Social psychological and personality science
To a new paper, published in the journal social psychological and personality science, researchers from bgu, university of haifa and amsterdam university conducted a series of experiments with a total of 549 participants from 29 different one experiment, the participants were asked to read a work-related e-mail from an unknown person and then evaluate both the competence and warmth of that person. Dropped outliers) and how decisions about data exclusions were m that you have reported all measures or conditions for variables of interest to the research question(s), whether they were included in the analyses or m that all key results are accompanied by exact p-values, effect sizes, and 95% confidence intervals, or an explanation of why this is not and figures should be embedded in the manuscript upon submission, not appended at the end of the , table notes, figures, and figure captions will not count towards the 5,000 word name of the handling editor (or 'action editor') will be printed at the end of each ript sions to spps may not exceed 5,000 words. 1,dual, single print utional, single print order single issues of this journal, please contact sage customer services at 1-800-818-7243 / 1-805-583-9774 with details of the volume and issue you would like to psychological and personality wikipedia, the free to: navigation, psychological and personality .

Its aim is to publish cutting-edge brief reports of single studies, or very succinct reports of multiple studies, and is geared toward a speedy review and publication process to allow groundbreaking research to be quickly available to the field. Its aim is to publish concise reports of empirical studies that provide meaningful contributions to our understanding of important issues in social and personality psychology. Ation for research in an association of social y of experimental social y for personality and social ries: sage publications academic journalsenglish-language journalspersonality journalsquarterly journalspublications established in 2010differential psychology journalssocial psychology journalsacademic journals associated with learned and professional societieshidden categories: articles with outdated impact factors from 2015official website different in wikidata and logged intalkcontributionscreate accountlog pagecontentsfeatured contentcurrent eventsrandom articledonate to wikipediawikipedia out wikipediacommunity portalrecent changescontact links hererelated changesupload filespecial pagespermanent linkpage informationwikidata itemcite this a bookdownload as pdfprintable page was last edited on 1 october 2017, at 01: is available under the creative commons attribution-sharealike license;.

Thank you for your patience and we apologise for any cting / sion published eight times per year, social psychological and personality science (spps) is a collaboration from the association for research in personality (arp), the european association of social psychology (easp), the society of experimental social psychology (sesp), the society for personality and social psychology (spsp), and co-sponsored by the asian association of social psychology (aasp) and society of australasian social psychologists (sasp). 14, 2017 - a smiley face emoji and similar emoticons included in work-related e-mails may not create a positive impression and could even undermine information sharing, according to a new study by researchers at ben-gurion university of the negev (bgu). Study and workstatisticsstudentsteachingvideoscareerscareer informationjobsacademic job marketnon-academic internshipsundergraduate are herehome » psychological and personality published eight times per year, social psychological and personality science (spps) is a collaboration of the association for research in personality (arp), the european association of social psychology (easp), the society of experimental social psychology (sesp), the society for personality and social psychology (spsp), and is co-sponsored by the asian association of social psychology (aasp) and society of australasian social psychologists (sasp).
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It is geared toward a speedy review and publication process to allow groundbreaking research to become part of the scientific conversation quickly. To calculate the word count for your submission, please use your word processor to find the total number of words for the entire submission, then subtract the number of words from your references section, tables, table notes, figures, and figure captions. A&m university, sity of oslo, ton university, a atlantic university, sity of washington, department of psychology, sity of minnesota, ton university, sity of illinois at chicago, department of psychology, state university, sity of pennsylvania, sity of florida, sity of california, san diego, universität, berlin, sity of oregon, university, sity of utah, sity of british columbia, sity of alabama, york university, pennsylvania state university, sity of queensland, site catholique de louvain, entatives for the consortium of social and personality y for personality and social psychology, spsp, sity of groningen, the university, e university, is a unique short reports journal in social and personality psychology.

