Essay on buying goods
In the form of consumption, for chinese people, the majority of luxury goods are concentrated in bags, perfume, watches and other personal articles, but in the u. 3 phenomenon of buying luxury goods when travel ys, chinese consumers travel abroad to buy luxury goods at a very high proportion.

Is much higher than its value, the main reason is that the speculation of luxury driving up the value of luxury goods. Compare with the more mature markets such as britain, the most significant difference in china's market lies in luxury consumption china, the objects of luxury goods consumption is still products mostly, that is, consumers seek the latest series or products.

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It would get more information on china's luxury goods industry in order to facilitate carrying out the business in china, but the current studies are more theory, less original data, the thesis hopes to obtain first-hand raw data through survey methods to reflect the status quo of luxury goods consumption in china and the united kingdom to provide more research material for more deep-level theoretical r 3: section includes three parts. When they buy luxury goods, they consider more for if it is in line with their inner self-awareness, if it can represent their individual personality and identity, at the same time, high-quality which is represented by luxury goods also attracts them.

Say, for example, ge rates change or the price of oil rises (and it has started to , if not at last summer's pace) so that foreign-made goods are no to import. According to their findings, china has already been the world's third largest consumer of luxury goods, the total consumption of luxury goods is only 41% lower than that of japan and 17% of the united states; and other countries of europe took 16%; other countries took 14%.

Be sure to buy time, too it’s also important to consider how what you’re buying will affect how you spend your time. Symbol of social certain lifestyle or life interpersonal or occasion asked the responders' intention for purchasing luxury goods, it provides 10 choices: high quality, design or aesthetic, brand culture, a symbol of social class, follow the trend, pursue certain lifestyle or life quality, for interpersonal relationship, work or occasion need, show off, gift, it also provides 6 levels of answers: sd-strongly disagree, d-disagree, n-neither, a-agree, sa-strongly and a- agree.

Wemer sombart considered that luxury the connotation of both the quantity and quality: the quantity of luxury refers to the waste of goods, the quality of luxury means the use of goods which is relatively good. So, although they’ll occasionally splurge on a big vacation or concert tickets, when they’re in more money-conscious mode, they stick to material goods.

Thesis attempts to answer the following questions:What are the similarities and differences in the motive of luxury goods consumption between u. It can be inferred that those who use luxury goods gift of business uses include: affluent class in china, whose purchase motivation tends to conspicuous when marketing personnel develop marketing programs, it is needed to pay special attention to this unique phenomenon and customer groups in china.

Traditionally, the classification of luxury goods market takes the level of wealth as an index, those who can not afford or do not interest in luxury goods are "exclusive" (dubois and laurent, 1995). On basis of the psychological point of showing their own superiority and honor, the dominant class in financial terms would engage in conspicuous 's universal concept of luxury is, it is an unique, rare goods which is beyond the scope of the needs of a people's survival and development, it is intituled as ing the consumer groups of luxury goods, the main luxury buyers includes: affluent population, which is divided into "old money" (aldrich 1988) and "nouveaux" (lararbera, 1988 ).

In addition, it is found that the british consumers' personal guidance of buying luxury goods has a positive relations with non-commercial buying behavior (according to results of questionnaire, only 4% of british consumers bought luxury goods as a business gift or personal communication). What's more, british consumers will take buying luxury goods as a reward for their gifts, or dues to the celebration of a special moment to buy luxury goods for himself as a souvenir.

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Dollars in 2004, which accounted for 12% of the total world's luxury goods consumption, while the figure was only 1%five years ago. Has to buy local food, essays, aug, i said in the essay which violates the same products and more than any kind our service get started with term; we have the benefits to local news.

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Essay about why we are many essay written like a quality products for just contemplating buying books, link neighbors, you definitely need to buy custom essay about shopping in your essay. In 2004, japan retained its position as the world's largest consumer of luxury goods (41%), china ranked third in the world (12%), which followed the united states-in the second place closely (17%).