Why we should not have homework
To me homework is a test because all you do is learn it at school then its like the teachers wont to know you get and don’t get right . So tell me, how in any way, is homework supposed to make my life better?!

Why we should have more homework
Homework can take away from this ootheghost01vang39aliviaccatostarskythecat51(maximum 900 words)submitnoooooooooo i hate it homework is boring and a waste of my timeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Students need to learn in a classroom setting, but they should also be able to spend some time exploring other things outside of the second reason that student should not be given homework is that they require time to rest and take their minds off school work.

And when homework is assigned, the help provided by parents often mitigated any of the positive effects of the work. I recently couldn't finish a final draft of a project i was assigned where i had to write a letter to the ambassador (they weren't really letters to the ambassador, we were just learning how to write a letter to someone in authority) talking about some problem going on in different places in africa and how we could help.
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Individual schools and teachers from maryland to michigan have done the same, either eliminating homework in the elementary years or making it optional. After all, they need to prepare for the apocalyse that will inevitably be caused by the end of all things homework, don’t they?

Reasons why homework is bad for your breaking news the start of the 2013-14 school year, the fentress county school district in tennessee announced that it would enforce a district-wide ban on graded homework strators explained their decision by pointing to the large majority of students who lacked at-home resources to help them with their homework. Maximum 900 words)submithomework is usless i think children should not have homwork because it is usless everytime i get homwork in my class i dont do it becasue it does not help, even without homwork i get awesome grades homwork only helps if you need a lot of help.

And instead of simply limiting homework to the teacher/student/parent sphere, allowing students the opportunity to show off exceptional homework to a larger audience can give them a further incentive to put in their best downing, an elementary school teacher in newton, massachusetts, has found great success in displaying excellent student homework on the walls inside and outside of her classroom. Yes it may interfere with family activities, sports, or chores, but the grade that children get is more worth nator1416(maximum 900 words)submitchildren should have homework because it tests to see if they were listening while the lesson is being taught.

Even though, i would personally don't like doing my homework, i still argue as a 'responsible and thinking' citizen of the world that this earth still needs homework. Truly helpful homework your child ready to start day activities to keep you to get rid of sleep tips to help your child cope with the transition to big lunch box is healthier?
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With all the activities in school, students, particularly those in the kindergarten, are already weary when they get home. For most of the year, what free time we did have was spent practicing our tumbling for the annual circus every spring.
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Teachers who do assign it need to have a very compelling reason for extending a student’s school day. Have you, your classmates and all the parents considered protesting this little bit of insanity?

He spend less hours worrying about homework outside of school, which left him feeling more positive to return to school the next day. Can a kid finish an essay at home, for example, when three class periods were already dedicated to it, and he is still not done?

Homework comes at a stage when it can academically benefit students, it can also be a student’s responsibility. Reinforcing, maybe, but the amounts of homework people are assigned to review what they already know are we should not have homework let me tell you why because some kids might have things to do after school like : football practice , take care of sister or stay home alone .
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Doing homework can take away your time from other hobbies, like art, sports, or music. I have 8 classes each day and each class is 45 minutes long and i'm a little slower than others, so i often don't finish my class work in time, so it becomes homework.
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So, fewer hours worrying about homework means less time is spent feeling , start a movement in your community to end homework in k-6 and promote selective homework in 7-12. That is not usually what happens though, teachers obviously don’t coordinate with each other, which may cause the homework to take a student hours to complete.

That could spell good news for students – if local teachers and principals do their own homework and read up on what the research says about making kids do school work after school is red financial up for our up to receive the top stories you need to know now on politics, health, money and ibe today and save up to 84% off the cover up for our up to receive the top stories you need to know now on politics, health, money and > opinions > education > should children have homework? We’re at it, let’s allow our students to be on their cell phones all day at school, too.

My parents don't believe in adhd medications and neither do i because we did our research and found out that they actually are really bad for you. Rather, any homework assigned should have a purpose and benefit, and it should be designed to cultivate learning and development.