Should the electoral college be abolished essay
These obstacles and the lack of communication between voters in one state and candidates in another was the constitutional framers’ main impetus for instituting an electoral college for presidential elections. Unfortunately, in recent years our congresses have been so dysfunctional they cannot even agree on a lunch menu.

Should the electoral college be abolished dbq essay
14] in 227 years, the winner of the popular vote has lost the electoral vote only five times. By andrew richner on october 16, 2012 - 1: article begs the question: is it at all likely that the framers imagined the constitution would ever govern a country where just over half the states would have greater populations than the entire country at the time they were writing, where again, about half of states would have a population density greater than that of manhattan at the time of the constitution (today nyc is some 300 times as densely populated as it was then), and that yet a handful of states would remain as sparsely populated as the least populated areas of the country (re: most of it) were at the time of the constitution?

Nor is it the first time the electoral college has made a president out of the popular vote loser. Until the recent fiasco in the 2000 florida presidential election, most people accepted the electoral college as a fair way to decide a future president.


In the two hundred some odd years of history, there have been instances when the college did not work. I don’t want a direct popular election because i want the smaller states to still have a voice, but, if america switches to direct popular election, the way things are, might just go worse.

I like the electoral college a lot, and i would like the voting system to keep it that way. Without the electoral college, groups such as iowa farmers and ohio factory workers would be ignored in favor of pandering to metropolitan areas with higher population densities, leaving rural areas and small towns marginalized.

We are made to feel that we must win because we will not be represented otherwise. Every time there is an election the representative or the parliamentarian has to go back to his electors and convince them that he, mainly as an individual (although party performance also affects public perception), deserves to be re-elected....

The electoral college* the electoral college was established by the founding fathers as a compromise between election of the president by congress and election by popular vote. This was due in large part to my growing understanding of the electoral is the electoral college?

Each state has its own number of electoral votes, which is determined by state population. Maybe that’s why a couple of lefty parties helped goode get the signatures he needed to get on the ballot in course, even in a pure popular vote system (unless you have ranked choice voting) minor parties have the potential to change the outcome.

Then, in early november, we would all vote for our three favorites among the seven finalists and the three candidates who get the most votes in that election would go to the ec. Sometimes that disparity can act as a caution to the elected president, but where the house and senate are in the hands of the elected president's party that caution is less likely to don’t use an electoral college to choose their leader, neither should the reed amar 3:20 am.

Or even if we want a voting process that allows a president to be elected when another candidate received just . It starts out that each system is allocated a number of electors that is equal to the number of its u.
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- should the electoral college be abolished dbq essay

The method of choosing the electoral college is delineated in article ii, section i, clauses ii and iii of the constitution.... The electoral college the united states of america’s system of electing the president is one that has been firmly enacted in the country since the constitution was signed by our founding fathers back in 1787....

It’s an interesting idea — in 2001 i floated a precursor of this plan — but the current version does have technical wrinkles that need to be ironed out. It was part of the division of power devised by the writers but it is losing out because everyone at each step of the process sees no reason to have to deal with " free thinking electors".

A vote in montana counts more than a vote in california because montana has a smaller population, so one vote is put with less people. Related slideshares at the electoral college be hed on apr 2, you sure you want message goes you sure you want message goes , managing partner beach caddy the electoral college be the electoral college be abolished?

Candidate gets all the electoral votes no matter how many votes they win by in each state. Modern technology allows voters to get necessary information to make informed decisions in a way that could not have been foreseen by the founding fathers.