Call proposal 2016
Publication of the four sets of proposals corresponding to the above four categories will be reviewed separately using specific criteria and specific pools of referees (euromarine volunteers). 49-(0) national matters the national/regional contact points (see full call text) should be : susan_call-announcement_.
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Of euromarine 2016 call for proposal rine 2016 call for category: ng body: euromarine, euromarine steering t: euromarine : secretariat [at] ouncement: march 4, g: april 1, g: may 31, e: october 14, 2016 euromarine launches a single call for four categories of order to maximize the number of member organizations (mos) that will receive funds under the 2016 call, euromarine limits its financial contribution to successful activities to the below-specified maximum levels. For al application al contact tructure onic submission full text of the call is attached at the end of this article.

Specifically, third parties will be funded in this transnational call, if they also secured financial support (co-fund) from concert beneficiaries or linked third parties. Rare 2012 - created by toussaint bio-based industries (bbi) joint undertaking (ju) is responsible for the implementation of open call for proposals for research and innovation actions and innovation actions, as well as coordination and support actions, in line with the horizon 2020 rules for ju calls are open to private for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, including large enterprises as well as smes, research and technology organisations, universities, associations, or any legal entity interested in bbi activities.

Rare-3 call for proposals 2016 (jtc 2016) : clinical research for new therapeutic uses of already existing molecules (repurposing) in rare nt: statistics jtc 2016 (format pdf / 683 kb). To 40 full mos in 14 countries (out of 58 full mos in 17 countries at consortium level; out of which 46 in 15 countries were involved in at least one proposal at m, c or k level).
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Please refer to the provisional 2016 membership list and do not hesitate to contact secretariateuromarinenetwork [dot] eu for any contact information). The project proposals must cover one of the following areas that are equal in relevance for this call:Improvement of health risk assessment associated with low dose/dose rate ng uncertainties in human and ecosystem radiological risk assessment and management in nuclear emergencies and existing exposure situations, including als must clearly demonstrate the potential impact on radiation protection in europe as well as the added value of transnational onally, each proposal should consider, where appropriate, the following aspects:Education and y assurance, open access and transnational projects will be funded.

Mos involved (at m, c or k level) per proposal in average among the 28 proposals submitted; there are 5. Along with the six trends driving change agenda, the center also seeks proposals for research in areas related to the evolving management roadmap:Developing and managing leadership talent in sing innovation to improve outcomes and thening decision making ing government integration to achieve mission encourage you to review our research areas closely in selecting a topic on which to prepare your proposal.
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The aims of the call are:To support transnational research projects that combine innovative approaches in the field of radiation protection in line with the research priorities of concert;. Should preferably be carried out in 2017 and any exemption should be requested and justified in the call budget will range from 100 k€ to 120 k€ depending on final euromarine 2016 resources and the number of to submit a refer to the full text of the call and to the terms and conditions of funding for details on eligibility criteria and eligible refer to the other supporting document or links to check out euromarine priorities or to find potential co-organising euromarine submit a proposal, please fill in and return the application form (using either the word or the open office template) following instructions therein.

More information can be found rine 2016 call for category: ng body: euromarine, euromarine steering t: euromarine : secretariat [at] ouncement: march 4, g: april 1, g: may 31, e: october 14, 2016 euromarine launches a single call for four categories of order to maximize the number of member organizations (mos) that will receive funds under the 2016 call, euromarine limits its financial contribution to successful activities to the below-specified maximum levels. 16:00 ne for full proposal proposal er 2016/january ication of the evaluation outcomes and the funding recommendation to the research project al/regional grant ry - september sation of research grant agreement ry - september of research research project monitoring and l project -term training project era-net is being coordinated by the german federal office for agriculture and food (ble), unit 315 – european research affairs, deichmanns aue 29, 53179 bonn, nator: elke saggau, @, phone +49 (0) project manager: babette breuer, @, phone +49 (0) t manager: arnd bassler, r@, phone +49 (0) t administrator: annette zimmermann, mann@.

Recommendationsrecommend t us | follow us | e-newsletter | privacy tcallstransnational call ational call for proposals on “radiation protection research in europe” through the ejp european joint programme for the integration of radiation protection research (acronym: concert) aims to contribute to the sustainable integration of european and national research programmes in the field of radiation t is launching a first transnational call for proposals to support innovative research projects in radiation protection. We look forward to receiving proposals in response to this research announcement and to continuing our work with the world’s leading researchers.

