Teenage pregnancy essay conclusion

Given all these noted influential factors that contributes in the increasing trend of teenage pregnancy, many preventive strategies have been created around the. Or, to put these questions in a slightly different way, which factors best predict unintended pregnancy and should therefore be the main targets of action?

Moreover, there is no question that these programs help to finance contraceptive services for many women (and some men), the principal means by which unintended pregnancy is prevented. Among young teenagers the ratio of abortions to births is lower for blacks than whites (table 4.

Pediatricians in particular should include pregnancy planning and interconceptional care in their routine scope of practice to increase the proportion of pregnancies that are intended (e. Their combined leadership and funding will remain crucial for progress in this second area of research focuses on learning about how best to organize contraceptive services and highlights the role that health services research can play in reducing unintended pregnancy.

Greater interdisciplinary collaboration will be needed to blend these many perspectives into useful predictive er, even though contraception occurs in the context of a social interaction between two partners, few studies have examined men's knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions about contraception and pregnancy; and fewer studies have examined gender differences on these issues. Given all of the public concern about teenage pregnancy, nonmarital childbearing, aids, and high-risk sexual behavior, it is quite remarkable that, even using fairly flexible inclusion criteria, the committee was able to identify fewer than 25 programs whose effects on unintended pregnancy, broadly defined, had been carefully evaluated.

Chapter 4, teenage pregnancy and its this pagebackgroundthe resolution of teen pregnanciesresearchsummary and conclusionsrecent activityclearturn offturn onteenage pregnancy and its resolution - risking the futureteenage pregnancy and its resolution - risking the futureyour browsing activity is ty recording is turned recording back onsee more... Pregnancy begun without planning and intent also means that individual women and couples are not able to take full advantage of the growing field of preconception risk identification and management, nor of the rapidly expanding knowledge base regarding human er, unintended pregnancy leads to approximately 1.

However, this does not tell us how many teenagers age 14 become pregnant before they reach 20 or marry. Girls who said they wanted the pregnancy were much more likely to have a live birth than those who didn't (zelnik et al.

Reflecting the widespread occurrence of unintended pregnancy, abortions are obtained by women of all reproductive ages, by both married and unmarried women, and by women in all income categories; in 1992, for example, less than one-fourth of all abortions were obtained by teenagers (centers for disease control and prevention, 1994). Alcohol and drugs influence teenagers to indulge in unplanned sexual activities and other risky doings including unprotected sex and this eventually results in teenage pregnancies.

It has been argued that the reduced social stigma attached to unwed pregnancy caused a shift away from adoption as an alternative to childbirth. That is, what is the chance that a young woman would become pregnant as a teenager?

Research on the determinants of contraceptive behavior has yet to integrate this new dynamic into existing theories used to explain varying patterns of contraceptive use or method gh it is unreasonable to think that it is possible to achieve perfect understanding of all the predictors of unintended pregnancy or the relative importance of each, the scientific community could clearly be farther down the road than it is now. Such consequences undoubtedly impede the formation and maintenance of strong addition, an unintended pregnancy is associated with a higher probability that the child will be born to a mother who is adolescent, unmarried, or over age 40—demographic attributes that themselves have important socioeconomic and medical consequences for both children and adults.

Ways to start an care system essay ion to facebook essay on heart transplant essay about gun injuries. The committee proposes a portfolio of activities to prevent unintended pregnancy that, like many public health campaigns, emphasizes basic information and preventive services accompanied by comprehensive program evaluation and research.

Thus the event (pregnancy) occurred at the same age, but this would not be reflected in the statistics. Clearly need increased attention and services, reducing unintended pregnancy will require that influential organizations and their leaders—corporate officers, legislators, media owners, and others of similar stature—address this problem as noted above, the committee calls for a campaign that is both multifaceted and long-term, emphases that derive from the data presented in chapters 4 through 7 showing that no single factor accounts for unintended pregnancy and that the underlying issues are very complex.

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The chapter has emphasized differences between blacks and whites, but conclusions about race differences in pregnancy resolution based on analyses of survey data are of necessity weak because of differential reporting of abortion by race in those data sets. In both countries the pregnancy rates increased initially after liberalization of abortion, but levels in denmark returned to those prior to liberalization, while those in the united states continued to rise.

The most important factors associated with choice of pregnancy resolution are expectations and academic achievement. Data are not yet available from the 1982 nsfg to see whether pregnancy rates continued to increase among contraceptive users as well as non-users.