Dissertation on leadership

There is an increasing need for scientific evidence to be unearthed regarding how servant leadership works and the organizational results with which it is associated. Finally, this study also answers calls for new ways of researching and thinking about leadership (e. This letter should also specify the date of acceptance of the dissertation by the graduate school and that the submission adequately represents the completed candidate must submit a copy of his/her curriculum vitae (cv).

Therefore, this study proposed the development of a scale specific to the organizational work team and provides a theoretical discussion of the background and need for the impact of senior pastor leadership behaviors on volunteer impact of senior pastor leadership behaviors on volunteer study examines the impact of organizational leadership on volunteer motivation in nonprofit organizations by exploring (a) the impact of the transactional and transformational leadership behaviors of senior pastors on volunteer motivation within church congregations and (b) the mediating effects of volunteer trust in and value congruence with the senior pastor on this relationship. Regression analysis of the 202 respondents indicated the transformational and transactional leadership styles failed to predict sales professional in-role sales performance. The study concluded that religious leadership as practiced in the foursquare church is best described by a combination of the five contemporary theories and weber's theory.

Specifically, the goal of the study is to determine the strength of the linear relationships between job satisfaction and transformational leadership, servant leadership, authentic leadership, and transactional leadership. Models depicting the hypothesized relationship that instructors who display transformational leadership behaviors will achieve increased learner autonomy and creativity compared to instructors who display transactional behaviors were created. The researcher determined that in the narrative of 2 samuel 11, king david exhibits dark side leadership; in attempts to hide the consequence of his indiscretion, he used extreme impression management tactics.

2017 site map | employment | legal we invest and tation on that time over 30 doctoral dissertations have. In addition, he found that collective efficacy fully mediated the relationship between transactional leadership behavior of school principals and teacher commitment to students' academic achievement and social well-being. The study uses the framework of patterson's (2003) servant leadership model, particularly service, vision, and humility which have been shown to be common descriptive elements of servant leaders (hale & fields, 2007; ihenacho, 2011), and hofstede's (2001) cultural dimensions of (a) individualism vs.

Many directions for future research exist: (a) the effect of culture on implicit theology, (b) the effect of implicit theologies on church health indicators, (c) the effect of implicit theologies on other dimensions of organizational behavior, (d) exploration of other implicit theologies, and (e) the correspondence of leader theology and implicit examination of leadership principles in matthew 23: jesus' authentic transformational leadership approach compared to the pharisees' pseudo-transformational leadership examination of leadership principles in matthew 23: jesus' authentic transformational leadership approach compared to the pharisees' pseudo-transformational leadership study examined two contemporary constructs for leadership—authentic transformational leadership and pseudo-transformational theories—from the christian scriptures as revealed in the gospel of matthew chapter 23. In this light, 1 timothy presents qualities for leadership in terms of virtue, skill, and maturity of faith. Further, when they described the presence of participative decision making, their effects of awb were lessened, also warranting further relationship among servant leadership, organizational climate, and employee relationship among servant leadership, organizational climate, and employee study expanded on the current theoretical understanding of servant leadership and offered some insights into the direct effect of servant leadership on both proximal (job frustration) and distal (career commitment) outcomes for individual employees.

Charles lamb dissertation on roast pig love essay paper written in apa format : november 9, 2017@noncough lol! Suggestions to explain the found relationships and calls for future research are influence of human agency on the professional path of women in executive leadership influence of human agency on the professional path of women in executive leadership study covers new ground in the discipline of leadership by exploring the phenomenon of leadership as demonstrated through the cultivation and actualization of human agency in the professional path of women in executive leadership positions. Overall, organizational leaders positively regarded the shared leadership modeled by their clergy couples and they expressed success when trying to integrate it into leadership of their lives and gy or culture?

Incorporating spirituality in leadership may lead to greater perception of trust, organizational support, commitment, and productivity. This exegetical process was performed in accordance with socio-rhetorical interpretation and was applied particularly to matthew 23 for a supporting assessment of transformational leadership behaviors as found in this segment of christian scriptures. After analyzing and testing the hypotheses, results showed there are statistical significant differences in leadership styles between american and indian immigrant entrepreneurial leaders.

Specifically, the nine themes identified the following aspects of authentic leadership: (a) use of traditions, regulations, and pre-existing laws, (b) recitation of traditions, regulations, and pre-existing laws, (c) reconfiguration of traditions, regulations, and pre-existing laws, (d) use of reference, allusion, and echo to build authenticity as a leader, (e) use of social knowledge and its use in establishing authenticity, (f) use of reformist discourse to emphasize different authentic leadership approaches, (g) the concept of ascribed honor and its importance to authentic leaders, (h) the concept of challenge-response and its use in authentic leadership, and (i) the concept of purity and its role in authentic leadership. Philosophical inquiry into the meaning of leading organizations in chaotic times through an application of paul ricoeur's interpretation theory to john's davidic model of leadership succession: an exegetical study of 1 chronicles concept of apostleship in the undisputed epistles of paul as it relates to paul's self-concept and leadership effects of leader task-oriented behavior on employee ion training in a for-profit organization: the nondeceptive creation of the pygmalion impact of mentoring and social networks on the entrepreneurial leadership characteristics, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and overall business success of women who own small government contracting ping a four-vector model of empowerment by e leadership attributes: implications for secular leadership effects of self-efficacy and spirituality on the job satisfaction and motivation to lead among redeploying soldiers as moderated by transformational conflict within pastoral ing the intentions of founders and long-term executives: a qualitative look at succession planning in human service ual leadership: a study of the relationship between spiritual leadership theory and transformational culture kids and host country nationals: the impact of sociocultural values, multiculturalism, and self-efficacy on the motivation to lead in a globalized s a contemporary understanding of the leadership qualities of ignatius of loyola evident in his writings: a content analysis of the primary source letters. Face validity draws upon the relationship of the nblsa items to leadership theory, convergence measured against the taking charge instrument developed by morrison and phelps (1999), and discriminant validity compared against both the interpersonal deviance scale and the organizational deviance scale of the deviant behaviors instrument developed by aquino, lewis, and bradford (1999).

The study yielded five themes of leadership from which 10 principles of leadership were discovered as found in paul's letter to titus. Originally, chan and drasgow's empirical test of mtl theory found that personality dimensions, previous leadership experience, and leadership self-efficacy predicted each type of mtl. A discussion of the research findings and implications for contemporary organizational leadership is included in addition to potential study limitations and possible future research related to this ionally inherited leadership among the ewes in togo, west africa—reasons and beliefs: building an integrative ionally inherited leadership among the ewes in togo, west africa—reasons and beliefs: building an integrative ship in africa is still characterized by authoritarian durability—a perpetual presidential incumbency syndrome.

Below given is an explicit tutorial with effective instructions as to selecting a strong subject matter for a phd dissertation on leadership. Carter’s dissertation leveraged a social network approach to identify key drivers of emergent leadership relationships connecting members of complex interdependent systems comprised of multiple component teams. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are presented, and suggestions for future research are ds: transformational school leadership, organizational trust, collective efficacy, teacher commitment to ain, kelly self-development: a study of community college self-development: a study of community college tunstall ch advancing the understanding of self-development activities that lead to leadership skills associated with higher education students has been scant.