Statement of research accomplishments
This statement provides a summary of your research accomplishments and current work and discusses the future direction and potential of your work. My case, my book will be comprised of about half new material and half dissertation research.

However, i’m applying for what i think is a better job for me at a research museum, one that would have me doing research and supervising grad students as well as doing outreach (something i’ve got piles of experience with). When i rewrote my research statement to focus on those issues this year, i ended up with a stronger document that didn’t need to mention my collaborators at all — not because i tried to claim credit for everything, but because i wrote about my own contributions rather than the corporate jobs go to individuals and not corporations, i am strongly inclined to agree with karen’s advice, even for stem fields.

The difficulty is to demonstrate what i actually did as author #13 (in alphabetical order) that makes me actually worth karen, i am applying for a faculty position and have been asked to provide along with the usual cv and cover letter “research program plan” and “teaching philosophy”. They say they want a “research statement,” but i really think they mean a proposal.

Faculty may refer to the thirty (30) items identified in the faculty activity report (far) for examples of activities considered to be research or creative accomplishments but should also be aware that these items are not weighted equally. Check out my column in chronicle vitae for more on that question–it’s the column on how to apply to a small liberal arts college (slac) karen, i am applying for a postdoc position in spain and have been asked to provide along with cv and references, a “cover letter with a description of research accomplishments and statement of overall scientific goals and interests (approximately 1000 words)”.

If the research undertaken does not result in truly new knowledge, however fresh it might be for the students, it should be used to demonstrate a commitment to excellence in teaching in the dossier under the scholarship of teaching and factors should also be considered including whether or not the undergraduate research falls outside of the faculty member’s focused line(s) of inquiry, the faculty member’s contribution to the paper (e. This might be in terms of grant money, faculty collaborations, involving students in your research, or developing new courses.

While you are focusing on the past, present, and future or your research, and tailoring it to each institution, you should also think about the length of your statement and how detailed or specific you make the descriptions of your research. If the work significantly advances knowledge and contributes to one’s discipline, especially if it results in refereed publications or presentations, it will carry the same weight as other research.

You want to be able to show a search committee that your research is moving forward � and that you are moving forward along with it in terms of developing new skills and knowledge. Essentially an outline of your expected phd thesis (which can of course change later once you’ve been accepted and started working on your research) with a short lit review, an identification of a research gap that you plan to address and a brief outline of proposed about in the case where you are asked to provide a “teaching and research statement” in addition to a statement of your teaching philosophy?

How is this research different from previous work you have done, and what brought you to where you are today? Like, ‘extending my diss research on xxx, the book offers new ways of thinking about issues yyy and zzz.

Thank you in some of your research background was for a government agency and your results went to government documents and forms, are you allowed to include it in your research statement. That’s so short, less room than a 2-page cover , on occasions where jobs ask for that combined statement, i always work with clients to do a two page document, with one page devoted to each the blog this week… i wish i found sooner!!

My research is all related, because it is on health systems or health policy, so i am trying to unify my rs with the theme of research that improves population health. When the search committee reviewed the candidate's research statement, they very quickly added his application to the "reject" pile.

M applying for tenure track jobs in english, and some applications ask for a research statement instead of a dissertation abstract, which is the more common of the two. Am applying for a few phd positions & programs around the world, and some programs ask for a research statement, some for a statement of purpose.

Long should the research statement be if it has been requested as part of the cover letter? Of course the research thrust should be from the individual, but that is like a given.

Karen, i am an old follower a research statement, do you give considerably less space to what is already published, books and articles, and much more space and detail to describe projects(s) in progress or about to be launched as research proposal applications? Maybe it’s a difference in the prestige of the universities, with r-1 preferring lengthier research statements, while liberal arts universities prefer a smaller research statement.

Scientists are used to seeing such images in evaluating fellowship applications or grant proposals, why not research statements? Note: separate research statements are usually requested from researchers in engineering, social, physical, and life sciences, but can also be requested for researchers in the humanities.

Of course, the student has to compe up with the research questions and hypothesis and methodologies but it is very rare for one lab to have everything that the student needs in-house and even rarer for the work to be done in complete isolation (you don’t see that many two author papers in stem fields these days). Question on the ma – mine was empirical research published in a general science journal (proc b) so i definitely need to mention it.