Cancer research online

After having a severe cough that wouldn’t go away, she was referred to a specialist who told us the devastating news that she had lung cancer. Online course draws on some of the core principles of our talk cancer training workshops, giving learners an introduction to having simple, effective conversations about cancer and health.

Make a donation, create an online tribute or leave a legacy in someone's  one of 50 cash prizes available every single week with the cancer research uk weekly lottery. Out more about volunteering in a cancer research uk charity would like your feedback, please fill in our page right now a single or monthly donation todayyour support is helping us beat cancer every where your donation the need is greatestview all the cancer types and areas of research you can donate from all optionswhere the need is greatestbowel cancerbrain tumoursbreast cancerchildren's cancersdeveloping better treatmentsdiagnosing cancer earlyleukaemialung cancerlymphomaoesophageal cancerovarian cancerpancreatic cancerpreventing cancerprostate cancerrare cancersskin cancertranslational researchunderstanding canceri want to donate to other ’t find what you are looking for?

Out about spotting cancer than 25,000 cancer patients joined one of our clinical trials last about our clinical are committed to funding cancer research of the highest international a granthow to ces for health the latest statistics, learning and development tools, and information on early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of our resources for health would like your feedback, please fill in our er hundreds of great gifts, cards, clothing, wedding favours and fundraising kits in our online now and save almost 600 shops and superstores across the uk, you’re bound to find some pre-loved bargains near your local a handpicked selection of quality clothes, try the cancer research uk ebay shop - look good, do sted in volunteering in our shops? With almost 6 million people from over 231 countries across the globe – a community that is continuously growing – it offers free and paid for online courses from world-leading uk and international universities, as well as organisations such as microsoft, the british council and cancer research uk.

Workshops and g about cancer: online ent and other post-diagnosis ng and ways we can support ratinggive it 1/5give it 2/5give it 3/5give it 4/5give it 5/tly rated: 3. Out about spotting cancer than 25,000 cancer patients joined one of our clinical trials last about our clinical are committed to funding cancer research of the highest international a granthow to ces for health the latest statistics, learning and development tools, and information on early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of our resources for health would like your feedback, please fill in our ge right now case study and donate is happening right nowwe’re working to beat it right us find cures and kinder treatments digest – gut bacteria, aspirin, bowel cancer in women and… ‘wonky willy’ cancer risk?

Year our charity shops across the uk raised a fantastic £80 million – this wouldn’t have been possible without our amazing two hours a week can make a huge difference, why not become a volunteer and help us beat cancer sooner? The course has surpassed my expectations not only for the valuable information related to cancer and awareness, also to the transferable ideas and tools provided…i feel much more confident in talking about cancer with others” – debbie, allied health is the talking about cancer online course?

Just two weeks later, and 20 weeks before her grandson was born, she died of lung cancer. Online course takes a more basic, universal approach to the essentials of talking about cancer, while our training workshops are more in-depth and tailored.

It works well as a general introduction; a taster for those who may want to attend our talk cancer workshops; or as a refresher for those who’ve attended a workshop d by the open university in 2012, futurelearn is a leading social learning platform, enabling online learning through conversation. I am now more at ease with talking about cancer or any other long term disease with others” – jo-ann, learner.

Futurelearn’s course portfolio covers a wealth of areas to promote lifelong learning for a range of applications including general interest, an introduction to university studies, continuing professional development and fully online postgraduate ess and preventionbe clear on cancer awareness roadshow and cancer awareness measures (cam). It may be of special interest to those who work or volunteer in health or in their community, or who have been affected by cancer more about the talk cancer programme and the other types of training does the course work?

This way you are helping them to reduce their risk of cancer and go to the doctor early with any concerns. It's a new and fun way to join the fight against i donate to cancer research r you're a trust, foundation or individual, make a significant donation and shape future cancer of the donation options above suit you?

400 covers the cost of running cancer chat for one  appreciate the continued generosity our supporters show us but we understand sometimes circumstances update or cancel your monthly donation please call us on  0300 123 a gift in your write an end to cancer for future generations by leaving a legacy a legacy gift in your ate the life of a loved one while supporting our vital work. Why not take a look at all the other ways in which you can donate to us:Donate by post or text up a regular donation from your goods to our g about cancer: online would like your feedback, please fill in our can join the course now or sign up for the next on 27th want to help as many people as possible to feel confident talking about cancer and health no matter where they are, so we’ve developed a free online course called talking about cancer: reducing risk, early detection and thousands of people worldwide and learn practical skills for having conversations that can help save lives.

A free user you will have access to the course for 5 weeks from the date you enrol, if it's already started, or, if you enrol before the course starts, then you will have 5 weeks’ access from the course start is the online course different from a face-to-face talk cancer workshop? Uk delivery on orders over £rd uk delivery £mas cardsshare the festive spirit and help beat cancer mas gift wrapadd the finishing touch to your gifts with beautiful bows and mas favoursmake a donation and add a meaningful touch to your christmas mas tablemake your christmas table extra special and impress your guests with these festive s and calendarsplan your day, week and year with cancer research uk diaries and the highland cow homeware wrapped up christmas cards, pack of uk delivery on orders over £rd uk delivery £mas cardsshare the festive spirit and help beat cancer mas gift wrapadd the finishing touch to your gifts with beautiful bows and mas favoursmake a donation and add a meaningful touch to your christmas mas tablemake your christmas table extra special and impress your guests with these festive s and calendarsplan your day, week and year with cancer research uk diaries and the highland cow homeware wrapped up christmas cards, pack of would like your feedback, please fill in our ge right now case study and donate is happening right nowwe’re working to beat it right us find cures and kinder treatments digest – gut bacteria, aspirin, bowel cancer in women and… ‘wonky willy’ cancer risk?

Finding out if radiotherapy will pack more of a punch to cancer cells means we can stop the disease coming back after other charitable organisation has funded more cancer clinical trials in the uk than us. As mum wasn’t a smoker, lung cancer was the last thing we’d suspected.

You could kit out one of our ground-breaking research labs with the essential chemicals they need - the bread and butter of day-to-day £15 could help to tackle early diagnosis and prevention. 30 can help improve treatments for patients with lung cancer by covering the cost of a trial for a day.

People giving £50 each could buy a research tool at the forefront of revolutionary science and life-saving discoveries. You’ll gain the confidence and “know-how” to separate cancer myths from facts, and encourage people to make healthy lifestyle changes, access local services or visit a doctor promptly with any g about cancer has been developed by our talk cancer trainers gwen kaplan and gill kilgour, drawing on their wealth of experience of talking to patients, families and healthcare course is suitable for anyone with an interest in talking about cancer and can help with conversations about health with family, friends, colleagues, and the general public.

It takes around 3 hours to complete, and is mobile-friendly, so you can take part on any g about cancer is hosted by futurelearn, the social learning platform.