Cancer research submit
Submit a manuscript to molecular cancer lar cancer therapeutics — integrating targets, therapeutics, and technologies — strives to be the top choice for publishing the best science in the discovery and preclinical development of novel therapeutic agents for oncology, preclinical studies of approved therapeutics, mechanisms of drug action, mechanisms of drug resistance, biomarkers of drug response, novel models and technologies, and occasional drug toxicity mechanisms. Authors with no source of support may apply for a waiver at the time of services visit our author services page for resources to assist authors in the preparation of their ntly asked faq page has an extensive list of common questions regarding the aacr an association for cancer research.

Submit a manuscript to cancer prevention research publishes significant, original studies and reviews in all areas of basic, clinical, translational, epidemiological, and prevention cancer research and research in cancer-related biomedical sciences. Alized medicine and ed proteomics identifies proteomic signatures in liquid biopsies of the endometrium to diagnose endometrial cancer and assist in the prediction of the optimal surgical martinez-garcia, antoine lesur, laura devis, silvia cabrera, xavier matias-guiu, marc hirschfeld, jasmin asberger, jan van oostrum, maría de los ángeles casares de cal, antonio gómez-tato, jaume reventos, bruno domon, eva colas and antonio cancer res november 1 2017 23 (21) 6458-6467; doi:10.

For full consideration, primary research submissions must provide significant novel insight into existing pathway functions or address new hypotheses associated with cancer-relevant biologic ript lar cancer research welcomes submissions of primary research, review and commentary article types as well as letters to the editor. Issues and single copy t to availability, single or back issues of molecular cancer research may be purchased for $60 per copy in the u.

Our goal is to select for publication only those manuscripts that are determined by our editors and peer review process to be of the highest quality and within the scope of the journal to which the manuscript was see this page for details of the editorial policies that govern manuscripts submitted to all aacr journals. Cancer prevention research comprises preclinical, clinical, and translational research, with special attention given to molecular discoveries and an emphasis on building a translational bridge between the basic and clinical t impact factor: hed daily online; monthly in -in-chief: scott m.

Authors should be familiar with these instructions prior to submitting their work to the ting authors must be familiar with the editorial policies of the aacr journals covering important information on authorship, publishing ethics, availability of materials and data and data analysis and ripts are stringently reviewed for high standards of scientific merit, and only those that report results of novel, timely, and broadly-significant research are accepted for publication. Submit a manuscript to cancer al cancer research — a journal of clinical and translational research — focuses on innovative clinical research and translational research that bridges the laboratory and the clinic.

Studies must be of demonstrated significance, and the journal prioritizes analyses performed at the molecular and cellular level that reveal novel mechanistic insight into pathways and processes linked to cancer risk, development, and/or progression. Areas of emphasis include all cancer-associated pathways (including cell-cycle regulation; cell death; chromatin regulation; dna damage and repair; gene and rna regulation; genomics; oncogenes and tumor suppressors; and signal transduction), in addition to studies describing new molecular mechanisms and interactions that support cancer phenotypes.

Submit a manuscript to cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & immunology research publishes outstanding original articles reporting major advances in cancer immunology that span the discipline from basic investigations in host-tumor interactions to developmental therapeutics in model systems, early translational studies in patients, and late-stage clinical trials. The journal's special features include "masters of immunology"—primers by leading immunologists—and "cancer immunology at the crossroads"—perspectives that highlight the intersection of immunology with other areas of cancer research and allied t impact factor: hed daily online; monthly in s-in-chief: robert d.

Derived from epcam-positive ductal ri matsumoto, et ng of cancer risk must consider more than ing cell-cycle regulation for pediatric opher c. For full consideration, primary research submissions must provide significant novel insight into existing pathway functions or address new hypotheses associated with cancer-relevant biologic t impact factor: hed daily online; monthly in -in-chief: karen e.

Detailed metrics, including the impact factors, of all the aacr journals can be found at aacr journals page has a brief overview of the basic editorial process used by all the aacr journals to evaluate submitted manuscripts. Chestnut street, 17th elphia, pa free: (855) 744-4667 or (215) lar cancer research editorial an association for cancer research | publications division.

Please select the journal that is most appropriate for your manuscript and follow the instructions to access the correct submission discovery publishes high-impact, peer-reviewed articles describing major advances in research and clinical trials. Click er of service licensed under patent #us 7,620,ubmit manuscript submission e to the clinical cancer research online manuscript submission and review ensure proper functionality of this site, both javascript and cookies must be enabled in your d instructions for authors.

Submit a manuscript to clinical cancer lar cancer research publishes articles describing novel basic cancer research discoveries of broad interest to the field. Y of human tumors | inib exhibits antitumor activity in lung cancer models and patients harboring met exon 14 mutations and overcomes mutation-mediated resistance to type i met inhibitors in nonclinical d.

The following topics are of special interest: descriptive, analytical, and molecular epidemiology; biomarkers including assay development, validation, and application; chemoprevention and other types of prevention research in the context of descriptive and observational studies; the role of behavioral factors in cancer etiology and prevention; survivorship studies; risk factors; and the science of cancer health disparities. The journal publishes important original studies, reviews, and perspectives within the major topic areas of biology of premalignancy, risk factors and risk assessment, early detection research, immunoprevention, and chemopreventive and other interventions, including the basic science behind them.

Jackson, et 2-mediated citrullination promotes prostate cancer progressionlin wang, et the current ery of human-similar gene fusions in canine ulvé, mélanie rault, mathieu bahin, laetitia lagoutte, jérôme abadie, clotilde de brito, jean-michel coindre, nadine botherel, audrey rousseau, valentin wucher, edouard cadieu, catherine thieblemont, christophe hitte, laurence cornevin, florian cabillic, laura bachelot, david gilot, benoit hennuy, thierry guillaudeux, arnaud le goff, thomas derrien, benoît hédan and catherine andré. In support of our commitment to providing wide access to research, the final typeset version of every published article is rendered freely accessible 12 months after publication.

See publication fees for further lar cancer research (mcr) (print issn: 1541-7786; online issn 1557-3125) is published monthly, one volume/year, by the american association for cancer research, inc. See editorial board for more ght, permissions and al published in molecular cancer research is covered and protected by copyright.

Clinical cancer researchpresents clinical trials evaluating new treatments for cancer; research on molecular abnormalities that predict incidence, response to therapy, and outcome; and laboratory studies of new drugs and biomarkers that will lead to clinical trials in t impact factor: hed daily online; semi monthly in -in-chief: keith t. The journal disseminates knowledge of immunology to the cancer research community, catalyzing cross-disciplinary work that yields a deeper understanding of the host-tumor relationship, more potent cancer treatments, and improved clinical are stringently reviewed, and specific topics of interest include endogenous antitumor immunity, tumor-promoting inflammation, cancer antigens, vaccines, antibodies, cellular therapy, cytokines, immune regulation, immune suppression, immunomodulatory effects of cancer treatment, emerging technologies, and clinical investigations.