Literature review on family planning
This might be due to cultural norms around son preference or, as suggested by others, the interest for more sons could be based on subsistence reasons, such as economic security and maintaining their status within the traditional family structure [19]. Women don't use contraceptive because they don't want to get pain by the side effect of pills and injectable” (female, 25 years)additional results from focus group discussions indicate that males are at least partly responsible for women not using contraceptives:“sometimes husbands oppose wife use of contraceptive because they think she does not want to give birth and instead she has an intention to go for another man” (female, 33 years)among women, 183 (36%) of current contraceptive users reported ever having switched between methods, with 175 (96%) of them giving lack of comfort as one of the reason and 99 (54%) fear of side effects.

Literature review on family planning methods
Approaches that have been used are focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, medical record reviews, expert observations of client-provider interaction, surveys of providers, surveys of managers or directors of family planning organizations, and quasi-experimental and experimental population that has most often been included in studies of family planning service quality has been low-income adult women. Future research in this area should employ qualitative methods, which allow for more open-ended exploration and may elicit different information from what has been found in y, it would be useful for the national survey of family growth to consider adding questions on service quality.

Flores g, the impact of medical interpreter services on the quality of health care: a systematic review, medical care research and review, 2005, 62(3):255–299. One section of the survey focuses on family planning and medical services, but the only aspect of quality the 2002 survey measured in this section was counseling (respondents were asked whether specific topics were discussed at different types of reproductive health care visits).

Formal education was the most important factor associated with better knowledge about contraceptive methods (aor = 2. No studies provided an economic sions: the evidence supporting the integration of family planning with other health services remains weak, and well-designed evaluation research is still needed.
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In another study, adolescents were more concerned than adults about the past two decades, only 29 studies have reported on family planning service quality; the majority have been descriptive. With respect to the method-specific contraception, injectables (39%) and oral hormonal contraceptives (21%) were the main methods used.

Severy lj and mckillop k, low-income women’s perceptions of family planning service alternatives, family planning perspectives, 1990, 22(4):150–157 & 168. The objective of the study presented in this paper was to investigate differences among males and females regarding knowledge on contraceptive methods, fertility preference and contraceptive practice among married men and women in jimma zone, results of this analysis demonstrate that more than 98% of the couples had access to health facilities that deliver family planning.

In a study including the directors of 637 publicly funded family planning agencies nationwide, fewer than one-quarter reported the availability of tailored services for non–english-speaking ication and information. Only short-term hormonal methods like the contraceptive pill and injectable contraceptives were consistently well known by both sexes.
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Commentshow to join pubmed commonshow to cite this comment:Ncbi > literature > planning, new research - literature review. Our results demonstrate that good knowledge among males and females was observed, yet differences on knowledge of specific contraception methods exist.

For example, only 69% of a nationally representative sample of low-income women completely agreed that the staff at their last family planning or gynecologic visit made an effort to find out about their particular ates of service studies have explored correlates of family planning service quality. However, greater understanding of the evidence on integration is s: studies that evaluated the integration of family planning with any other type of health service were identified by searching five databases.

Bixby center for reproductive health research and policy, final evaluation report of family pact, san francisco: university of california, 2005,

2013use of hormonal contraceptives and hiv acquisition in women: a systematic review of the epidemiological evidenceseptember 2013one-year continuation of the etonogestrel contraceptive implant in women with postabortion or interval placementseptember 2013beyond the clinic walls: empowering young people through youth peer provider programmes in ecuador and nicaraguaseptember 2013dual use of long-acting reversible contraceptives and condoms among adolescentseptember 2013family planning knowledge, attitude and practice among married couples in jimma zone, ethiopiajuly 2013racial and ethnic differences in men's knowledge and attitudes about contraceptionjuly 2013use of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate contraception and incidence of bone fracturejuly 2013misunderstanding the risk of conception from unprotected and protected sexjuly 2013non-contraceptive benefits of oral hormonal contraceptivesjuly 2013interventions for emergency contraceptionjuly 2013thrombotic stroke and myocardial infarction with hormonal contraceptionjuly 2013early versus delayed insertion of intrauterine contraception after medical abortion - a randomized controlled trialjuly 2013nigerian lawyers and reproductive health rights: a survey of knowledge, practices and opinions on law reforms among the bar and bench in north eastern nigeriajuly rs and publisher: paula and david bloomer in memory of -in-chief: professor sir sabaratnam arulkumaran, former president, ational federation of gynecology and ted by a distinguished international board and a panel list executive objectives of this site – view use cookies to ensure you get the best experience from our using the website or clicking ok we will assume you are happy to receive all cookies from ncbi web site requires javascript to tionresourceshow toabout ncbi accesskeysmy ncbisign in to ncbisign l listplos onev. We recognize that the review covers a long time period, during which numerous programmatic and policy changes occurred that likely affected service quality.

The median number of children a woman had when starting contraception was 2 (iqr = [2-2]) which corresponds to 2 children less than what they considered the ideal number of most commonly used methods when starting contraception were injectable (316 out of 515, 39%) and oral (174 out of 515, 21%) hormonal contraceptives. A secondary objective was to determine knowledge on contraceptives (method-specific; including barrier, hormonal, permanent and dual protection methods), and attitudes towards family planning.

To be included, studies had to have: been published in english between 1994 and 2009; used either a single-group pre- and posttest design or a two-group control or comparison design; and reported a family planning-related behavioral or reproductive health s: nine studies met the inclusion criteria. Milligan se, accessibility and organizational settings for public supported family planning services, women and health, 1989,15(1):71–80.

This difference in contraceptive use between men and women was corroborated by the focus group discussions as these showed that both married women and men mostly considered contraceptive use as a woman's task:“what will i do in a family planning clinic, contraception is women's business, i will just give my wife the necessary financial support she needs” (male, 45 years)two hundred sixty five (51%) wives had one to two children at their first contraceptive use. Forrest jd and frost jj, the family planning attitudes and experiences of low-income women, family planning perspectives, 1996, 28(6):246–255 & 277.

The median desired number of children before using family planning among both women and men was 4 (iqr = [3;5]). In the latter case, on javascript support in your web browser and reload this worldwide, life-sciences literature.