Impulse buying psychology essay

Impulse purchasing = a "hedonically complex" experience rook and hoch's (1985) article has focused attention on the cognitive and emotional responses which consumers may experience during an impulse purchase. For example, consider an unplanned purchase where the consumer decides on buying a particular product after examining and comparing brands, contents and price, the purchase would be hard pressed to qualify as an impulse purchase.

One cannot compare impulse purchasing defined by kollat and willett (1967) simply as unplanned purchasing with the "relatively extraordinary and exciting" phenomenon that rook (1987, p. While only 3% (see table 2) of the students surveyed specifically mentioned "on-the-spot," another 18% of the sample defined the decision to make an impulse purchase using terms such as "on the spur of the moment," "spontaneously," "on a whim," "suddenly," and "spontaneously.

Impulse buyers were found to be more likely to buy on impulse in both negative moods and positive moods than non-impulse buyers. But that may cause a problem to justify the validity and reliability of the (2000), d'antoni and shenson (1973) put more emphasis on internal dynamics of consumers, rather than on the products physical characteristics or location er by product for fun, to ease a depress mood or to express an identity and all such non rational purchases comes under impulse buying (baetty and ferewell, 1998; dittmar, beattie and friese, 1995, 1996; dittmar and drury, 2000).

People involve in impulse buying's are opposite to that as they are not planned, irrational, careless and spontaneous. Autistic (self-generated, self-centered subjective metal activity) thinking provokes impulse buying more for the pleasure principle (piron 1991).

Social psychological perspective suggests that compulsive buying may be seen as an exaggerated form of a more normal search for validation through purchasing. For highly stress-reactive people, it is speculated that the short-term gratification accompanying impulse buying would enhance their positive self-feelings and mood states.

Therefore impulsive buying started evolving into this definition:A decision in which the "bits of information" processed and thus the time taken relative to the normal decisional time lapse are significantly less with respect to the same or quite similar products or services (d'antoni & shenson, 1973, p. Further, when, without regard for the consumer's reactions, impulse purchasing is simply defined as an unplanned purchase prompted by an exposure to a stimulus, the understanding of the phenomenon is seriously limited by its exclusion of the purchasing decision maker.

And oconnor (1995) has given other variables of impulse buying such as materialism, possession, reward, instant gratification, post-purchase dissonance and es also have impact on impulsive buying behavior. 2001) suggested a model in which intentions towards negative outcomes are decreased; responses towards stimuli are rapidly unplanned due to un-complete process of information and ignoring the long-term ive buying is mostly known as such purchase behavior that is un-planned (applebaum 1951; kollat & willet 1967; stern 1962).

It is disagreed upon the linkage of impulses responses with affect in the context of desire (strack, 2006). In response to this interest, considerable efforts have been invested toward defining impulse purchasing, and have resulted in a proliferation of definitions.

While the definition proposed in this paper integrates previously outlined dimensions into one definition, it also considers the responses given by 253 undergraduate students from two major universities (see table 2) who were asked "to define impulse purchasing in [their] own words. Beginning with the simple equation where unplanned purchasing equals impulse purchasing, components such as "response to a stimulus," "thrill seeking," to name but a few, were incorporated in the definitions, eventually portraying a more "hedonically complex" phenomenon.

Melanie wakefield, daniella germain & lisa henriksen (2007) research concludes the strong effect of impulse purchase for retail cigarette display on point of purchase (pop). Measure the time lapse between the normal purchase decision period and impulse purchase decision period is not easy.

Lack of control is one sign of personality trait that triggers impulse buying and it is a potential contributor to impulse buying -reaction. The concept that an impulse purchase is unplanned is central to all definitions of impulse purchasing.

One which may have particular value for studying impulse buying is the multidimensional personality questionnaire (mpq) developed by tellegen (1982). It is one of the maim dimension of impulse buying that a customer buys a product after entering the store without any previous need or buying attention.

Unfortunately, existing definitions come short of fully capturing the phenomenon, and in turn yield measurements that do not accurately reflect the pervasiveness of impulse purchasing. So, the results may not clearly depict the impulsive behavior of whole you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have the essay published on the uk essays website then please click on the link below to request removal:Request the removal of this logy essay writing psychology logy dissertation sted in ordering?

He then describes the phenomenon as "extraordinary," "a fast experience," "more emotional than rational," and concludes that "this interpretation is close in spirit to the 'pure impulse' behavior that stern (1962) identified" (p. Several researches have concluded that impulse buying may be due to internal states or environmental cues.

Hirchman (1985) explored self generated thoughts (autistic) as dry dreams, fantasies that give rise to emotions and sensitivity without considering the logic or rational behind that is a response to an unfeasible and hoch (1985) put light on internal psychological states while studying impulse buying. In summary, a distinct shift can be observed with respect to the elements comprising the definitions of impulse purchasing formulated over the past forty years (see table 1).