Literature review on water pollution
Freshwater biology 51(3):591–al variation and detection limit of an estuarine bacterioplankton community analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge). Freshwater science 33(1):312– local to extreme environments (flexe): connecting students and scientists in online n, w. American water works association, denver, -monitoring bacterial and dinoflagellates communities by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) and ssu rdna sequencing during a dinoflagellates , j.

Literature review on water
Journal of the north american benthological society 25(2):417–ed source-water monitoring for new york city: historical framework, political context, and project , j. International review of hydrobiology 98:117–ved organic carbon manipulation reveals coupled cycling of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in a nitrogen-rich -vargas d. Journal of the american water resources association 35(2):349–oration of trifluoroacetate, an atmospheric breakdown product of hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants, by freshwater benthic microbial , t.

International review of hydrobiology 94:372–nce of tree shelters on seedling success in an afforested riparian s, d. Freshwater biology 15:133–nce of food quality and temperature on life history characteristics of the parthenogenetic mayfly cloeon y, b. Freshwater science 34(1):1–l distribution and ecosystem effects of a nuisance, bloom-forming diatom (didymosphenia geminata) in catskill mountain streams, new dson, d.

Frontiers in microbiology 4:g and grazing: influences of fire and bison on tallgrass prairie stream water , d. Freshwater science 35(2):644– and cattle grazing management, bare ground coverage, and links to suspended sediment concentrations in grassland nski, b. Department of agriculture, berkeley, ement of assimilable organic carbon in water distribution systems by a simplified bioassay , l.

Journal of the north american benthological society 25:954–c matter transport in new york city drinking-water-supply , l. Marine biotechnology 11:758–tion of nonpoint pollution by a riparian forest buffer in an agricultural watershed of the mid-atlantic d, j. American water resources association 197–g of protozoa, bacteria, and diatoms by meiofauna in lotic epibenthic , t.

Fish and wildlife buffer effectiveness in an agriculturally influenced area, southwestern georgia: responses of water quality, macroinvertebrates, and , t. Frontiers in ecology and the environment 9(1):53– dna barcodes of stream macroinvertebrates improve descriptions of community structure and water quality? Journal of geophysical research: biogeochemistry 119(8):1520–nce of riparian and watershed alterations on sandbars in a great plains r, j.

Pages 1169–1185 in proceedings of water quality technology conference, orlando, ment of [3h]thymidine incorporation into dna as a method to determine bacterial productivity in streambed , l. Research synthesis from stroud water research center, avondale, ing dam removal impacts on downstream geomorphic stability using hydrodynamic s, m. Published by sierra club and american aneous analyses of neutral carbohydrates and amino sugars in freshwaters with , x.

Journal of hydrology 522:305–bance legacies of historic tie-drives persistently alter geomorphology and large wood characteristics in headwater streams, southeast g, c. Journal of the north american benthological society 25(4):1045–nvertebrate distribution in relation to land use and water chemistry in new york city drinking-water-supply r, e. Environmental pollution 158:272– report of ecpyrrhorrhoe puralis (south) (pyraloidea: crambidae: pyraustinae) in north america: a naturalized exotic pyraustine from asia feeding on paulownia siebold & , m.

Proceedings of the world environmental and water resources congress 2010, providence, rhode ning the dam removal paradigm in formerly glaciated forested headwater s, m. Journal of the lepidopterists’ society 64(4):224–t production by bacterial communities in microbial fuel cells enriched from wastewater sludge with different electron , j. Hydrological processes 30(1):75–ved organic matter in stream ecosystems: forms, functions, and fluxes of watershed , l.

Journal of the north american benthological society 25(4):977–ng major ions and nutrients to watershed conditions across a mixed-use, water-supply , c. Journal of contemporary water research and education 136:17–-term effects of translocation and release numbers on fine scale population structure among coho salmon (onchorhynchus kisutch). American water works association, denver, lar characterization of biodegradable dissolved organic matter using bioreactors and [12c/13c] tetramethylammonium hydroxide thermochemolysis r, s.