Supply chain management dissertation
A more interesting finding of the 2006 study was that the dissertations were more multifaceted due to the fact that they closely mirrored the cross-functional and boundary spanning nature of logistics; at the same time, their multifaceted nature made the classification task more r american study was conducted by das and handfield [8] wherein the authors investigated 117 phd dissertations from the period 1987–1995 in order to evaluate the intellectual health of the purchasing discipline. By reviewing such dissertations, it will be possible to gain some interesting information regarding the development and direction of research within the discipline.

Alumnihow to applyfinancingfaqresearch masters partnershipsberlin doctoral e & mediaeconomics, accounting and lawfinancemarketingmanagement controlorganization studiesmanagement: leadership, psychology, ethics, philosophysupply chain managementstrategy & ch supervisors in supply chain . Examples of dissertations without any specific time frame are by (1) mortensen [23], who investigate the concept of attraction and explain its role in initiation and development of buyer–seller relations, and (2) tynjälä [35], who conceptually examines the methods and tools for supply chain decision making during new product development.

Overall dissertation score is composed of multiplying the scores of the individual articles by the authorship factor. The dissertation score can also stimulate further discussions on what should be included in the binder of the dissertation—e.

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Work develops the concept of supply chainmanagement into a broader, holistic concept of interorganisationoperations management. A score for measuring the significance of article-based dissertations is also dsdoctoral dissertations collection of articles monographs dissertation score logistics and supply chain management xt pdf1 introductionone way to keep track of the progress of logistics and supply chain management (scm) discipline is to analyze the doctoral dissertations within the research area.
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These studies have also facilitated the comparison of nordic dissertations themes to those in the usa (e. Second, there has been a decrease in dissertations that focus on classical entities of analysis such as carriers, wholesalers, retailers and inventories.
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2011), an effective tool for supply chain decision support during new product development process, o, e. 2012) the antecedents and consequences of supplier satisfaction in agro commodity value chain: an empirical study of smallholder cocoa growers of ghana, pin, g.
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It contributes tooperations management by (i) developing the concept ofsupply chain management (ii) improving knowledge aboutrelationships in supply chains (iii) identifying thesignificant role of performance (iv) improvingknowledge about the implication of position in a supplychain (v) integrating related literatures, notablyservice management, purchasing, industrial dynamics or dissertation. Therefore, it is clear that the phd dissertation’s focal point is still more on manufacturing firms (50/150) rather than on other entities.
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How do they adapt sustainable supply chain decisions to the various institutional and economic contexts in which they operate (institutional perspective)? In spite of its increased importance, it is distinct that this subject has not received more attention in the dissertations reviewed.

However, in spite of the sometime magical status of numbers—we should remember that “numbers are just number” and that they can be used to jump start discussions on how to compose an article-based dissertation. Masters (part-time)summer course sessionsexecutive education (open and custom)doctoral programmes open programmesexecutive mbaexecutive ic departmentsfaculty search engineexpertise@escp and institutescentres and laboratorieseuropean management associationhall of fameescp europe & newslettermedia & press room social media & mobile appsevents & map legal sity of warwickpublications service & ght your by warwick wrap by wrap by wrap by theses by publications by warwick publications service by publications service by publications service by publications service by chain management : perceptions of requirements and performance in european automotive aftermarket supply l l contextobject in s application chain management : perceptions of requirements and performance in european automotive aftermarket supply thesis, university of _thesis_harland_.
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The results predominantly show the remarkable increase in dissertations between 2009 and 2014 (158 dissertations) wherein sweden ranks highest followed by finland, norway, denmark and iceland, respectively. This development is primarily driven by finnish dissertations and can indicate an emphasis on building stronger knowledge bases in certain sub-disciplines along the supply chain.
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It is our experience that there are differences in what is needed in an article-based dissertation both within a department at a research institution and between research institutions. 1number and type of phd dissertations finalized in the period 2009–2014 200920102011201220132014total (2009–2014)total (2002–2008)total (1990–2001)all identified dissertationsdanish214352171115finnish1097868482220icelandic–1––––1––norwegian65–565271712swedish9101213912652028total2726232926271587075reviewed dissertationsdanish reviewed monograph2–11105914 collection of articles–132421221 total danish214352171115finnish reviewed monograph225423181314 collection of articles8623442793 total finnish1087767452217icelandic reviewed monograph–1––––1–– collection of articles––––––0–– total icelandic010000100norwegian reviewed monograph51–1221199 collection of articles14–4431682 total norwegian650565271711swedish reviewed monograph264515231319 collection of articles6278773779 total swedish881113812602028reviewed on total monograph11101011610584456 collection of articles151312171916922615total2623222825261507071comparable data are included from the period 1990–2001 (gubi et al.
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Additionally, a remarkably low number of dissertations have focused on retail scm within the nordic countries. 3)supply chain innovation (sci) the discipline of innovations has branched out into the supply chain context and should be regarded as an important topic.

Also, the share of dissertations founded on purely qualitative methods has also decreased compared with dissertations published in the period 2002–2008. The first two comprehensive digest of doctoral dissertations completed within the nordic countries was conducted by gubi et al.