Literature review on sustainable development

And the situation has not improved so far, it remains a popular and brilliant slogan (slimane, 2012). Now the sustainable extreme, opposing the financial end, aims at the long term, the development of internal abilities, the concern with the social management of employees and the concern with the ecological impact given the activities of the organization. Because the values, politics and our understanding of the earth and its systems will evolve, and the notions of what is sustainable will never be static (prugh; assadourian, 2003).

Literature review on agriculture and sustainable development

There is an inconsistent interpretation and application, high degree of ambiguity of the concept, including an incomplete understanding of the problems of poverty, environmental degradation and the role of economic growth (lélé, 1991; mori; christodoulou, 2012; slimane, 2012). Conclude that the field of sustainability is emerging, characterized by a wide variety of subjects from different areas and with different frameworks. Has been defined from a long historical process, as well as the awareness of environmental problems, economic crises and social inequalities.

To ayres (2008), sustainability is a normative concept about how humans should act in relation to nature, and how they are responsible for each other and future generations. Until the early 1990s, sd was a part of development studies, environmental, urban and regional planning, human impact on the use of land resources (renewable and finite), environmental changes (tolba, 1984; tisdell, 1988; stedman; hill, 1992; redclift, 1992; solow, 1993; ayres, 1996). However, there is a consensus on sustainability challenges: integrating economics, environment, society and institutional issues, considering the consequences of the actions of this in the future, awareness and involvement of ds: triple bottom line; literature review; sustainability; sustainable una variedad de investigaciones sobre el tema sustentabilidad.

Without unique definition, there are series of research and studies that consider the terms sustainability and sustainable development as synonymous and there are others which don't. However, with a high and increasing number of papers published on the subject, many are the challenges for future works: the need for applied research that bring practical results; finding a balance at the triple bottom line; indices and/or indicators to assess long-term sustainability; goal alignment with the identified the purposes of this study, one should take into account the established delimitations: articles restricted to the capes portal database; the keywords used in the search of publications; and the fact that only works of the type article were considered. Thus, the first step is to recognize them and develop ways to try to solve them (huesemann, 2004).

An important step in reducing this confusion is the acceptance of distinctions in terminology, data and methods (parris; kates, 2003), which in turn, the real situation may be evaluated by considering the particular characteristics of each this context, sustainability occurs on several levels: global, regional and local. Ignacy sachs (2002), for example, used eight types of sustainability (social, economic, ecological, spatial, territorial, cultural, national and international policy) to display the dimensions of what is called the business, it became more convenient to think of sustainability as a "triple bottom line". This is due to the fact that sustainability is used to describe the processes and activities (for example, sustainable finance, sustainable business, among others).

Environmental sustainability is defined as the dematerialization of economic activity, since a decrease in material processing can reduce the pressure on natural systems and expand the provision of environmental services to the economy. It is so broad and generally applicable that its vagueness makes it dead and open to conflicting interpretations (dovers; handmer, 1992). In turn, almost all published definitions of the concept of sd are based on principles of sustainability, for example, long-term perspective, fundamental importance of local conditions, understanding the nonlinear evolution of environmental and human systems (moldan et al.

With this purpose, it is important to mention that the items listed in the figure mentioned allow for an initial reference on the topic of sustainability, but do not exhaust the countless possibilities that nable development and d in the 1980s, the term sd emerged from the relationship between preserving the planet and meeting human needs (iucn, 1980). But improving the environmental performance of a company can lead to economic improvement, and not necessarily an increase in cost (ambec; lanoie, 2008). This context, this study aims to examine the literature on the topic of sustainability in order to characterize it and set the stage it is in, as well as analyze gaps and challenges in order to bring contributions for future article, besides this introduction consists of the sections: ii) methodological procedures; iii) literature review; iv) results; and v) ological on the goals of the work, we carried out the definition of the criteria for selecting journals, the collection of articles, the sorting of articles, content analysis and presentation of the literature review, we proceeded to search for keywords, them and their variations being: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, social sustainability, indicators, definitions, green, performance mesurement, indices, organization, business, firm, industry,sustainable development, environment management systems, iso 14031, measures, cleaner production and sustainable selected databases available on the capes journal portal to compose the database, selecting those with the potential to collaborate with the research topic in question, these being: engineering village, elsevier, isi science direct, scopus and software used to import the publications selected in the databases searched was endnote x6®.

According to the authors, companies would shift between two extremes: one financial and one sustainable. The issues discussed are diverse, as discussions on the environmental, economic and social dimensions, growth and limits, living standards, use of resources, indicators and indices, tools, models of sustainability; there are many concepts and debates about sustainability, but its applicability is rare. That is, sustainability involves an interaction with dynamic systems that are constantly changing and require proactive this research, few works that meet pro-activity were found, amongst them: analysis of the dynamic behavior in complex and ecological systems (cabezas; fath, 2002); use of forecasting in sustainability (linton; yeomans, 2002); development of strategies for sustainability (marshall; brown, 2003; moore; manring, 2009); green engineering projects (anastas, 2003); environmental requirements (são-josé et al.

As suggestions for future studies, we highlight the possibility of deepening the analysis, including the use of clusters to analyze work in authors thank the national council for scientific and technological development (cnpq) for financial support, as well as the anonymous reviewers for their comments and ted on: 03/09/ed on: 24/09/ the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a creative commons attribution scholar h5m5 (). The above context, there is a lack of consensus on the terms sd and sustainability. As suggestions for future studies, we highlight the possibility of deepening the analysis, including the use of clusters to analyze work in authors thank the national council for scientific and technological development (cnpq) for financial support, as well as the anonymous reviewers for their comments and ted on: 03/09/ed on: 24/09/ the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a creative commons attribution license.

But not all who research these concepts see them as dovers and handmer (1992) sustainability is the ability of a human system, natural or mixed, to resist or adapt to endogenous or exogenous change indefinitely, and, in addition, sd is a way of intentional change and improvement that keeps or increases this attribute of the system meeting the needs of the population. The financial extreme encourages a short-term horizon, standardizing growth models, which seeks the control and submission to formal procedures. Other researchers, sd is seen as: the maintenance of essential ecological processes, preservation of genetic diversity and sustainable use of species and ecosystems (tisdell, 1988); equal opportunities for future generations (chichilnisky, 1996), a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, orientation of technological and institutional change are made according to the future, considering present needs (hove, 2009).