Teenage pregnancy in south africa

Has the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the en african countries appear in a united nations list of 20 countries with the highest teenage pregnancies africa's education ministry is now considering policies to introduce long-term contraception to school-going teenagers. Multiple modelling shows that both forced sexual initiation and unwillingness to confront an unfaithful partner are strongly associated with pregnancy and also related to each other.

Got pregnant the first time because they did not understand the risks involved in what they were doing or did not understand how pregnancy happens. The internationally known abattoir, the biggest abattoir in africa, is found in dipaleseng (balfour town), with a vast number of by-products including inorganic chemicals, fertilizers, manufactured in the more ».

This creates a new imperative to understand teenage pregnancy and the pattern of high risk sexual activity of which it is one consequence. The effects of an abusive primary partner on the condom use and sexual negotiation practices of african-american women.

Sotho word meaning together, mmoho targets and involves teenage girls and boys through clear and concise messaging around teenage pregnancy that will promote a rights-based approach to teenage pregnancy and provision of contraceptives. Happyparentsworshipday urges indians to celebrate love for parents on valentine's day not romantic more about pregnancy rates halve in are calls for funding to continue for initiatives to reduce teenage pregnancies in wales because figures suggest they are more about al divide in pregnancy smoking.

At one point a minister from another african country told me that in their country it is one in every three school girls falls pregnant but there is no child support grant in that country. This was an exploratory study undertaken to investigate factors associated with teenage pregnancy amongst sexually active adolescents in an urban and peri-urban context.

We further discuss indicators of greater intimacy within relationships of the pregnant teenagers which may suggest that more of the pregnancies were wanted than was suggested. 2001 mar;52(5):onship dynamics and teenage pregnancy in south r1, vundule c, maforah f, jordaan information1women's health research unit, medical research council, pretoria, south africa.

Many studies on teenage pregnancy have focused on the practices of adolescents in general and outcomes of their pregnancies, but very limited understanding of factors that place particular adolescents at increased risk of teenage pregnancy. Publication results s you should try again with a different search a hillthe municipality is bordered by the bizana local municipality to the north, the port st johns local municipality to the south and the ntabankulu local municipality to the northwest.

It is worth noting that these respondents are between the ages of 18–24 years, thus it is highly unexpected that the majority of them do not understand the risks involved or how pregnancy happens particularly when taking into account number of various intervention programmes including life orientation (which was introduced in 2000) that have been r to the findings of the department of health study,22 the findings of the current study did not confirm child-support grant as a possible enticement for girls to become pregnant. The pregnant teenagers were significantly more likely to have experienced forced sexual initiation and were beaten more often.

Unconditional multivariable logistic regression was used for evaluation of the impact of explanatory variables for key outcome of adolescent pregnancy (binary dependent variables). Of adolescent pregnancyin multivariable analysis among women it was found that being employed or unemployed, greater poverty, having higher sexually permissive attitudes and scoring higher on the contraceptive or condom use index was associated with adolescent multivariable analysis among men wanting the pregnancy and having a sense of future were associated with adolescent pregnancy (see tables 2 and ​and33).

There is ample evidence that child support grants have not increased teenage pregnancy, and we are very happy that stats sa has added to what we already knew," said ing to the stats sa survey, south africa is approaching a "demographic winter", wherein women are giving birth to fewer and fewer children. The partners of the pregnant teenagers were significantly older, less likely to be in school and less likely to have other girlfriends.

New report highlights the regional differences between rich and poor when it comes to smoking during more about playback is unsupported on your are teenage pregnancies rising in south africa? Therefore, the aim of our study was to investigate the prevalence adolescent pregnancy and associated factors in the south african context, as part of a large population-based household survey that formed part of an evaluation of the impact of lovelife, south africa's national hiv prevention campaign for young sample and procedurewe conducted a cross-sectional population-based household survey using a multi-stage stratified cluster sampling approach.

Multiple factors contributing to adolescent pregnancy have been identified which can be used in targeting young people on the prevention of adolescent ledgementsthis research was a collaborative project between lovelife and the hsrc, and was made possible by the henry j. Whilst its 'problematic' nature is a subject of debate, it reflects a pattern of sexual activity which puts teenagers at risk of hiv.

Keep them in school: the importance of education as a protective factor against hiv infection among young south african women. The survey included persons of ages 18 to 24 years living in south african households of the four (out of nine) selected provinces, kwazulu-natal, mpumalanga, eastern cape and gauteng province, providing an urban-rural representation of south l approval for the study was obtained from the human sciences research council research ethics committee.

Associations between key outcome adolescent pregnancy and individual, social and structural variables and programme exposure were evaluated calculating odds ratios (or). Comments inciting ask that your comments remain relevant to the articles they appear on and do not include general banter or conversation as this dilutes the effectiveness of the comments strive to make the ewn community a safe and welcoming space for reserves the right to: 1) remove any comments that do not follow the above guidelines; and, 2) ban users who repeatedly infringe the you find any comments upsetting or offensive you can also flag them and we will assess it against our is constantly reviewing its comments policy in order to create an environment conducive to constructive enable javascript to view the comments powered by ts powered by ght 2015 all rights reserved | terms & conditions | privacy | an ewn twitter sing teenage pregnancy in south africa: research and policy collaborations for progressibis convenes the national teenage pregnancy partnership (ntpp), a coalition of ngos, government departments, and university partners that share information, collaborate, and aim to expand efforts to reduce teenage unintended pregnancy in south africa.

Women, from four of nine provinces in south africa (eastern cape, gauteng, kwazulu-natal and mpumalanga). 3 in sub-saharan africa, one such risk factor in early child bearing is increased vulnerability to hiv/aids.