Social studies of science
She is interested in human-microorganism co-working relationships, how metaphors create visibility and invisibility, interdisciplinary science communication, and wine estern ita rayzberg is a doctoral candidate in the sociology department at northwestern university. Wary alliance: from enumerating the environment to inviting as shapiro, nasser zakariya, jody design as sts with oil and gas and practicing community conducted science most recent postings to the profession pages, emailed monthly to 4s book: meloni et al. His research focuses broadly on questions in social studies of health care and medicine and includes the study of evidence appraisal in relation to human rights, knowledge standardization and quality improvement practices in health care, the construction of markets for public values, and sts research that explicitly aims to intervene in the practices it t amethyst szymanski is a research fellow in science, technology, and innovation studies at the university of edinburgh.

4s fosters interdisciplinary and engaged scholarship in social studies of science, technology, and medicine (a field often referred to as sts). Her academic interests include history and sociology of knowledge, with a focus on the social sciences. De estudios avanzados baigorrotegui is an assistant professor in the institute of advances studies at the university of santiago of chile.

Her research and teaching interests include globalization and digital cultures, innovation networks and the “periphery”, science and technology studies in latin america, and hybrid pedagogies in building digital literacies. A non-profit tions and t officers and ships & ls and book sional tors and society for social studies of science (4s) is an international, nonprofit scholarly society founded in 1975. It welcomes social, cultural, social-historical, and philosophical investigations of scientific research and technological development, and the dynamics of knowledge in a full variety of organizational and ecological studies of science publishes articles representing original research, substantial discussion papers, short research notes, and review essays.

Single print utional, single print iption purchase a non-standard subscription or a back issue, please contact sage customer services for iptions@ +44 (0) 20 7324 studies of wikipedia, the free to: navigation, studies of e studies (until 1975, issn 0036-8539). From 1987 to 2013 he served as secretary/treasurer of the society for social studies of expires fall, astern ottinger is an assistant professor in the department of politics and the center for science, technology, and society at drexel university, and author of refining expertise: how responsible engineers subvert environmental justice challenges. Social anthropology, legal and educational set of journals have been ranked according to their sjr and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles.

Chaudhury is a phd student at the department of science and technology studies at york university in toronto, canada. University of invernizzi is an uruguayan anthropologist, and holds a phd in science and technology policy (university of campinas, brazil). She is the author of rock | water | life: essays from south africa on science and decoloniality (duke university press, forthcoming 2018).

I have research experience in policy areas too, including energy policy, and government local sity of say chan is an associate research professor of communications in the department of media and cinema studies at the university of illinois, urbana-champaign. Currently, she is working on a history of community-based air toxics monitoring, and on bringing together activists, health researchers, and information designers to create better tools for interpreting real-time air quality javier maldonado castañ javier maldonado is a sociologist working primarily in science and technology studies and medical sociology. Her research has been awarded support from the center for the study of law & culture at columbia university’s school of law and the national science foundation, and she has held postdoctoral fellowships at the cuny graduate center’s committee on globalization & social change, and at stanford university’s introduction to humanities program.

And technology studies, history of science, philosophy of science, sociology of studies of science is a bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes papers relating to the history and philosophy of science. Michael mulkay this journal is a member of the committee on publication ethics (cope)electronic access:social studies of science is available sity of edinburgh, l university, sity of sydney, orating al university of singapore (nus), f university, sity of wisconsin-madison, ter university, sity of south florida, al heritage foundation, sity of california, san diego, sity college london, sity of pittsburgh, university, sity of california - san sity of pennsylvania, l university, sity of gothenburg, sity of california san diego, f university, a institute of technology, atlanta, university of tokyo, sity of wisconsin-madison, a university, bloomington, sity of arizona, sity of california, los angeles, bilt university, l university, agen business school, d university, sity of leeds, l university, sity of konstanz, germany and university of chicago, -ming university, taipei, sity of southern california, university, sity of edinburgh, -adria-universität klagenfurt, sity of california, berkeley, ia university, nowotny, vice schaftszentrum, sity of twente, sity of illinois, l university, sity of twente, d university, ana state university, ian university of science & technology, trondheim, sity of california, berkeley, sity of california, los angeles, school of economics, london, sity of sydney, sity of oxford, netherlands academy of arts and sciences, sity of edinburgh, ic search ic search a: history and & humanities citation ss source ss source -rom - international bibliography of book reviews of scholarly literature in the humanities and social -rom - international bibliography of book reviews of scholarly lterature on the humanities and social -rom international bibliography of periodical literature in the humanities and social -rom international bibliography of periodical literature on the humanities and social t contents / arts & t contents / life t contents / social and behavioral t contents/ arts & t contents/ life ntation in public database (science/maths/environ. It is multi-disciplinary, encouraging empirical and/or theoretical contributions from sociologists, historians, social and cultural anthropologists, other social scientists, philosophers, and researchers in legal and educational disciplines.

Zuiderent-jerak is liu research fellow and senior lecturer in science and technology studies at the department of thematic studies – technology and social change of linköping university, sweden, and author of situated intervention; sociological experiments in health care. I hope to help build 4s community and organizational capacity that supports sts teaching, research and practice in different contexts, while continuing to build sts across borders of many annels provides an outlet for alternative-format scholarly communications, publishing shorter, timelier, media-rich communiques of interest to the global sts o coloquio colombiano en estudios sociales de la ciencia: hacer la paz en un mundo -backs / gesctm universidad nacional de el fin de ampliar y situar los debates sobre el postconflicto en colombia y las discusiones sobre posverdad, algunos de los grupos en colombia con agendas cts/sts organizaron el segundo coloquio nacional de estudios sociales de las ciencias y las tecnologías entre el 21 y el 23 del pasado septiembre en bogotá. It will welcome studies of fundamental research, applied research and development; of university science, industrial science and science in government.

His primary areas of scholarly interest are video ethnographic methods and the research systems of africa and asia, particularly the impacts of information and communications technology on the social networks of scientists. 3 open access and author studies of science offers optional open access publishing via the sage choice programme. She received her phd in 2008 from the mit doctoral program in history; anthropology; and science, technology, and society.

Her research interests are broadly surrounding the anthropology and philosophy of biology and the ecological sciences, cartography, postcolonial and feminist sts, and environmental and medical humanities. Her research focuses on the intersection of gender, work and organizations, science and technology, and m officer: . For more information please refer to our guidelines on submitting supplementary studies of science adheres to the sage harvard reference style.