, and all relevant approvals and clearances from the collaborating organization, including the community centers were approved by the institutional review board (irb) of the pacific institute for research and evaluation (pire) regarding the ethical protection of human subjects prior to the commencement of this research analysesfirst, survey data were entered into a customized data management system by an experienced data entry staff.

Quantitative research is a systematic process used to gather and statistically analyze information that has been measured by an instrument. Analyses of these baseline quantitative data revealed that nearly half of the study participants (49%) did not have a condom with them during survey administration.

At the following qualitative article example for more search ideas:Qualitative research ting qualitative er using one of the following when examining qualitative research:Critical review form: qualitative al appraisal checklist for an article on qualitative quantitative tative research consists of the collection, tabulation, summarization, and analysis of numerical data for the purpose of answering research questions or tative research uses statistical methodology at every stage in the research process. Previous: finding qualitative research d university about au contact us news center the value of au emergency information student privacy info campuses and locations hours of operation employment virtual tour a-z directory © copyright 2014.

An equal opportunity/equal access t and course g quantitative and qualitative guishing article g quantitative and qualitative research: distinguishing article tative guishing article guide will help you determine if an article ary research / a review. For finding quantitative articles with a keyword you want to limit your search to quantitative studies, first try "quantitative" as a keyword, then try using one of the following terms/phrases in your search (example: lactation and statistics):Correlational design*.

0105pmcid: pmc1950730nihmsid: nihms27195a quantitative study on the condom-use behaviors of eighteen- to twenty-four-year-old urban african american malesstephen b. Type your other keyword term into the second search -traumatic stress is an image of the search set up:Search tip: connecting these terms with and tells the database to search for both of these a video showing how to search for a quantitative article in the library databases:Video: find quantitative articles.

Pacific institute for research & evaluation (pire), louisville center, 1300 south fourth street, suite 300, louisville, ky 40208, e-mail:@ydennekauthor information ► copyright and license information ►copyright notice and disclaimerthe publisher's final edited version of this article is available at aids patient care stdssee other articles in pmc that cite the published ctthis research study sought to develop, pilot test, and assess a brief male-centered condom promotion program for urban young adult african american males. Retrospective study / a case control ences between qualitative and quantitative s include focus groups, unstructured or in-depth interviews, and reviews of documents for types of s, structured interviews, measurements & observations, and reviews of records or documents for numeric or quantifiable ily inductive process used to formulate theory or ily deductive process used to test pre-specified concepts, constructs, and hypotheses that make up a subjective: describes a problem or condition from the point of view of those experiencing objective: provides observed effects (interpreted by researchers) of a program on a problem or in-depth information on a few in-depth but more breadth of information across a large number of ctured or semi-structured response response options, measurements, or tical tests are used for d from https:///.

In the method or results sections/areas, does it mention using quantitative analyses or statistical tests (e. More about methodologies by searching encyclopedias and sage research methods you have other methodology search questions?

3multiple logistic regression predictors of prior and future condom use: tests of significance and odds ratiosdiscussionseveral observations were derived from the baseline findings of this research project regarding condom-use behaviors. Encyclopedia of nursing g qualitative g qualitative studies can be slightly more challenging because this type of methodology is less commonly used in nursing adding one of the following keywords to your search:Qualitative studies (also a subject term).

Once you understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative research articles, see the database search tips page in this guide for help with finding the articles you ative vs. A result, you'll likely find quantitative research articles when you search for your can also try adding one of the following keywords to your search:Quantitative studies (also a subject term).

However, the use of qualitative and quantitative methods, sound theoretical models, insights of the target population, and utilization of key informants to develop study materials and valid assessment items for survey development potentially support the study’s findings. Hiv/stds, substance abuse), the ability for young adults across all racial/ethic groups, including african american males, to consistently and correctly use condoms as an effective hiv/std prevention strategy has become a formidable challenge for intervention research.

You're still wondering if the article you have is qualitative or quantitative, below you'll find a table that highlights some of the key differences in qualitative versus quantitative research from the oak ridge institute for science and methods -methods is more than simply the ad hoc combination of qualitative and quantiative data in a single study. An equal opportunity/equal access t student services accessibility services bookstore career services counseling services dining services financial aid it / tech support center international student services multicultural student services recreational services residence life student health center student organizations academics ashbrook center center for academic support colleges and schools faculty/staff directory graduate programshonors program library majors & programs online learning pre-professional programs professional development registrar writing studio community & visitors administrative offices admissionsalumni relations arts and culture athletics auxiliary services campuses and locations emergency information employment give to au hire our students / graduates news and events safety services library - ashland university au home au library library faqs library services irc g quantitative research articles.

Because the literature documents that prior evidence of condom-use behaviors is a relatively good predictor of condom-use intentions,8,14,37,43 its implication, for the purpose of this study, is that variables that promoted retrospective condom-use behaviors must be strengthened during program development (and implementation) in order to effectively enhance and promote prospective condom-use behaviors, as well as condom use, especially for young adult urban african american males who are traditionally least likely to use condoms during sexual we have clearly demonstrated that the baseline findings from this research study may have significant public health implications regarding the condom-use behaviors of urban african american males, as well as the development of condom promotion programs for this population, limitations exist. Furthermore, the remaining 63% (228) of those participants we had approached did not participate in the baseline survey or the research study for a variety of reasons that included ineligibility for enrollment, refusal to participate, lack of interest in research study and unavailability based on time and commitment as described by program staff, among others.