Obesity social problem essay

Percent of americans diagnosed with obesity in 2010, 17 percent of those were children between the ages of two and nineteen years old.... When we include the social norms our estimates explain between 50% and 80% of the overall obesity gap. Mills, problems can be divided into either troubles or issues and more often than not, a problem which is seen as a person trouble, when looked at globally, is in fact a social issue.

Obesity has been around for many years but has always been known to be an adult issue.... 21] the united states government is changing the health policies involving transportation, land use, education, agriculture, and economics so that it can have an important impact on healthy environment and health of people in turn reducing obesity. The first lady has also initiated an obesity prevention and control program titled ‘let's move’.

Education is perhaps one of the best options that can either control or prevent the rising rates of childhood obesity.... The global obesity epidemic reached a pinnacle of concern, on june 18, 2013, when the american medical association (ama) ruled obesity a disease state with multiple pathophysiologic facets requiring a range of interventions for treatment and prevention (fryhofer, 2013). Medical association: obesity as a it true that over a third of americans are diseased?

Centers for disease control and prevention, overweight and obesity; childhood overweight and obesity, contributing factors. Obesity has become an epidemic in our world, it has many contributing factors, affects learning abilities but there are preventive methods for it. Childhood obesity may not seem like a serious problem, but it is a serious medical condition that can have major effects on a child.

13] hence, there is need to address this problem at every possible step through effective interventions and motivation -based lifestyle interventionsfamily bonding is a strong structure in the behavioral molding of the child. Obesity is a physiological condition characterised by an excessive accumulation of body fat, specifically the build-up of adipose tissue beneath the skin. Obesity is medical condition where excess body fat accumulates to an extent that it becomes harmful to the body.

Most cases of childhood obesity are caused by eating too much and exercising too little. 12]it is seen that sedentary lifestyle is an important factor for obesity, as many children spend most of their time in front of television sets, play video games, and watch computers. 6]figure 1graphically shows the increasing trend of obesity among children and adolescent population from 1963 to 2008.

With obesity in children being related to many health issues, it is important that we not only stop the rise in childhood obesity, but reverse it. Especially food advertising through television [which] aims to persuade individuals—particularly children—that they desire foods high in saturated fats, sugars, and local environment and obesityhow people live, what factors make them active or sedentary are also a factor. Because of the broad spectrum of social circumstances that are studied, unemployment is an issue in which sociologists thrive.

Obesity comes along with many medical conditions and these conditions require medical expenses, but the health insurance system has made it so the obese do not have to pay higher premiums. 4] classifications of obesity in children depend upon the body composition of the child, as it varies with respect to age and sex of the child. She points out obesity is often associated with stigma such as laziness, dirtiness, illness and poverty (townend, 2009).

In order to resolve the problem, we can slaughter all the adults that are currently obese in america.... Here some facts “population monitoring definition of obesity for example, obesity affects both physically and emotionally, it develops a number of serious health conditions.... The physical consequences of rising obesity rates in our country include an abundance of physical ailments including type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, arthritis, elevated cholesterol, and even some cancers....

Let’s say no to obesity and say yes to happiness, long life and physical ch paper on language essay on social e homework enced paper g for good custom writing services? The globe and mail had an article headlined, “obesity costs economy up to $7-billion a year” (picard). Obesity has become not only the number one cause in death, but according to david zinczenko, editor-in-chief of men’s health and author of “don’t blame the eater”, it is the number one cost in health care with numbers rising well over 100 billion dollars a year (196).