Literature review on supply chain management
The methodological basis for a literature review is usually a document analysis conducted as a content analysis.

Supply chain management literature review
2001): the relationship between the environmental and economic performance of firms, greener management international, issue 34: 95– scholarwalton, s.

This field provides and interesting example, as it is a young field of academic writing, so a total analysis of all relevant work published since 1990 is ative issues as observed in literature on environmental and sustainability management as well as supply and supply chain management are used to identify criteria to review the dsliterature review document analysis qualitative content analysis supply chain management sustainability previewunable to display preview.

2003): greening a cotton-textile supply chain: a case study of the transition towards organic production without a powerful focal company, in: greener management international, issue 43: 53– scholarmayring, p.

Physica-verlag ss and ts and alised in to check le on all sales tax included if about institutional use cookies to improve your experience with our 're seeing our new chapter page and we'd like your opinion,Research methodologies in supply chain asconducting a literature review — the example of sustainability in supply chainsauthorsauthors and affiliationsstefan seuringmartin müllermagnus westhausromy yliterature reviews are an essential part of all kinds of research.

2001): environmental purchasing: a framework for theory development, in: european journal of purchasing and supply management, 7(7): 61– scholarcopyright information© physica-verlag heidelberg 2005authors and affiliationsstefan seuring1martin müller1magnus westhaus1romy chain management center, institute for business administrationcarl von ossietzky university of process sciences and engineeringtechnical university of this chapter as:Seuring s.

2002): responsible chain management: a capability assessement framework, in business strategy and the environment, 11(1): 63– scholarde burgos, j.

2002): purchasing and supply chain management — analysis, planning and practice, 3rd edition, thomson learning, scholarwagner, m.

2004): „beschaffungsmanagement & nachhaltigkeit — eine literaturübersicht“ (supply management and sustainable development — a literature review): in: hülsmann, m.

2001): green purchasing practices of us firms, international journal of operations & production management, 21(9): 1222–efgoogle scholarnewton, t.

2003): coordinating sustainable cotton chains for the mass market-the case of the german mail order business otto, in: greener management international, issue 43: 65– scholarguide, v.

2001): environmental performance as an operations objective, in: international journal of operations & production management, 21(12): 1553– scholareasterby-smith, m.

2004): integrated chain management and supply chain management — comparative analysis and illustrative cases, in: journal of cleaner production, 12(8–10): 1059– scholarseuring, s.

2004): managing time and complexity in supply chains: two cases from the textile industry, in: international journal of integrated supply management, 1(2): 180–efgoogle scholarseuring, s.

Using the example of sustainability in supply chains, this paper offers insights on how a literature review might be conducted.

2001): the role of supply management capabilities in green supply, in: production and operations management, 10(2): 174– scholarbrewerton, p.

1998): the green supply chain: integrating suppliers into environmental management processes: in: international journal of purchasing and materials management, 34(2): 2– scholarwced (world commission on environment and development) (1987): our common future, oxford university press, scholaryin, r.

2001): manufacturing strategy: literature review and some issues, in: international journal of operations & production management, 21(7); 884– scholarde bakker, f.

Therefore, criteria have to be chosen which allow the search for and the categorization of relevant literature.

You must disable the application while logging in with your system 're seeing our new chapter page and we'd like your opinion,Research methodologies in supply chain asconducting a literature review — the example of sustainability in supply chainsauthorsauthors and affiliationsstefan seuringmartin müllermagnus westhausromy yliterature reviews are an essential part of all kinds of research.