Research paper index
Paper for the development administration division of the united nations department of technical cooperation for development (un/dad/dtcd) to be presented at a seminar (and in a collection of papers) on "tools for critical choice by top decision makers". Paper prepared for group b of the project on goals, processes and indicators of development of the human and social development programme of the united nations university (tokyo, august 1981).

Example, you might include an entry in a dessert cookbook index that read "ice cream, varieties of: chocolate, 54; strawberry, 55; vanilla, 32, 37, 56. Of trans-disciplinary conceptual aids: simple techniques for education, research, pre-crisis management, and program administration highlighting patterns of information transaction and sub-system interdependence brussels, uia, 13 p.

You'll copy the page numbers from your index cards, formatting them according to the rules laid out in your style guide. This paper focuses on one of the factors that have been put forward in the literature within the secular stagnation view: adverse demographic developments.

Paper prepared for: international symposium on "how to do things with metaphor" (brussels, march 1990); abridged version of a paper presented to the international conference on demography issues and sustainable development (new delhi, 1990). Problem networks as perceived by international organization networks in: general systems theorizing: an assessment and aspects for the future washington dc, society for general systems research, pp.

Paper for project on information overlaod and information underuse (ioiu) of the global learning division of the united nations university (area 6: coding and the socio-cultural context of information). Other special topics→cultural economics, economic sociology, economic anthropologyd12 : microeconomics→household behavior and family economics→consumer economics: empirical analysise21 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→consumption, saving, production, investment, labor markets, and informal economy→consumption, saving, wealthd91 : microeconomics→intertemporal choice→intertemporal household choice, life cycle models and paper examines the role of culture in households saving decisions.

Even if you use spell check, it's still important to go through the index yourself, since some mistakes may slip past spell checkers. If the work is particularly long, try to work straight from the computer so you can skip this extra what needs to be indexed.

Footnotes or endnotes are merely source citations, they don't need to be included in the lly, you don't need to index glossaries, bibliographies, acknowledgements, or illustrative items such as charts and you're not sure whether something should be indexed, ask yourself if it contributes something substantial to the text. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→consumption, saving, production, investment, labor markets, and informal economy→capital, investment, capacityf34 : international economics→international finance→international lending and debt problemsg31 : financial economics→corporate finance and governance→capital budgeting, fixed investment and inventory studies, capacityg32 : financial economics→corporate finance and governance→financing policy, financial risk and risk management, capital and ownership structure, value of firms, paper investigates the link between corporate debt and investment for a group of five peripheral euro area countries.

Collection of papers presented at meetings of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university (1978-1982). The paper shows that during the great recession the share of shrinking firms sharply increased in countries under stress, while firm growth slowed down in non-stressed countries.

International economics→tradef3 : international economics→international financef41 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→open economy macroeconomicsf44 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→international business this paper we investigate how income growth rates in one country are affected by growth rates in partner countries, testing for the importance of pairwise country links as well as characteristics of the receiving country (trade and financial openness, exchange rate regime, fiscal variables). In: collection of papers presented at meetings of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university, 1978-82.

Paper for unesco-sponsored conference on conceptual and terminological analysis in the social sciences, bielefeld, may 19811981beyond method: engaging opposition in psycho-social organization brussels, uia, 41 p. Mathematical and quantitative methods→multiple or simultaneous equation models, multiple variablesg2 : financial economics→financial institutions and paper studies spillovers among us and european sovereign yields.

Paper presented to a seminar on state and society at the russian public policy center (moscow, 6-8 december 1994) under the auspices of the council of europe. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→price level, inflation, deflationf3 : international economics→international financef41 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→open economy this paper we analyse the exchange rate pass-through (erpt) in the euro area as a whole and for four euro area members - germany, france, italy and spain.

Y faculty research working paper working papers by working papers by policy working papers by working papers by academic hks facultyresearch working papers terms & new & edit current publication faculty research working paper e to the john f. Go line by line through your index and make sure all words are spelled correctly and all punctuation is correct and consistent.

2017 — consciousness quotient logy of becoming ormational videos – -i: psychological assessment of conscious sions to use the cq-i © consciousness quotient inventory is free to use by researchers and for online testing on our website. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the mechanics of such a tax, its macroeconomic implications as well as its global spillovers using a fully structural global multi-country model.

Conferencing: concepts, notes and papers, problems and possibilities on the new frontier of high-risk gatherings concerning social developemt brussels, uia, 218 p. International economics→international finance→current account adjustment, short-term capital movementsf33 : international economics→international finance→international monetary arrangements and institutionsf41 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→open economy macroeconomicsf45 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and paper studies export adjustment to negative shocks in currency unions.

Paper prepared for the internationale konferenz bedingungen des lebens in der zukunft und ihre folgen fr die erziehung, berlin, november 1978. 208021 june 2017communication of monetary policy in unconventional timescoenen, günter, ehrmann, michael, gaballo, gaetano, hoffmann, peter, nakov, anton, nardelli, stefano, persson, eric, strasser, georgdiscussion papers abstractjel classification.