Explanatory sequential design
After reviewing possible books and articles on explanatory sequential designed, i came to the following process in order to make holistic process of it more realistic. The literature above also claims that out of six mixed method design, explanatory sequential design is popular among educationists.

If this design is the best for educational research, why are educational researchers reluctant to use it widely in their research process? Figurefigures view larger figure in new view previous intent of the transformative mixed methods design, as creswell and plano clark (2011) state; is to use one of the four designs (convergent, explanatory, exploratory or embedded), but to encase the design within a transformative framework.
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Addresses issues of priority, implementation, and mixing in the design and offers practical ment: ivankova etal_2006_mixed methods sequential s: research designqualitative and mixed methodsanalysis. For example, if you believe that qual research will play the dominant role in your study, then you should select a design that emphasizes it.

Of six mixed method designs explained above, the explanatory sequential design is highly popular among researchers. Ltd all rights video is queuequeuewatch next video is methods explanatory sequential ed wisdom resource cribe from embraced wisdom resource group?

D bloggers like this:Explanatory sequential mixed method design as the third research community of knowledge ation a-z e and open access and academic an journal of educational . If all of the research questions can be answered by either quan data or qual data then a mono method design is more appropriate.
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Process for selecting an appropriate mixed methods designas we discussed earlier, there are six mixed method designs and they require certain strategies in order to claim new knowledge. According to them the following steps take the researcher from the determination of the appropriateness of a mixed method design to the selection / development of the best mixed method research design for a study.

This article highlights on the growing interest of educational researchers on sequential mixed method design in order to collect and analyze data for legitimize knowledge claim. In to add this to watch grant foundation mixed methods ting research to improve the lives of young mixed-methods sequential explanatory design: from theory to va, nataliya v.
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Understand and explain the major types of mixed methods research designs; their strengths and weaknesses. Typology of mixed method design causes difficulties to the novice researchers to choose the best one which addresses their research problems.
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In some cases, you may have to develop a new mixed method design, using flexibility and creativity, because no one best design exists for your research project, either when it starts or as it evolves. Tashakkori & teddlie [13] defined mixed method as ‘a types of research design in which qual and quan approaches are used in types of questions, research methods, data collection and analysis procedures and inferences’(p.
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Sequential terized by: collection and analysis of quantitative data followed by a collection and analysis of qualitative e: to use qualitative results to assist in explaining and interpreting the findings of a quantitative study. Collection and analysis in various mixed method we go through creswell [3], we come to know six types of mixed method design.

In this backdrop, creswell et al [2] say that despite its popularity and straightforwardness, this mixed-methods design is not easy to implement. Select the best available mixed method research design for your study, but you realize that you may have to eventually generate your own.

In this connection, this article aims at explaining the holistic ideas of mixed method design focusing particularly on philosophical premises, generating research questions, data collection and analysis process, potential ethical issues, quality of inference and teaching mixed methodology. In this design, according to plano clark (2011) consists of first collecting quantitative data and then collecting qualitative data to help explain or elaborate on the quantitative results.

Here they mean to say that any research must determine which research design is most in accordance with the desired qualities on the selected criteria. In this process, novice researchers who are in dilemma to adopt mixed method design because of the fear of divergent findings get better insight from this article.
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Philosophical premises of mixed method designklenke [22] points out that each paradigm makes assumption about the nature of reality or ontology, how knowledge is constructed or epistemology, and assumes that the values(axiology) a researcher brings to selection of method, participants, data collection, analysis and interpretation influence the research process. Be easy to describe and to be useful when unexpected results arise from a prior help generalize, to a degree, qualitative l in designing and validating an position research in a transformative are some weaknesses?
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Then the question is: how can the process of explanatory sequential design be more pragmatic to the novice researchers? Multiphase mixed methods designs occur when researchers or a team of researchers examine a problem or topic through a series of phases or separate studies (creswell and plano clark (2011).