General ethical issues
We'll look at the implications of mandated reporter status later in this are the ethical issues that need to be considered, and how do they play out in community interventions? Considering ethical principles in all aspects of a community intervention will lead you to finding the most effective and community-centered methods, and will bring dividends in participation, community support and funding ng in the community.

An informed consent form is usually the vehicle by which participants give their permission to be involved in these the case of any major medical treatment (surgery, for example), doctors and hospitals generally require an informed consent form as a matter of course. If you can agree on standards for primary ethical issues -- confidentiality, consent, disclosure, competence, conflict of interest, grossly unethical behavior, and the overall ethical stance and actions of the program -- and create policies which will help you uphold those standards, you're on your way to community respect and outstanding service an psychological association.

In most situations, ethical and legal behavior go hand in is subject to a code of ethics in community interventions? Often, in those cases, participation implies an agreement to the sharing of records and information, and may even be a matter of public all circumstances, ethical treatment of participants demands that they be informed about the program's confidentiality policies.
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It looks at the origins and meaning of ethical ive ethics is concerned with the content of moral judgements and the criteria for what is right or d ethics looks at controversial topics like war, animal rights and capital needs to provide answers. They believe that relativism respects the diversity of human societies and responds to the different circumstances surrounding human people disagree with moral relativism:Many of us feel that moral rules have more to them than the general agreement of a group of people - that morality is more than a super-charged form of of us think we can be good without conforming to all the rules of relativism has a problem with arguing against the majority view: if most people in a society agree with particular rules, that's the end of the matter.

Teaches that some acts are right or wrong in themselves, whatever the consequences, and people should act ethics looks at virtue or moral character, rather than at ethical duties and rules, or the consequences of actions - indeed some philosophers of this school deny that there can be such things as universal ethical ethics is particularly concerned with the way individuals live their lives, and less concerned in assessing particular develops the idea of good actions by looking at the way virtuous people express their inner goodness in the things that they put it very simply, virtue ethics teaches that an action is right if and only if it is an action that a virtuous person would do in the same circumstances, and that a virtuous person is someone who has a particularly good ion ethics rejects prescriptive rules and argues that individual ethical decisions should be made according to the unique than following rules the decision maker should follow a desire to seek the best for the people involved. Codes of ethics generally cover everything from the use of accepted methods to professional development to billing practices.
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In any of these instances, ethical practice demands that people be fully informed -- and can ask and have answered any questions -- about what they are about to take part in. If the program staff member is a mandated reporter for child abuse and neglect, if the participant presents a threat to himself or others, or if the staff member is subpoenaed in a legal case, both the law and ethical codes generally require that the staff person put her responsibilities to the law or to the safety of others above her promise of program staff may consider their relationship with participants to be ethically more important than legal considerations.

Not all of the areas discussed below are covered by a specific legal or ethical code for every profession or community service, but are nonetheless related to ethical behavior for just about any program or organization. Some of the more familiar types of grossly unethical behavior include:Having sexual relationships -- even consensual sexual relationships -- with people with whom you have a professional relationship in which you hold the power.

An organization that has a reputation for ethical action is far more likely to be respected by both participants and the community as a whole than one that has been known to be unethical in the past. If service appears to be ineffective or harmful, it is the ethical responsibility of the program to seek out or develop and try more effective methods.

It usually makes both ethical and practical sense to involve the target population and/or the community at large in planning a community program. Most ethical decisions are far from cut and issue of respect can also be confusing.

A discussion of the concept of self in law, and how that affects issues of ethics and , s. There are no moral rules or rights - each case is unique and deserves a unique philosophers teach that ethics is the codification of political ideology, and that the function of ethics is to state, enforce and preserve particular political usually go on to say that ethics is used by the dominant political elite as a tool to control everyone cynical writers suggest that power elites enforce an ethical code on other people that helps them control those people, but do not apply this code to their own there universal moral rules?

In some cases, grossly unethical behavior may stem from taking advantage of a conflict of interest situation. Legally, you may have every right to put any facility you want to there, but what is your ethical obligation (assuming you can't persuade the neighbors to change their minds)?

Because these are such emotional issues we often let our hearts do the arguing while our brains just go with the there's another way of tackling these issues, and that's where philosophers can come in - they offer us ethical rules and principles that enable us to take a cooler view of moral ethics provides us with a moral map, a framework that we can use to find our way through difficult can pinpoint a the framework of ethics, two people who are arguing a moral issue can often find that what they disagree about is just one particular part of the issue, and that they broadly agree on everything can take a lot of heat out of the argument, and sometimes even hint at a way for them to resolve their sometimes ethics doesn't provide people with the sort of help that they really doesn't give right doesn't always show the right answer to moral more and more people think that for many ethical issues there isn't a single right answer - just a set of principles that can be applied to particular cases to give those involved some clear philosophers go further and say that all ethics can do is eliminate confusion and clarify the issues. It's important to distinguish between doing what you can and getting in over your head to the point where what you're doing becomes truly unethical and ly strive to improve or correct, to the extent possible, the situations of participants in your program and the community.
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Of interest are virtually always unethical, to the point where the mere appearance of a conflict needs to be avoided. What if you don't really understand the whole situation, and your involvement may do as much harm as good -- do you still have an ethical obligation to support or become active on the right side?

Programs' legal responsibilities in this area may vary, but as a general rule, confidentiality is the best policy. For the intuitionist:Moral truths are not discovered by rational truths are not discovered by having a truths are not discovered by having a 's more a sort of moral 'aha' moment - a realisation of the is the ethical theory that most non-religious people think they use every day.

Topic of welfare: general issues of responsibility are is helping someone really helping them, and when is it enabling their own self-defeating behavioral patterns. Most common forms of consequentialism are the various versions of utilitarianism, which favour actions that produce the greatest amount of e its obvious common-sense appeal, consequentialism turns out to be a complicated theory, and doesn't provide a complete solution to all ethical problems with consequentialism are:It can lead to the conclusion that some quite dreadful acts are ting and evaluating the consequences of actions is often very -consequentialism or deontological -consequentialism is concerned with the actions themselves and not with the consequences.
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