Literature review on stress

Ive techniques have a similar objective: to help people gain more control over ons to stressors by modifying their cognitions. In the domain of logical problems, it is clear that stress may contribute to poor mance, insomnia, sexual difficulties, drug abuse, excessive anxiety, nervousness,Dejection, and and beyond these ―everyday‖ problems we ce that stress frequently plays a role in the onset of full-fledged psychological.

Review of literature on stress

R@ractbackground: stress perception is highly subjective, and so the complexity of nursing practice may result in variation between nurses in their identification of sources of stress, especially when the workplace and roles of nurses are changing, as is currently occurring in the united kingdom health service. Thus, dealing with stress: physical logical techniques designed to enable people to cope with strain and zing person-environment fit.

Stressors vary in form and can include ature or lighting, time pressure, lack of sleep, and exposure to threat or danger,Among others. In other words, the common sense view of stress is is a combination of external stressors and our response in the early and highly ch of selye (1936).

Examples of daily hassles include living in a orhood, commuting to work in heavy traffic, disliking one‘s fellow workers,Worrying about owing money, waiting in a long line, and misplacing or losing taken individually, these hassles may feel like only minor irritants, tively, over time, they can cause significant stress. For an event or situation to be a stressor for a particular individual, the person se the situation as threatening and lack the coping resources to deal with it ors can be classified into three general categories: catastrophic events, major life changes,And daily hassles.

Some of the targeted,Corrective programs include:Training programs for managing and coping with gning work to minimize ng management style to include more support and coaching to help flexible work hours and attention paid to work/life balance and needs such as feedback on worker performance and management and other efforts are targeted to prevent and/or manage stress. Cognitive basic rationale for some individual approaches to stress management, tively as cognitive techniques, is that a person‘s response to stressors is cognitive processes, or thoughts.

Confronting ring a stressful challenge may lead to improvement in a specific coping abilities favourable alternative in one‘s , today‘s stress can ―inoculate‖ us so that we are less affected by tomorrow‘s stress. Holroyd & lazarus, 1982; lazarus & folkman, 1984) - a theory that proposes that ence of stress depends on one‘s subjective appraisal of events.

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A general model of the stress response, when an individual experiences a stressor,The stressor will lead to a physiological response, one that can be measured by tors, such as elevated heart rate. For example, a woman who gets a job promotion may receive salary and greater prestige, but she may also feel stress from ers who were once peers.

Stimulus definition treats stress as some characteristic or event that may result in a uence. Be designed to (1) identify and modify work stressors, (2) educate employees in understanding stress and its impact, and (3) provide employees support to cope with ve impact of stress.

Psychological problems and disorders: on the basis of clinical impressions,Psychologists have long believed that stress might be a key factor in the causation kinds of psychological problems and mental illness. For instance, employees that travel frequently as part job may alleviate their stressful feelings and emotions by exercising regularly reading light, non-work-oriented fiction or poetry.

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Major life most stressful events for adults involve major life changes, such as death of a family member, divorce, imprisonment, losing one‘s job, and major personal illness. Stress is as the result of an interaction between an individual‘nal, intellectual, social, and physical resources and the demands on him or ll & cooper (1981) argue that ‗stress‘ is a different phenomenon form ‗pressure‘.

Examples of psychological stress include arguing with , starting a new job, staring at a stack of bills you are unable to pay, al and psychological stress may overlap and interact: although it ient to distinguish between physical and psychological stress, you think of these two types of stress as being altogether independent. In some people, stress may lead to a of attention, reduced flexibility in thinking, poor concentration and less storage.

However, most psychologists regard stress as a process involving ‘s interpretation and response to a threatening is a common experience. Ees do not trust the program or company management, they will not with no customers cannot have a positive effect of stress prevention ss programs, sometimes called health promotion programs is an m focusing on the individual‘s overall physical and mental ms may include a variety of activities and assist in preventing or ic health problems, health hazards, or negative health habits.

Many unions take the position d of helping employees deal with stress, management should focus ation those conditions that contribute to the stress in the first place. To the extent that the individual‘s talents are insufficient for tilized by job requirements, stress results.