Research paper on internal auditing
3 section three: suggestions for future research:We start this research with many hands our hands, we suffer a lot to make this research with the best picture , and here we are this day thanks for god we turn the pages of all nights of wakefulness and days of hard work in this modest work . For full appreciation of internal auditing, it is necessary to trace these developments back and extend trends into the future. Iia defined internal auditing as follows:Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations.

2 the role of the internal auditor in the measurement of efficiency and effectiveness:4 chapter four case study. And van esch (2005)state that “the profession of internal auditing, as many other professions, has its roots in the industrial revolution of the nineteenth century. Economics - banking, stock exchanges, insurance, ch paper (postgraduate),Interaction between csr and financial performance.

Identify the role of internal audit in the managing and supporting of risk management systems and the importance of it in adjust the administrative and financial performance of the palestinian listed companies. Can the internal auditor in the listed companies do his / her duty in controlling the administrative and financial performance according to the standards, and how much is that important for the management, the auditing committee, the shareholders and the external auditor? The internal auditor’s risk-driven efforts provide critical inputs to other governance participants, including the audit committee and management.

This topic is significant for business management, shareholder and the overall financial community because of the best use of assets comes from internal auditing from its responsibilities especially after financial crisis 2008 all over the world that makes internal auditing significant in monitoring and evaluation of management performance. 5 scope and limitations of the project:Our scope of the research will be affected by several factors such as: spatial borders: the study was applied for listed limits: research deals with the reality of internal audit and its impact in increasing financial performance, and the researchers collect data as they can because the available period was too short (two months only) and they want to applied this research for joint stock companies also in west bank but because they can'ty borders: was limited on the staff in the joint stock companies who have the relationship because of the well-known restrictions imposed by the occupation and that we couldn’t get the other side of the west bank to generalize our work on all the companies so our work will be focused on a sample (bank of palestine) of the companies located in gaza strip. An individual employed in internal audit ten years ago would find an unrecognizable situation in terms of internal audit’s role, the services provided and the approach followed.

Personal and leadership capabilities which make the internal auditor was able to convince all levels of the company, in turn, strengthen and assign activity. It contributes in measuring and evaluating the risks surrounding the work addition to that it helps in measuring and evaluating competence and efficiency performance and it maximizes the companies capacity to employ the best methods to use the available resources to the get the most possible quality and so that the entity's goals are this importance this study aims to identify the role of the internal audit in controlling the financial and managerial performance in the palestinian corporations taking in considerations all the aspects that would limit this purpose of the internal audit factors would be the business environment, the qualification of the auditor, the laws and regulation, the extent to which the corporation are committed to these laws and other factors that will be discussed in details throughout this research to highlight the current situation and any amendments needed to be undertaken in the coming period so that the internal audit function of controlling the performance on both sides the managerial and the financial will be was clear from the recent financial scandals and fraud law suits in the international and regional firms that the internal control in general isn't as strong as should and that there are some weaknesses that led to this outcome and that why we are interested to investigate the internal control and the internal observation systems in the listed palestinian corporations to put the lights on the real reasons and causes for such researchers and observers believe that one of the main reasons for such problem is the insufficient reliance on the function of the internal auditor and not assigning this function with its real importance in the companies, especially if we consider how significant is this function becomes as the companies are getting larger and the operations are extending to be more in terms of the volume and the complexity and more importantly the competition is getting tougher among the internal audit is consider to be a type of the observational procedures that can be used to assess the effectiveness of the other observational and audit procedures and that is why many researchers consider it as the core of concentration in the audit hierarchy that supplement the other tools in ensuring these tools ability to safeguard the companies' assets, make sure about the fairness of the financial data and encourage the commitment in the managerial internal audit function affects other parties outside and inside the business organization for example the external auditor relies in different levels on the work that has been done by the internal auditor especially when the external auditor comes to the decision of the sample size as this sample will increase or decrease in accordance with how much the external auditor believes that the internal auditing function has been done the recent years a lot of improvements have appeared on the function of the internal auditing with respect to the extent of the work or the independency of the internal auditor especially after the emerging of the auditing committee and its responsibility in front of the board of directors and the shareholders that make this function worth investigating and first agency for the internal auditors was established in the united states in 1947 that became international after that and now it has 150 branches all over the globe and more than 100,000 members, this agency sets the standards of the internal auditing and defines clearly the morals of this agency defined in 1999 the internal auditing in a clear manner as:An independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve the companies' operations. Which aimed to clarify and describe the role of internal auditors in the risk management process and to make a comparison between the understanding of internal auditors in both the united states and belgium for their role in the risk management process,To achieve this goal, the researchers conducted interviews with ten internal audit managers in both countries, and concluded the study that in the case of belgium, the internal auditors are focusing their attention on the correct any flaws in the risk management system for their companies and are playing a pivotal role in raising awareness and perception and the formulation of an appropriate system for risk management in their companies, but in the case of america was estimated merits of internal auditors and their views on risk management an essential part of the requirements of a modern outlook for the internal audit requirements.

To our lovely brothers and the ones who teach us golden latter's , and expressions of the highest and most expensive words in science , to the ones who state their science , their knowledge in few words for us , and from their thoughts they made a beacon that light our science and success life , to our honored internal auditing function is one of the most important among the companies as it has several functions that mean to enhance the controlling and monitoring in these companies as it has a major and significant role in designing and developing the internal control system and support the corporate governance. To gleim (2004), “internal auditing is a management-oriented discipline that has evolved rapidly since the second world war. However, the focus by internal audit departments of publicly traded companies on sox related financial policy and procedures derailed progress made by the profession in the late 20th century (moller, 2004, p 13).

Internal audit definition:Courtemanche (1986) states that, “there were two basic conceptions of internal auditing: the traditional and the modern. It is important to understand the roots of internal auditing and the way it has developed over the years. For pc, kindle, tablet, effect of the internal auditing on financial y of commerce - department of al-ghalayini, mohammed a.

Economics - marketing, corporate communication, crm, market research, social paper (advanced seminar),The source of food price swings and their effect on developing econ... Internal auditors' perception about their role in risk management - a comparison between us and belgian companies”. Some of the audit technique underlying internal auditing is derived from management consulting and public accounting professions, the theory of internal auditing was conceived primarily by lawrence sawyer (1911-2002), often referred to as "the father of modern internal auditing".

Help new research papers in:physicschemistrybiologyhealth sciencesecologyearth sciencescognitive sciencemathematicscomputer rivacycopyrightacademia © insign upmore job boardaboutpressblogpeoplepaperstermsprivacycopyright we're hiring! The implementation in the united states of the sarbanes-oxley act of 2002, the profession's exposure and value was enhanced, as many internal auditors possessed the skills required to help companies meet the requirements of the law. 4 significance of the project:This study will help in increasing the role and image of internal auditing in bop ltd to make it more effective and professional.

Is there a need to establish a standards for the internal auditing and generalize it on organizations in palestine? Once a function primarily concerned with financial and accounting matters, internal auditing now address3koies the entire range of operating activities and performs a correspondingly wide variety of assurance and consulting services. Noted that this study addressed the internal audit of the door of the main characteristics of the internal audit departments did not address adequately to assess the role of these sections in performed the tasks and achieving the objectives assigned to it.