Should there be less homework
Kids sometimes cry because they have so much r reason i think that kids should get less homework is because kids need to get outside and play,spend time with mom,dad, sisters,or brothers. Very poorly educated eighth the fact that you, as an 8th grader, still don’t know how to spell “homework” and “again?

Why should kids get less homework
Clearly, our schools are not expecting enough of their students, and all that homework is pointless. You are reading this page on the bbc news app, you will need to visit the mobile version of the bbc website to submit your this story about on this story is homework worth the hassle?
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The sheer volume of work is incredibly intimidating and often causes him to give up before he even you limit the quantity, you can expect more quality. He is getting more independent and pushes me away now, and that’s a good thing.
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Agree if you do the math students usually have about 5 out of 8 classes that have homework assignments every day. We all know that shorter school days equal less homework and less homework equals less stress for students.

When i was a junior and senior, school ended at 3:30, we had only one 50-minute study hall, and there’s no way any of us would have had time for ap classes. Well we kidz are already smart sooooooo yea we dont need more 00(maximum 900 words)submityassss you no work kids need less home work because they already have a lot of stuff to do in the evening and they have like band or sports or even have to see there parents or grandparents or their friends and they also have to do like i don't but in school they learn a lot of 00(maximum 900 words)submitnooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
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Critics of this type of parental involvement say it can be counterproductive because parents may assume too great a role and/or may not fully understand the lessons being april, denise pope, a researcher at stanford university, found that too much homework can negatively affect kids by increasing stress and sleep deprivation and generally leaving less time for family, friends, and activities. Before making any assumptions that the laid-back finnish approach must be the way forward, you could just as easily look to the educational hot houses of singapore or south korea.

And if we have more homework we don't have anytime to do stuff outside or hangout with your friends and family' class you do lots of non-stop work. Sixth grade belongs in elementary school just as much as 9th grade belongs in junior high, so that hs is grades you want to compare our scores and successes to other countries, keep in mind that we take all levels of academic abilities… other countries, not so much.

Make them prove it’s benefitting you in ways no other teaching methodology but good try there shut up kids should not have homework it wastes valuable family countries? M wondering why you never learned where to put a period and that each sentence begins with a capital letter.

And no final bell – let the students go home when they feel they’ve learned enough each about “dumbing-down” america (like we need any help with that effort). This is why they’ve created programs that help get the child through those humps with tutors, counselors and even extending school semesters, all with the purpose to encourage more homework.
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What a great idea – let’s have our students fall even farther behind the students in other countries who have already passed ours by in their academic achievements. Those who received their k-6 education prior to around 1966, received an education far superior to the education anyone has received since, and it was provided without a single homework assignment, like zero, nada, zilch.
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There are definitely families out there who want to relax together in the evening but simply cannot do so because the kids are entrenched with homework means less tracking and grading for you. Can i use where you said that “they would do bad things and get stressed”?

At this point it doesn’t matter how much work the kid has, the more of it the better. Point is well-taken, but, if a teacher doesn’t use homework to determine the progress of the students, too often it is likely to be busy work that serves no useful purpose.
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I know kids could get smarter but don't you think about there bed time studying for a test and going outside to enjoy there world. When kids have so much homework they get more anxiety any that could lead to health issues.

Let’s not forget how teachers have 1 hour a day, 5 days a week for about 200 days to teach us what we need to know… if you can’t do that, then why are you a teacher? I am a high school a-b honor roll kid and homework can still be going at 11:00.

Spending more time with family would produce the latter, which eases the child into taking life more seriously and learning more valuable life lessons with the family than through the pressure of producing ‘machines. All that work could easily put you under pressure which makes you do your homework all wrong and you don't notice until you get to school.