Poseidon research paper
There, he was favored by athena, goddess of handicrafts, learning, and the arts, and despised by poseidon, god of the sea.... This is essential to avoid any misunderstanding regarding the poseidon concept, as the intention of the concept is to help guide clinicians through the medical management, and as such it should not to be used in retrospective analyses having live birth rate (lbr) as an lbr is more appropriate for counseling purposes and designing rcts, the poseidon concept is based on (i) a better stratification of women with "low prognosis" in art, and (ii) individualized therapeutic approaches in each group, having as endpoint the number of oocytes required to have at least one euploid embryo for transfer in each patient.

A large amount of research has established antral follicle count (afc) and anti-müllerian hormone (amh) as the most reliable and accurate ovarian reserve tests (ort) in predicting ovarian response. The poseidon group also introduced a new measure for successful art treatment, namely, the ability to retrieve the number of oocytes needed for the specific patient to obtain at least one euploid embryo for 1.

The son of the titans cronus* and rhea, poseidon was swallowed at birth by his father. 1pmcid: pmc5302217the novel poseidon stratification of ‘low prognosis patients in assisted reproductive technology’ and its proposed marker of successful outcomepeter humaidan,1,2 carlo alviggi,3 robert fischer,4 and sandro c.

For example when odysseus was in the ocean, with only with a piece of wood to keep him from going under, poseidon was creating waves that were unbelievably big so odysseus was having to fight for his life. On the hand we see odysseus as a prey of justice as he suffers poseidon’s retribution for blinding his son, cyclops.

Such an approach would fail as the attribution of patients to each poseidon group is related to specific requirements and could only be made prospectively. I believe that i have an appropriate level of expertise to confirm that it is of an acceptable scientific es from f1000research are provided here courtesy of f1000 research s:article | pubreader | epub (beta) | pdf (1.

As a result, the age-related embryo aneuploidy rate dramatically changes the prognosis of women with the same oocyte yield as well as those with different oocyte , and most importantly we wish to stress the new poseidon marker of successful outcome, i. When the athenians judged athena's gift to be superior, the angry poseidon flooded the surrounding minor goddess of nature, usually represented as young and one of three ugly monsters who had snakes for hair, staring eyes, and huge on, the god of the seas, was one of the 12 olympian gods in greek mythology.

In some versions, such as that of the dramatist euripides in hippolytus, poseidon, the god of th... Poseidon is so angry at odysseus for the harm he inflicted on the cyclops, that through the influence of all powerful zeus, he punishes odysseus along with his other children, the phaeacians, who can be seen to parallel as well as contrast with the cyclops....

He married amphitrite, one of the granddaughters of the titan is poseidon the god of horses? Poseidon, directed by wolfgang petersen, is an action-packed adventure thriller that is loosely the remake of the 1970s movie the poseidon adventure.

The ancient romans called poseidon by the name of on - student encyclopedia (ages 11 and up)in the religion and mythology of ancient greece, poseidon was the god of the sea and of water in general. Both poseidon and athena claimed the city of athens and the surrounding region of attica as their own.

He was saved by his brother zeus*, who tricked cronus into taking a potion that caused him to vomit up poseidon and the other siblings—hades*, demeter*, hera*, and hestia. Poseidon fell in love with a mortal woman and built her a home in the middle of the island and surrounded it with water and land to keep her protected (“lost civilization:the story of atlantis”)....

Greek mythology - es from britannica encyclopedias for elementary and high school on - children's encyclopedia (ages 8-11)poseidon was the god of the sea in ancient greek mythology. While journeying homewards, odysseus makes the mistake of harming the cyclops, who happens to be poseidon's son.

You would think it would be harder considering that this is poseidon’s,” he said, as he descended the marble stairs, brandishing the three-pronged weapon. And time is running out, they need to make it to the bottom of the ship before the entire thing on is basically based on the same concept as the poseidon adventure, being that the ship gets hit by a monstrous-sized rogue wave and flips over, and people try to get out.

Poseidon or neptune was known to be one of the strongest gods that ever walked on the planet. If a patient in poseidon group 1 or 2 had a suboptimal response, following an individualised fsh dosing scheme based upon for example amh, should this be checked again in a subsequent stimulation cycle where a higher incremental fsh starting dose is used, prior to categorising the patient in these groupings?

The roman pagan gods used suffer for their own personal vendetta such as when odysseus blinded the cyclops, who was the son of the roman god poseidon, and to get back at odysseus poseidon created a storm so he could not get home to make him suffer his homesickness further.... In some accounts, his first attempts were unsuccessful and created a variety of other animals in his quest; thus, by the time the horse was created, his passion for demeter had did poseidon have a trident?

Another name for poseidon was hippios (lord of horses), and the god presented horses as gifts to various on rode the waves in a swift chariot drawn by golden sea horses. Poseidon controlled the monsters of the deep, created the horse (he was the father of pegasus) and sired orion and polyphemus.