Related literature of teenage pregnancy
Language and literature studies - culture and applied ation of monitoring and control over municipalities in europe... Among policy makers and even the media, pregnancy is increasingly being mentioned as a reason for premature school leaving in the region.

Teenage pregnancy related literature
While government programs aim to delay the beginning of childbearing and hasten fertility decline, teenage pregnancies continue to increase. With all the uncertainties pointed out here, it is evident that the issue of teenage pregnancy as a reason for school dropout among school girls is an area worth investigating; singling out the influence that teenage pregnancy has on schoolgirl dropout and the extent to which it is felt.

Gov't, termsabortion, induced/psychologyadaptation, psychologicaladolescentattitudechild developmentcontraception behavioreducation, specialfemalehumansinfantinfant, newbornmaternal behavior*pregnancypregnancy in adolescence*researchlinkout - more resourcesfull text sourceswileyovid technologies, lpregnancy - genetic allianceteenage pregnancy - medlineplus health informationmiscellaneousnci cptac assay portalpubmed commons home. In addition, some studies have shown that few adolescents use contraceptives and are at risk of pregnancy (kiragu, 1991; mccauley and salter, 1995; kiragu & zabin, 1995).

Family, partner and peer support are considered and literature emanating from both the usa and uk is reviewed. In the philippines, pregnancy among girls under the age of 20 increased by 65 per cent over a 10-year period, from 2000-2010, despite a reverse trend in teen marriages, which is on the decline, according to the national statistics office (nso).

Teenage pregnancy can usually be attributed to abundance of sexual mythology that they have learned from their peers and lack of factual information that they have received from their parents. Early pregnancy may be seen as a normal occurrence, the outcome of adolescent fertility and an indication of one’s et.

7 significance of the study:As already seen above on the justification, the outcome of this very important study has provided a more precise understanding of how teenage pregnancy influences school dropout and how that affects the education of the girl child in this particular region, the causes of teenage pregnancy as well as the possible remedies that can be employed to control the most likely to benefit from the findings of this study are the ministry of education and the school management authorities, especially in the formulation and strengthening of policies that guard teenage pregnancies in schools and the possible re-admission of the affected girls back to school. It is suggested that, while the typical teenage girl is biologically ready for motherhood, a complex set of social and psychological variables leads those least well-suited for the role into becoming teenage parents.

This is one of the most common reasons why teenage girls end up being factor is not engaging in school activities. The statistics on school drop out of the teenage mothers in kenya reveal that the problem has been demanding urgent solution.

Commentshow to join pubmed commonshow to cite this comment:Ncbi > literature > of literature: teenage pregnancyuploaded by rencel finnos sabogrelated intereststeenage pregnancyreproductive healthadolescencepregnancybirth controlrating and stats0. Data from the who also show a high and increasing incidence of fetal death in filipino mothers under the end of the teenage pregnancy summit, the participants strongly endorsed a comprehensive sexual education curriculum; forging a “batang ina” social movement; and establishing adolescent-friendly spaces.

Research reports also indicate that the united states records the highest teen birth rates in the industrialized world, twice as high as that of the united kingdom which is the developed nation with the second highest rate of teen pregnancy (the national campaign to prevent teen pregnancy, 1997). Because girls who dropped out of school due to pregnancy usually never returned to school to complete their education after childbirth, their opportunities for socioeconomic advancement are limited.

Six dominant themes emerged: pregnancy desire, negative and positive perceptions of pregnancy, ambivalence and fatalism, other people’s views, and common characteristics of adolescent mothers. The research on partner support highlights how support from fathers and/or other male partners has been linked with improved financial and psychological outcomes for teenage mothers as well as having a positive influence on parenting behaviours.

Single parents have a really hard time keeping in control their adolescent children so they put too many restrictions of their teenage girls. Gained in hounding the continuing to browse this site you agree to us using cookies as described in about cookies remove maintenance message to old article view ctthis paper aims to provide a critical analysis of the role of support in teenage motherhood.

Recent (2014) data from the philippine statistical authority (psa) reveal that every hour, 24 babies are delivered by teenage mothers. The father of the child is, in most cases, a teenage s for becoming pregnant among teenagers include: unplanned sexual encounters (“getting caught up in the moment”) and peer pressure; lack of information on safe sex; breakdown of family life and lack of good female role models in the family; and absence of accessible, adolescent-friendly ers from poor backgrounds are disproportionately represented among pregnant teenagers.

Teenage pregnancy perpetuates the cycle of poverty and inequality because most pregnant teenagers have no source of income and face greater financial difficulties later in life. Among six major economies in the association of southeast asian nations, the philippines has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies and is the only country where the rate is increasing, per the united nations population ing to josefina natividad, yafs coordinator and director of the university of the philippines population institute, young filipinos have limited access to sex education and asrh services, especially if they are underage and unmarried.

On the other hand, teenage marriages registered with the agency shows a slow but steady decline from 14. Girls who withdraw from school due to pregnancy would have otherwise continued in school had they not become r 2: literature studies have investigated the degree to which pregnancy related school dropout is a major cause of gender differences in educational attainment (eloundou-enyegue and strokes 2004).

This is because they drop out of school and are less likely to pursue further education or skills e mothers face critical health risks, including: inadequate nutrition during pregnancy due to poor eating habits; dangers associated with the reproductive organs not ready for birth; and maternal death due to higher risk of eclampsia, among ngly, while maternal deaths are decreasing in the philippines, teenage maternal deaths are increasing. 9 assumptions of the study:- secondary school going girls are at great risk of dropping out of school due to pregnancy.