European political science
2016 - european political science to main content log in / register log in / > political science > general & introductory political science > european journal of political research journal tools get new content alerts get rss feed save to my profile get sample copy recommend to your librarian journal menujournal homefind issuescurrent issueall issuesvirtual issues find articles early viewmost accessedmost cited get access subscribe / renew for contributors for refereesopen accessauthor guidelinessubmit an article about this journal society informationovervieweditorial boardpermissionsadvertisecontact special features key articlesqualitative research: virtual special issue40th anniversary virtual issueeu public policy virtual issuepopulism"brexit" referendum virtual issuejobs european journal of political research© european consortium for political researchedited by: emiliano grossman and cas muddeimpact factor: 2. For papers – european and american democracy and its discontents: the origins, nature and impact of anti-establishment politicssee more news.

Journal citation reports © ranking: 2016: 13/165 (political science)online issn: 1475-6765associated title(s): european journal of political research political data yearbook recently published issuessee allcurrent issue:november 2017volume 56, issue 4august 2017volume 56, issue 3may 2017volume 56, issue 2february 2017volume 56, issue 1november 2016volume 55, issue 4political data yearbook the political data yearbook provides commentary by recognized scholarly experts on election results, national referenda, changes in government, and institutional reforms in all eu member states, (plus australia, canada, iceland, israel, japan, new zealand, norway, switzerland, and the united states) as well as on the principal issues in national politics during the year. Administrator's email you can enter one or more administrator email enter a valid email to the audio end to hed on behalf of european consortium for political if you have access via personal or institutional end to sor carlos ute for public goods and policies (ipp), spanish national research council (csic), sor matt ry university, european political science review (epsr) publishes high quality scholarly research in political science, focusing on the most important debates in the discipline and demonstrating the highest possible standards in conceptualisation, theorisation and methodology.

Submissions should emphasise why they are of interest to a broad readership across sub-disciplines and should engage with central theoretical debates in political science. Submissions dealing with global issues and non-european topics are very much do good governments actually do?

Recently published articleswhen politics prevails: parties, elections and loyalty in the european parliamentchristel koop, christine reh and edoardo bressanelliversion of record online: 3 nov 2017 | doi: 10. The journal's interpretation of 'political science' is wide, and encompasses comparative politics, political economy, international relations, public administration, political theory, european studies and related disciplines.

Political science (eps) is an international journal devoted to publishing contributions by and for the political science community. Type: hybridindexing:ex libris / primo central, scopus, worldwide political science abstracts, ibss international bibliography of the social sciences & european sources onlinevisit the journal website submit manuscriptlicense: cc bystandard article:$2,600£1,600the cc by license is preferred by many research funding bodies.
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An analysis using european procurement an political science review, first unites the voter bases of populist parties? Its interpretation of 'political science' is wide and encompasses comparative politics, political economy, international relations, public administration, political theory, european studies and related disciplines.

Epsr also welcomes conceptual and theoretical papers as well as contributions from the field of normative political theory. Political science review, volume 2, issue ideas and discourse seriously: explaining change through discursive institutionalism as the fourth ‘new institutionalism’.
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Eps has published reviews by leading european and international political scientists and theorists such as jean blondel, rachel a epstein, michelle everson, michael freeden, michael keating, peter lassman, peter mair, glyn morgan, gianfranco pasquino, and philippe c. 41304associated with:a journal of the european consortium for political research (ecpr)devoted to publishing contributions by and for the political science communityeuropean political science (eps) is an international journal publishing contributions by and for the political science community, with a wide interpretation of 'political science' encompassing comparative politics, political economy, international relations, public administration, political theory, european studies and related disciplines.

In addition, interactive visualizations of the data are now freely available at the political data yearbook: interactive. Conference l conference ch sessions l conference ur career with specialist training, events and networks just for studentsmethods school - ssmt 2017 methods school - wsmt kwith over 18,000 political scientists from across the world standing groups research e latest research in your field, at special members-only pricesbooks ebooks coming soon publish with a member of the ecpr executive committeefind out more nominate pyour work through intense collaboration with peers in your field joint sessions d get access to funding, discounts and other membership benefitsmembership tyour research at europe’s largest annual political science conferencegeneral conference oslo 2017 general conference hamburg hyour work in prestigious journals, book series and the ecpr pressecpr press comparative politics ejpr epsr ecpr is a membership association for academic institutions concerned with the teaching and research of political science and international relations.

Articles address research matters (including debates in the discipline, research projects, political science information sources, funding opportunities); professional matters (such as career structures and prospects, external evaluation, higher education reforms, accreditation issues); doctoral training provision and teaching matters; and relations between academics and politicians, policy-makers, journalists and ordinary citizens. Eps also includes more substantive pieces that provide a political science perspective on important current events.

It is also covered in worldwide political science abstracts, european sources online and the international bibliography of the social ing to the journal citation reports, the journal has a 2014 impact factor of 0. 2016 - european political science 2018 - viennapaper proposals are now european political science association welcomes anyone interested in the study of politics and political science to become a d in 2010, epsa’s aims are the following:To represent and promote political science in foster development in postgraduate training of political scientists in promote undergraduate teaching of political scientists in facilitate networking by political scientists host an annual general conference of political publish a general journal of political science on par with journals in the united conference 2018vienna, 21-23 june 2018the eight annual general conference will take place at the schloss schönbrunn in vienna, from 21-23 june 2018.
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Al website, includes free access to the full text of ecpr an political science (eps) homepage at the ecpr, includes free access to the full text of vols 1-3, rinck publishing heuer & witsch (85%). Political science review, volume 2, issue 2018 - viennapaper proposals are now european political science association welcomes anyone interested in the study of politics and political science to become a d in 2010, epsa’s aims are the following:To represent and promote political science in foster development in postgraduate training of political scientists in promote undergraduate teaching of political scientists in facilitate networking by political scientists host an annual general conference of political publish a general journal of political science on par with journals in the united conference 2018vienna, 21-23 june 2018the eight annual general conference will take place at the schloss schönbrunn in vienna, from 21-23 june 2018.

The professional journal of the european consortium for political research (ecpr), it has been published in collaboration with palgrave macmillan since 2005. For the hing editor, jessica tion coordinator, james ad product t editorial t the editorial for this the table of contents of every new issue published in european political send me information on new springer publications in political science and international relations, onal an political science 1.

Journal is abstracted in the international political science abstracts, a publication of the international political science association. Articles aimed at this section should be intellectually stimulating, conceptually rigorous, critical and above all sion - articles about the state of the discipline, and where it is heading, relations between academia and politicians, policy-makers, journalists and ordinary ng - articles, debates and symposia on new approaches to teaching and learning political - a collection of 3 to 4 articles (maximum 20,000 words) that exposes two countervailing perspectives on important current affairs or professional matters in order to generate awareness and reactions from the political science ium - a collection of 4 to 5 articles (maximum length 25,000 words) on a specific topic and under the coordination of one or two guest editors.

The ecpr is a charitable incorporated organisation (cio) number , harbour house, 6-8 hythe quay, colchester, co2 8jf, united kingdom an political scienceimpact factor:0. As a new initiative, we also publish original editors of european political science (eps), invite you to submit the following types of ch - articles on conceptual, methodological, and theoretical developments and trends in political science.
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