Ethical issues to consider in research
A researcher tries to learn intimate details of the participants lives he has to deal with opening old wounds. 6] the declaration emphasised the protection of subjects in this kind of research and strongly proclaimed that the well being of individuals is more important than scientific and social interests.

Ethical issues to consider when doing research
Moreover, they are supposed to act in the person’s best interests or at least not act against them, which would be problematic in the case of non-therapeutic research involving more than minimal risks and/or burdens (as they may consider any risk or burden as not being in the person’s best interests). Involved in research, have to consider many ethical problems relating to the issue of informed consent.

Ethics to consider when conducting research
Inexperienced researchers should work under qualified supervision which has to be reviewed by an ethics committee. The approval is usually granted on the basis of a detailed description of the planned research, containing details of the methods to be used, the people to be involved, the kind of analysis to be carried out, evidence of the scientific justification for the study, ethical issues envisaged and methods to be adopted so as to avoid subjects or even researchers coming to any physical or psychological harm.

Scientists must deal with a number of different controversial topics, such as human embryonic stem cell research, cloning, genetic engineering, and research involving animal or human subjects, which require ethical reflection and b. One solution would be to encourage people in the early stages of dementia to consider this issue and record their wishes in an advance directive.

12] with regard to withdrawal a researcher may be in a dilemma in case many subjects choose to withdraw at an advanced stage of the study, because this can affect the validity of the results. 3] even if there are no duty conflicts, the researcher faces several problems with respect to maintaining confidentiality especially in qualitative research where conduct is personal, the sample is smaller and the reports display quotations of interviews.

When dilemmas according to confidentiality arise, trust as a basic element of a therapeutic relationship should be considered and maintained. The ethical issues linked to restrictions of freedom of people with ction of the freedom to choose one’s residence or place of m to live in least restrictive restriction of the freedom to act according to individual attitudes, values and lifestyle restriction of the freedom to play an active role in acknowledgements and disclaimer.

Most researchers want to receive credit for their contributions and do not want to have their ideas stolen or disclosed , many of the ethical norms help to ensure that researchers can be held accountable to the public. 26] moreover, the committees should be less strict so as not to prevent knowledge development in issue of confidentiality which is stated as very important in the hippocratic oath, is another possible issue of conflict for nurses either as practitioners or researchers.

For a dignified end of 3 - tackling ethical ish and maintain an on-going dialogue involving everyone involved or concerned about the particular to understand the issue and seek additional information if to make sense of people’s needs, wishes and concerns (i. You should also show respect for the animals you are using, and make sure that they are properly cared subjects your research involves people, you should make sure that you reduce any possible harm to the minimum, and maximise the benefits both to participants and other means, for example, that you should not expose people to more tests than are strictly necessary to fulfil your research aims.

It is important therefore, to seek advice in ethics committees to get approval for disseminating the results of the data collection including an account of what happened. 5] in conclusion, all possible measures have to be taken in order to protect subjects from potential physical, psychological or social damage during the research or after circulation of the results.

For example, consider the following case,The research protocol for a study of a drug on hypertension requires the administration of the drug at different doses to 50 laboratory mice, with chemical and behavioral tests to determine toxic effects. The ethical issues linked to the perceptions and portrayal of dementia and people with dementia is perceived and perception of those who are perceived and portrayed.

For example, the results of the research must have the potential to produce real and direct benefits to his/her health, comparable research cannot be carried out on other people who are capable of consent and the person does not object. According to levine, restricting these groups from research could end in disadvantaging those populations, even further, especially when research involves no risk and a high potential for benefit.

The illness itself not only affects their decision-making capacity but also creates a situation of alternative to relying on consent through an advance directive would be to also appoint a health care proxy (please seen following sub-section for details) with power to consent or who has been designated by a person in advance of incapacity to be informed and consulted about healthcare and personal welfare issues on his/her behalf. It refers to a system of principles which can critically change previous considerations about choices and actions.

For instance, in considering a complex issue like global warming, one may take an economic, ecological, political, or ethical perspective on the problem. In the case of mentally ill patients, it is important to measure comprehension and develop valid tools for it, before obtaining informed consent to participate in a research study.

If this is the case, then it may be appropriate to consider others ways of making the decision, such as going with a gut feeling or intuition, seeking guidance through prayer or meditation, or even flipping a coin. He or she should be able to articulate reasons for his or her conduct and should consider the following questions in order to explain how he or she arrived at his or her decision: .

In addition to typical research which is organized and planned in advance, and for which people are invited to participate, situations sometimes arise whereby a person is in a critical condition and the only chance of survival is an approach which has not yet been scientifically proven. Groups of ys, there is an increased concern about vulnerable groups and whether it is ethical or not for them to be used as research subjects.