Review of literature on internet addiction

Curr psychiatry rep 12: -un kim (2008) the effect of a r/t group counseling program on the internet addiction level and self-esteem of internet addiction university students. Traditionally, the dependence on exogenous drugs causing neuroadaptation of the brain reward circuitry has served as a primary definition of addiction. It has been suggested that “facebook addiction” or preferably “‘social networking site addiction” could be another subcategory of the spectrum of internet addiction disorders [115,116].

Literature review on internet addiction

Internet-related addictive ory, version ii / young's diagnostic -reported internet dependency and related psychological et addiction scale for taiwanese high ed young’s internet addiction scale (online). Cyberpsychol behav 12: i f, mohammadbeigi a, mohammadsalehi n, hashiani aa (2011) internet addiction and modeling its risk factors in medical students, iran. Results showed improvements in severity of online game addiction that was associated with parallel changes in depressive symptoms during bupropion trial examined the role of methylphenidate treatment in individuals with comorbid adhd and internet videogame addiction [104].

The european journal of psychiatry 24: di s, pallanti s (2009) internet addiction: a descriptive clinical study focusing on comorbidities and dissociative symptoms. Brenner presented results from a survey of 563 internet users who admitted problematic use, in which older users reported experiencing fewer problems than younger users [52]. Psychiatry res 175: ea, tee my (2007) excessive internet use: the role of personality, loneliness and social support networks in internet wildt bt, putzig i, drews m, lampen-imkamp s, zedler m, et al.

Currently there is an ongoing study evaluating the efficacy of a manualized short-term treatment program for internet and computer game addiction; it is based on cbt, combining group with individual therapy [107]. The last years, a point has been made for regulating the internet in order to prevent people from becoming addicted to it. Subjects with internet videogame addiction were recruited, and were compared with healthy controls who had experience with, but were not addicted to, videogames.

When compulsive internet use can interferes with daily life, work and relationships, the internet addiction problem emerged. Cyberpsychol behav 2: c, hsiao mc (2000) internet addiction, usage, gratification, and pleasure experience: the taiwan college students’ case. This study found the excessive internet use group to have higher levels of harm avoidance and ss-5httlpr 1:biopsychosocial model of a biopsychosocial perspective, addiction is the result of ors which originate from an interaction between various biological,Psychological and environmental r study assessed genetic polymorphisms of the dopaminergic system and temperament in adolescents with excessive internet videogame play.

Neural regeneration research 6: g, zhou h, zhao x (2010) impulse inhibition in people with internet addiction disorder: electrophysiological evidence from a go/nogo study. Scand j psychol 45: g na, quirk kl (2009) screening for internet dependence: do the proposed diagnostic criteria differentiate normal from dependent internet use? Commun integr biol 4: kw (2005) internet addiction: a review of current assessment techniques and potential assessment questions.

The results will provide the distribution, trends and feature of research relative to internet ds: internet addiction, cyber addiction, bibliometrics. 2010) pathological internet use and psychiatric disorders: a cross-sectional study on psychiatric phenomenology and clinical relevance of internet dependency. Eur arch psychiatry clin neurosci 256: ein a, lejoyeux m (2010) internet addiction or excessive internet use.

It was designed to assess which areas of an individual’s life might be affected by their excessive internet use [69]. L of addiction research & the best use of scientific research and information from our 700+ peer reviewed, open access journals that operates with the help of 50,000+ editorial board members and esteemed reviewers and 1000+ scientific associations in medical, clinical, pharmaceutical, engineering, technology and management inspiring speakers and experts at our 3000+ global conferenceseries events with over 600+ conferences, 1200+ symposiums and 1200+ workshops l, pharma, engineering, science, technology and article open et addiction: a o eduardo pezoa-jares, isabel lizarindari espinoza-luna and josue alberto vasquez-medina*. Nord j psychiatry 66: dtl, yu l (2012) internet addiction phenomenon in early adolescents in hong kong.

Cbt helps internet addicts recognize maladaptive cognitions, modify and reconstruct adaptive cognitions, and return to reality. A sense of tension or arousal may develop before logging on to the internet, with a sense of relief obtained once successfully logged on. Internet use et use per day; assessment of academic, social or lifestyle onnaire based on dsm-iv substance ’s diagnostic questionnaire (telephone).

Over the last decade, in parallel to the flourishing popularity of the internet, the number of research studies addressing the addictive potential of the internet has steadily increased. Enthusiasts, who describe a paradigm shift that has resulted in the ‘social web’, the internet has always been social. After a 6 week period of bupropion sustained-release treatment, craving for internet video game play and total game play time were decreased in the addiction studies have evaluated treatment in subjects with ia and a comorbid psychiatric disorder.