Review of related literature of teenage pregnancy
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Literature review on effects of teenage pregnancy
Current research findings suggest that families, partners and peers tend to provide different, but complementary, forms of support for teenage mothers which, on the whole, appear to contribute to more positive outcomes for this group. 2 maternal complications in adolescent pregnancy, as per the studies hagic : hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, and hellp); uti: urinary tract infection; prom: premature rupture of fetal of the studies focused on verifying the relation between complications in pregnancy and prematurity and lbw among adolescent mothers, correlating them with perinatal and/or neonatal death (table 3).

In case of doubts or disagreement, a third reviewer was requested to issue an official opinion on whether or not the study should be included, according to stocco. Babies born as result of a repeat teen pregnancy are even more likely to premature—early and at a low birth weight.

Compare the perinatal differences between adolescent and adult adolescent mothers presented with greater proportion of premature deliveries, lbw, and identify the effect of pregnancy on adolescence and risk factors for fetal and infant weight and prematurity were determining factors of fetal and neonatal death. A growth in the percentage of girls attending school after puberty inevitably leads to a rise in the risk of pregnancy among students being that they are already sexually the fluidity of the traditional african marriage process, the onset of sexual relations and childbearing prior to formalizing a union was not unknown in kenya in the past (meekers 1992).

The effectiveness of special programs for pregnant adolescents and their offspring is examined, and implications for policy and prevention are : literature on teenage pregnancy and motherhood was reviewed. Question is then raised on what other factors would be causing these girls to drop out of school other than just the pregnancy.

Additionally, it is known that prenatal care tends to be inadequate among adolescent mothers,(44) which shows the importance of prenatal visits to decrease complications of pregnancy in this age cent pregnancy is one of the three reproductive variables associated with greater infant mortality, primarily because it is related to a complex interaction of determining factors. Teenage pregnancy perpetuates the cycle of poverty and inequality because most pregnant teenagers have no source of income and face greater financial difficulties later in life.

Research reports also indicate that the united states records the highest teen birth rates in the industrialized world, twice as high as that of the united kingdom which is the developed nation with the second highest rate of teen pregnancy (the national campaign to prevent teen pregnancy, 1997). A number of studies concur that many young women drop out of school as a result of pregnancy (gyepi-grabrah, 1985a).

In our work in the philippines, asrh continues to be a priority in line with our global “because i am a girl” campaign and national batang lusog are implementing asrh interventions in southern leyte and eastern samar, where cases of teenage pregnancy are increasing. Preterm birth and reduced birthweight in first and second teenage pregnancies: a register-based cohort study.

This can have psychological effects which prevent the girl to continue life as a normal teenager. The main maternal and neonatal complications were hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, prematurity and low birth weight, respectively.

Kb) close article support cent research reviewjune 2017, volume 2, issue 2,Pp 113–129 | cite asintended adolescent pregnancy: a systematic review of qualitative studiesauthorsauthors and affiliationsjoanna macutkiewiczangus macbethemail authoropen accesssystematic reviewfirst online: 04 june 2016received: 05 february 2016accepted: 24 may ctprevious research on teenage pregnancy suggests that there are distinct profiles of pregnancy intent among adolescents, reflecting differences in young people’s understanding and endorsement of the concept of pregnancy intendedness. They must either terminate their pregnancy by taking recourse in abortion in order to continue their education, or drop out of school either on their own volition or on pain of threatened official expulsion…..
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However, experts have argued that teenage pregnancy should be understood as a symptom of dire economic conditions rather than a cause of it. 9 assumptions of the study:- secondary school going girls are at great risk of dropping out of school due to pregnancy.
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It is also noted that rather than pregnancy causing girls to drop out of school, other factors such as the lack of social and economic opportunities for girls and women in general as well as the domestic demands placed on them, coupled with the gender inequities of the education system, may result in unsatisfactory school experiences, poor academic performance and an acquiescence in or endorsement for early kenya, the youth population with young people between ages 15 – 19 is large, accounting for 25% of the population of the country. About 22% of maternal deaths in reference to pregnant adolescents had as primary causes pregnancy-induced hypertension, puerperal sepsis, and septic abortion, representing 75% of the total number of deaths.

Call 896 : adolescent sexual and reproductive health, adolescent youth, asrh, department of health, national summit on teen pregnancy, national youth commission, philippine statistical authority, psa, teenage pregnancy, united nations population fund, world health feedback, complaints, or inquiries, contact @ triple burden of palestinians, kurds deserve a ered wildlife, endangered humans. It was verified that the fear of the parent’s reaction (the most often cited reason), age, lack of support from the partner, and non-acceptance of the pregnancy were reasons that led the adolescents to provoke an abortion.
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And neonatal complications related to adolescent most often described maternal complications in the selected studies were abortion, pregnancy-induced hypertension, hemorrhagic syndromes, urinary infection, and premature rupture, which are described on table 2. 6 justification of the study:Early sexual debut and premarital sex are increasingly common features of female adolescence in kenya - putting girls at the risk of unwanted pregnancy and even infections such as sexually transmitted infections and hiv/aids.
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Language and literature studies - culture and applied ation of monitoring and control over municipalities in europe... While the research available on peer support is much more limited it suggests that the emotional support of peers is perceived as being important by teenage mothers.