For proposals bio-based industries (bbi) joint undertaking (ju) is responsible for the implementation of open call for proposals for research and innovation actions and innovation actions, as well as coordination and support actions, in line with the horizon 2020 rules for submission results for the bbi 2016 call are as follows:A total of 103 proposals were submitted in response to the 2016 number of proposals for each type of action is shown below:Ia – demo - 20 – flagship – 6 ranking of the 2016 call evaluation was adopted by the bbi governing board on 15 december information letters on the evaluation results were sent to the applicants on 16 december 2016 and 29 projects are invited to the grant agreement preparation bbi ju programme office signed the grant agreements by 8 may the applicants interested in receiving professional support or advice nationally, you are encouraged to contact the respective member of the network of national contact onal documentsguide for applicantsfrequently asked questions (updated 04/07/2016)bbi ju scientific innovation and research agenda (sira)horizon 2020 rules for participationbbi ju derogation to h2020 rules for participationbbi ju regulation of establishmenthorizon 2020 regulation of -net for research programmes on rare g & callsopen al rd research d rd initiativespublic g transnational collaborative research through joint transnational calls is one of the major objectives of e-rare. List of 15 activities funded in 2016 euromarine 2016 call - text of calleuromarine 2016 call - proposal formeuromarine 2016 membership listeuromarine 2016 general assembly representativeseuromarine scientific strategy (2015 summary document)euromarine (preparatory project) research strategy reporteuromarine 2016 terms and conditions of fundinglinks: outcome of euromarine 2015 calloutcome of euromarine 2014 er 15, 2016 -.
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Successful pre-proposals will be invited to submit a full proposal which in step two will be ranked by an international evaluation committee. Of a call on sustainable animal era-net sustainable animal production (susan) had its kick-off meeting in december and has launched the first call for transnational research proposals on january 4th, 2016.

The topic and eligibility criteria are specified every year and therefore may vary from one call to the other. Funding organisations agreed that future development of the european animal production sector will need to build on the sustainability triangle of economic competitiveness, social acceptability and environmental co-funded call for research is open to transnational research proposals which take a systems and interdisciplinary approach to research to address multiple objectives under the following three research areas:Area 1 (‘economy’): improve the productivity, resilience and competitiveness of european animal 2 (‘environment’): improve and manage resource use to reduce waste and enhance the environmental sustainability of european animal 3 (‘society’): improve on-farm practices to enhance consumer acceptability and address societal challenges associated with animal welfare, product quality and safety, biodiversity and provision of ecosystem tia should submit cross-cutting research proposals which address all three areas, and build on the sustainability triangle of economic competitiveness, social acceptability and environmental susan website provides a ‘partnering tool’ that can be used by researchers to find consortium ne for submission of pre-proposals is 29.
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This amount will be topped up with 4 m € for research by the european commission (eu-cofunded call). It is an exciting time to witness the continued transformation of government as it becomes more citizen focused, results oriented, performance driven, and collaborative in look forward to receiving proposals that continue our partnership with leading public management researchers.
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Be eligible, proposals should address euromarine priorities, as defined in the 2015 summary text on euromarine scientific als should involve at least three 2016 full (paying) member organisations of euromarine, from at least two different countries. 2016 as euromarine steering committee (in charge of the call procedures and the final moderation process) thanks the 28 proposers, as well as the 59 referees from euromarine organisations who made the call possible and contributed to a robust referring and selection rine members submitted 28 proposals requesting co- or full funding for:13 foresight workshops (fws).
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Of euromarine 2016 call for proposal orating across ing transparency & ing ng finances and thening orming the sforthcoming he business of for research proposals for research proposals for research proposals ibm center for the business of ts research to practice, merging real ence with practical , august 24th, 2015 - 11: ibm center for the business of government connects research to practice, merging real world experience with practical scholarship. Participants that do not belong to any of the above mentioned organisations are strongly advised to contact their respective national organisation participating in concert (concert beneficiary organisations or their linked third parties) before starting the preparation of their proposal, to explore funding call text, proposal template, the guidelines for applicants and the list of the national contact points are available on this ch project consortia who intend to submit a transnational proposal should register as soon as possible at https:///ptoutline/application/concert2016, by clicking on “to register” and following instructions.
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