Statement of the problem about teenage pregnancy
It because of: (a) peer pressure (b) drug abuse (c) ignorance (d) curiosity (e) column chart shows what dents think are the you think that parents or guardians are to be blamed for teenage pregnancy? Knowledge on sexual and reproductive issues amongst teenagers in sekhukhune and waterberg districts o province is low morake (2011).

Statement of the problem teenage pregnancy
This approach has been used to objective facts about factors that contribute to teenage pregnancy that could be statistically analysed and interpreted. See our privacy policy and user agreement for studies sba template on teenage this document?

Statement of the problem of teenage pregnancy
That teenage pregnancy is more common amongst young people who have been disadvantaged and have poor expectations of either ion or the job market. Based on the findings it can be concluded that peer leads to unprotected sex and poverty are one of the two main reasons as to the rise in teenage pregnancy in lowmans.

Statement of the problem in teenage pregnancy
Words | 18 e pregnancy on teenage pregnancy e pregnancy and the media e pregnancy prevention e pregnancy e pregnancy and the media on the ever changing concept of ment availability for sex offenders religion from a hinduism art: the seduction of the innocent on the glaciers of yosemite national on the effects of parenting styles on child ncbi web site requires javascript to tionresourceshow toabout ncbi accesskeysmy ncbisign in to ncbisign l listethiop j health sciv. Because girls who dropped out of school due to pregnancy usually never returned to school to complete their education after childbirth, their opportunities for socioeconomic advancement are limited.

These factors include: lack of sex and how to use contraceptives; barriers to access contraceptives including negative attitudes of health staff; peer pressure; on; low self-esteem; low educational expectations; poverty; family breakdown; and heightened sex-based messages in the respondents in this study had knowledge about the use of contraceptives and other ways of preventing unwanted pregnancy apart from ence from sexual activity. And we've ere about what we're trying to do to discourage young smoking because that presents, by far, the greatest that they face morning we want to talk about teen pregnancy,Because it is a moral problem and a personal problem and a individual young people should face, and because it has proportions that it is a very significant economic and m for the united states.

The civil society is another potential beneficiary of the outcome of this study in their course of championing for the rights of the girl child in attaining education, while working towards narrowing down the gender disparities in the education study has also helped create an environment of clear understanding of teenage pregnancies in schools, singling it out for clarity as one of the major causes as opposed to the many reasons that may cause school dropout. Facilitate the establishment of adult-teenage communication programmes with guidelines to give adults information and communicate effectively with young people about reducing risky behaviour.

7 significance of the study:As already seen above on the justification, the outcome of this very important study has provided a more precise understanding of how teenage pregnancy influences school dropout and how that affects the education of the girl child in this particular region, the causes of teenage pregnancy as well as the possible remedies that can be employed to control the most likely to benefit from the findings of this study are the ministry of education and the school management authorities, especially in the formulation and strengthening of policies that guard teenage pregnancies in schools and the possible re-admission of the affected girls back to school. The developed world, the causes of teenage pregnancy is different in the sense that it is mostly outside marriage and carries lots of social stigma.

They must either terminate their pregnancy by taking recourse in abortion in order to continue their education, or drop out of school either on their own volition or on pain of threatened official expulsion….. Increase awareness and knowledge about and availability of emergency hormonal contraception; since this safe, effective and reliable post-coital contraception is paramount to tackle the unplanned pregnancy rates.

Are there any pregnancy prevention strategies available within the community at this village of the capricorn district in limpopo province? In our world today, having sex before 20 yrs is the “in” thing, it is even normal all over the world and this is brought about high levels of adolescent pregnancy which creates sexual relationship among teenagers without the provision of comprehensive information about immature and irresponsible behavior arising due to complex teenage psychology is another important cause of teenage pregnancies.

Of hundred (n = 100) pregnant teenagers (between 13 and 19) who were attending antenatal care at one clinic in the capricorn district of o province participated voluntarily in the study. 2 statement of problem and western and eastern cultures, pregnancy among teenagers is a common social canker.
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Are no specific laws that address the growing problem of teenage pregnancy in our country; not only in our country but worldwide. Mathis feels that if a class that talks about the importance of condoms could prevent an unplanned pregnancy, why not add it to the school’s program.
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Kaufman, de wet and stadler (2001) pointed out that amongst other barriers, clinic staff disapproves of teenagers ly active; ignorance about reproduction; misunderstanding by young people; and false assumptions and ignorance surrounding ers believe that pregnancy cannot result from the initial act of intercourse, but only by repeated sexual encounters. The teen parents should help send out the message that it is hard to live life as a teenage parent and that television shows don’t fully depict the hardships that come along with raising children.

The emergence of this adolescent problem has been attributed to various factors including early marriage, social permissiveness -favoring early exposure to casual sexual activity, unmet needs for contraceptives, maternal deprivation, pre-existing psychosocial problems in the family and general non-functioning family unit could be mentioned among others (12–14). Additionally it was outlined that drinking became more common as moved through their teenage years rising to 45% amongst 15 year olds and this was proven to be a cause of teenage tions of the study results are limited to one village in the capricorn district and will not be generalised to all villages in the district.

The problems associated with adolescent pregnancy can be significantly reduced through sex education, provision of contraceptive counseling and services, education of women up to the university level and medical, social and psychological support for affected adolescents. Among the background of teenage girls, the ones who are more vulnerable to become pregnant are: the homeless, children of teenage parents, underachieving in school, those in or leaving care, involved in crime, members of some ethnic groups and those leaving in high socially deprived must be emphasized that, this research development proposal will look into why the widespread of pregnancy among teenage girls in uk, its effects and also propose mitigating measures in relation to the problem.
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Observation of the situation in the main factor that influenced the conduct of this title of this study is “a survey of the causes of teenage pregnancy in lowmans” a sub urban district found in the country of saint vincent and the grenadines comprising l villages and consist of over 1500 r, the growing problem of teenage pregnancy in lowmans is a major cause for concern . Foster has dedicated his energies g with this complex, profoundly human problem of ncy, and he's had a remarkable amount of success.