Literature review on cervical cancer
Moreover, 95% of women living with hiv women enrolled in care at the clinics were screened for cervical cancer and, although a somewhat lower proportion of hiv-positive compared with hiv-negative women received treatment (73% immediate and 60% postponed versus 86% immediate and 62% postponed), overall treatment coverage was high. Utilization of cervical cancer screening services and trends in screening positivity rates in a 'screen-and-treat' program integrated with hiv/aids care in zambia. The studies suggested that integration of cervical cancer services with hiv services using all models was feasible and acceptable to patients.

Critical review of the literature on the uptake of cervical and breast screening in british south asian health specialty registrar, nhs nottinghamshire county, ponding author:Public health specialty nottinghamshire county, birch west, rainworth, nottinghamshire, ng21 : [email protected]. Present a before and after study with high risk of bias due to selection (no randomization, no concealment, selection of groups not done at the same time), attrition (incomplete follow-up and outcome data), and information bias (record review). A retrospective study on 61 cases of cervical neoplasms comprising 25 cases of cin 3 and 36 scc, all cases were evaluated by immunohistochemistry using ki-67 and p53 monoclonal antibodies.

Al jashamy reported a retrospective study of 77 cervical cases from the histopathology laboratory of ipoh hospital from 1st january, 2005 to 31st december, 2006this study showed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (cin) was found in 33/77 (42%) cases, cervical carcinoma in 12/77 (15. Facilitators and barriers to integrated cervical cancer and hiv tables shows barriers and facilitators mentioned in the results or screened all studies and found only five eligible for risk of bias assessment as they presented evaluative data [29, 30, 34, 38, 42]. These findings highlight the importance of medical workers in informing women about cervical cancer and screening.

There is a need for evaluation to be incorporated within the design and implementation of innovative programs that can establish causality, including the different elements of the new ations for policy and service e the limited evidence available, descriptive studies on the introduction of cervical cancer services with hiv services have provided helpful insights into what has worked and what challenges remain in expanding services for all women, but especially women living with hiv. Most studies were conducted in partnership with national governments and led by ation of hiv and cervical cancer screening and treatment is feasible and acceptable to staff and patients and has the potential to improve uptake of screening for women living with hiv. The average cost of atypical squamous cell of undetermined significant (ascus), cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 1 (cin1), and cin 2/3 in malaysia were rm898, rm1453, rm1948 respectively compared to rm10,540 for cervical cancer.

There is a need for strengthening of health systems across the care continuum and for high quality studies evaluating the effect of integration on hiv as well as on cervical cancer on: sigfrid l, murphy g, haldane v, chuah flh, ong se, cervero-liceras f, et al. Prospective randomised controlled study of 250 women in klang who attended cervical screening and had a normal pap smear in the previous year, and were due for a repeat smear were recruited and randomly assigned to four different methods of recall for repeat smear. There is a need to improve women’s awareness and knowledge, and improve their attitude towards hpv cross-sectional studies on teenagers’ knowledge of cervical cancer and its prevention were conducted; one in sarawak involving 76 students12 and the other involving eight schools in kuala lumpur13.

Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding cervical cancer and screening among women visiting primary health care in qatar. In all three models, we found different intensities of services being provided, from cervical cancer screening only to screening and treatment of minor to larger lesions (table 1). Radiotherapy is an effective therapy for cervical cancer in pregnancy; the complications were similar to those in non-pregnant patients[57].

Another study of 200 cervical swab samples by chong also concluded that pcr was a reliable method to detect hpv11. 10–12] the lack of ce from these studies does not mean they dismissed but highlights the need for s to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness ed interventions in increasing screening south asian scoping narrative review was not intended to be hensive and systematic review of the so is limited in its findings, particularly as it cted to the uk. For all models, there was a need to train staff in new screening techniques, even in model two, which described co-location of cervical cancer and hiv services.

Knowledge and lly, women’s attitudes and beliefs towards cervical cancer and the importance of screening test will affect their uptake and compliance of pap smear. Are large inequities in access to effective cervical cancer screening and treatment, with corresponding differences in the risk of invasive disease [2], with screening coverage in low- and middle-income countries only 19% overall, but much lower in some (e. Management of cryotherapy-ineligible women in a "screen-and-treat" cervical cancer prevention program targeting hiv-infected women in zambia: lessons from the field.

Many healthy life style campaign and publicity were made to promote this procedure, yet it did not achieve above 70-80% coverage of the population to reduce cervical cancer morbidity and mortality[23]. The survey concluded, a large number of cervical cancer patients had inadequate knowledge and had not had a pap smear within three years preceding cancer development. Key words (mesh terms) and free text terms were developed for 3 themes: hiv, integration and chronic diseases and then combined in the search strategy, after which the papers on integration of hiv and cervical cancer were identified.

Local mmes and general practices should existing resources such as s and health trainers can be utilised to in overcoming their barriers to is a poor uptake of cervical and breast south asian women compared to the general r, it remains unclear to what degree portionate representation of south asian deprived, inner city, isolated communities ; how other variables that are known to screening uptake and that are more common asian groups (e. Of the teachers felt the government should provide more information to educate the public about cervical cancer and the vaccine. Due to the descriptive nature of the review any outcomes reported by the original studies were included, including barriers and facilitators to the 1.