Discourse analysis dissertation

I mean, if i found the discourse fragment on “biofuel is environmental friendly” 4 times in year 2001, i would count these 4 times as “one” , or 3) counting all discourse fragments under the same theme as one. I answered this question two years ago but need some luck with the you for your summation of critical discourse analysis. Would focusing only on linguistic and rhetorical mechanisms (# 8) be sufficient enough to produce a good enough analysis?

Critical discourse analysis dissertation

I am presently working on my ma dissertation and the topic is a discourse analysis of language use on social media. I have to make a 15 minute presentation on discourse analysis and your concise description on this methodology helped a lot. Basically, i was going to determine the rules of formation of discourses of this specific ethnic conflict and try to show how it has been problematized over the years.

Even though i have read a lot i still struggle to understand whether visual discourse requires background research so as to better interpret the image. Your limitations/future research section in the conclusion could then point out how more detailed linguistic analysis and historical tracing of the discourse can shed light on additional questions you have raised in your thesis. Discourse analysis is a common methodology in that area, so you should be able to find interesting templates for what others have done in similar luck with the project!

Do you think that discourse analysis is the right approach to use for my question? If no, please what are the linguistic and ideological devices one needs to do a cda analysis of political interviews in particular, especially using fairclough’s approach? I will not copy the words, but the idea and the way of their analysis.

After thinking for a while, i thought there might be several methodological difficulties in studying this conflict with the help of discourse analysis and using social media data. We call this source text (st) analysis and we are required to carry it out before translating the st. I’m gonna do a qualitative interview with the girls plus group question is: should i do a discourse analyses on a traditional fairy tales , eg: cinderrela .

To answer your question: i think discourse analysis extends seamlessly to visual materials, and i would indeed say semiotics is the way to go. Discourse analysis is mainly a research tool for studying how communication processes work and how they relate to social and political processes. In either case, the risk is that you will not be able to represent multiple categories adequately, for instance when a statement ties into three or four discourse strands at once.

You might find practical analyses in journals such as discourse & society or discourse & communication, but you’d have to check the back issues. The context matters, though establishing that context would have to rely on other kinds of research like a good literature review, online queries, rse analysis itself can never fully establish what specific intentions are or what the people engaged in discourse are actually thinking. But sir, are these linguistic and rhetoric mechanisms all that one needs in doing a critical discourse analysis of texts also (say a religious or political text)?

Once you have a good question, try to structure your project in digestible chunks that you can then work on: the introduction, a review of the relevant literature, a discussion of major conceptual issues, a discussion of your methods and source selection, the various parts of your actual analysis, the conclusion, an appendix with any relevant data. First one would be “the influence of discourse on animal industries”, the second one would be “the influence of discourse on animal adoption”. However, when i reviewed the literature, i realized that there is too much emphasize on official documents and official discourses.

If that is the case, you could first discuss discourse theory in the conceptual section of your thesis and then move on to explain how you yourself plan to study texts (or other media) to answer your research question – a discussion that i would normally place in a separate methods chapter. You kindly send me some kinds of different texts with discourse analysis examples on them ? If you are trying to find out what it’s position on a specific issue is, and how the author uses language to establish that position, then a discourse analysis might be worth a try.

She probably has a very specific idea of what a ‘discourse paper’ is, but without her elaborating on this, it’s impossible to be sure. I could imagine a similar approach being applied to pedagogical situations, but that would be more a matter of practice than of a paper i am currently writing i use discourse analysis to examine both the truman doctrine and the bush doctrine (particulary the speech he gave in a joint session of congres). I know it will be useful to me in my progect work but still confused on what to do abt my topic ” a discourse analysis on journalese: a case of waiting for an angel” by helon habila.