Literature review on advertising and consumer behaviour
This sometimes results in eating disorders and a low women who don‟t look like these models. Reverend in abeokuta in december 1859 changed the face of advertising in yi (1999) pointed out that the newspaper was titled: “iwe irohin fun awon ara egba ati yoruba”,Meaning “newspaper for the egba speaking people and yorubas”.

Literature review on advertising and sales promotion
Marketing segmentation: baker (1996) mentioned that marketing segmentation is a means of y‟s marketing strategy by distinguishing buyer group needs and wants. A television encourage viewers to take action by dialing a toll-free number to make a quick purchase is an rcials and home shopping network programmed heavily rely on immediate purchasing -oriented advertising is likely to be used in the business-to-business sector.

Kotler (1997) in their submission ising as any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by fied sponsor. The advertising practitioners nigeria (apcon) writing in „’the nigeria code of advertising practice, (2005) defines advertising as of communication through media about products, services, or ideas, paid for by an identified above definition exposes the following that advertisement must be paid for by an identified that the aim of advertising is to disseminate information and ideas about goods or services and de people to take action by patronizing the goods and services advertised.

1073902778 accessed on 02/02/ media in the course - linkedin course - linkedin ic research foundations: course - linkedin iveness of tv advertisement on consumer behaviour. 2 consumers in nigeria preferred products that are advertised through television, radio and print ally when faced with two or more competing products.

2014) drivers and inhibitors to e-commerce adoption among smes a; journal of emerging trends in computing and information sciences, vol. Advertisements must be properly timed, since consumers watch television and listen to onally especially in the evenings.

Osuagwu and achumba, (1994) stressed that several relevant concepts that merge the role of advertising to other concepts in order to appreciate of advertising in marketing. Many consumers recognize not only the negative societal effects of advertising, but also ve economic impact of the advertising industry (osuagwu and eniola, 1998; li et al.

To fix this, set the correct time and date on your have installed an application that monitors or blocks cookies from being set. Finally the definition emphasizes that advertising‟s purpose is to influence action, either in the future (terence, 2007).

Advertisement, as found out in this study, has contributed a to increasing the sales of products and services in various organizations in nigeria and indeed use of advertisement has given organizations ways of increasing their profit bases and also ers to their brand. Planning is to establish and clarify advertising goals which are derived from the firm‟s ication objectives.

Structure of ing to the advertising practitioners council of nigeria (2005) four groups make up the ry: advertisers, agencies, media and collateral services. If by mean ”the announcement through appropriate media that certain goods and services are not ble but are the best in meeting the needs our target market” then it is obvious that advertising must be.

Marketing ication in the oil boom era were largely and restrained as government ownership rises and monopoly continued to be the order of the day. In order to differentiate brands from their competitors, the role of advertising give added value and secure consumer commitment towards the brand.

Nevertheless, the broad-base marketing and advertising as we know it today commenced in 1970‟s with the orientation of multinationals towards brand marketing company such as nigeria breweries plc, lever brothers,Guinness, cadbury and nestle foods plc all commenced the recruitment of brand or rs and signed up the few established advertising agencies to handle their marketing. They d to influence that change their mind at the last consumer buying decision us and van doorn (2007) suggest that customers go through a five-stage decision-making process purchase.

It could be monitored by practitioners and government officials in order to make an effective vehicle for promoting goods and services as well as values that would assist the ic development of nigeria (ozoh, 1994). On the other hand,The problems deal with its ability to promote unfair competition, consumerism, lack of interest in s, and immoral attitudes, which could distort the economy or undermine traditional values al economy.

While ferrel (1991) saw advertising as a paid form of non-personal communication transmitted through mass media such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, ort vehicles, bill boards, and outdoor displays. Equally, they argue that the attitudes held by customers to a brand are in fact r to those held about a competitive brand by its customers (tony, 2006).

Firms must take these communication barriers into consideration when s to market products (lauren, 2009; agwu and murray 2014). 2012) suggest that customers‟ value and respect personal sources more than commercial sources (nce of “word of mouth”).

Cultural differences can be understood by comparing systems of different cultures because each culture has its own unique set of priorities, rules ples” (kalliny and gentry 2007). These objectives are usually based on past decisions about the target market, positioning, ing mix, which defines the job that advertising must do in the total marketing program (kenneth , 2010).