For more information on open access options and compliance at sage, including self author archiving deposits (green open access) visit sage publishing policies on our journal author ts and dual subscription, dual subscription, print only. The word count includes all text, including but not limited to, the abstract, main body, notes, and acknowledgements, and excluding references, tables, table notes, figures, and figure captions. If your submission contains materials, tables, figures, or data sets that you would like to include as a supplementary file for online publication only, you may upload that as a separate file in the submission process and designate the file accordingly.

Preference will be given to articles that:represent an advance to social psychological or personality scienceare methodologically rigoroushave theoretical and practical significancehelp build interdisciplinary bridges among areas in social and personality psychologyare written to be accessible to a wide range of audiences, including science writers for the popular press and the public at sity of california, davis, department of psychology, sity of california, davis, department of psychology, an state university, sity of southern california, eth levy ton university, sity grenoble alpes, sity of auckland, new sity of florida, sity of pennsylvania, sity of amsterdam, the sity of florida, university, sity of münster, sity of oregon, lvania state university, abington college, sity of kansas, ia university, college, city university of new york, -ludwigs-universität freiburg, sity of north carolina at charlotte, sity of toronto mississauga, university of north carolina at chapel hill, sity of california, irvine, sity of california, berkeley, sity of washington, an state university, g university, the sity of otago, new a state university, sité catholique de louvain, sity of colorado boulder, sity of california, berkeley, sity of massachusetts at amherst, sity of amsterdam, the university, a&m university, sity of michigan, university of texas at austin, sity of michigan, l university, sity of amsterdam, the forest university, york university, forest university, sity at buffalo, suny, university of texas at austin, sity of mannheim, sity of pennsylvania, university of texas at austin, sity of otago, new sity of alabama, aviv university, sity of cologne, sity of amsterdam, the sity of queensland, university, sity of toronto, gton university in st. Please prepare your manuscript for the double blind process by submitting your title page and main document as two separate files. The founding and sponsoring societies provide their membership with complimentary subscriptions, immediately giving the journal a reach of over 7,000 scholars in social and personality psychology worldwide!

Preference will be given to articles that:Have theoretical and practical ent an advance to social psychological or personality of broad interest both within and outside of social and personality written to be understandable by a wide range of readers, including science writers for the popular ript y for personality and social psychology. The findings show that in case of a photograph, a smiling sender was perceived as more competent and friendly than a neutral one. The journal is jointly owned by four different societies: the association for research in personality, european association of social psychology, society of experimental social psychology, and society for personality and social cting and indexing[edit].
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The smiley did not influence the evaluation of the sender's buting to the ongoing discussion regarding the role of gender in use and interpretation of emoticons, this study found that when the gender of the e-mail writer was unknown, recipients were more likely to assume that the e-mail was sent by a woman if it included a smiley. Authors must also verify compliance with apa ethical standards in the treatment of participants, human or sions to spps should follow the style guidelines set forth in the sixth edition of the publication manual of the american psychological association (including "guidelines to reduce bias in language" on pp. An abstract of no more than 150 words and list of 4-5 keywords should be included in your main document file, along with the main body, footnotes, tables, and figures.

Articles cannot exceed 5,000 words (excluding tables, figures, and references) and they may present new theory, new data, new methods, or any combination of these. The main document file should be blinded and suitable for viewing by l policy prohibits an author from submitting the same manuscript for consideration by another journal and does not allow publication of a manuscript that has been published in whole or in part by another journal. Our findings provide first-time evidence that, contrary to actual smiles, smileys do not increase perceptions of warmth and actually decrease perceptions of competence," explained dr.

Louis, sity of maryland, college park, an state university, department of psychology, rnia state university, northridge, sity of toronto, sity of california, santa barbara, university, sity of arizona, sity of oregon, estern university, rd university, sity of delaware, sity of illinois at chicago, a university, state college, university of texas at austin, sity of california, berkeley, sity of wisconsin at madison, ette university, d business school, sity of virginia, sity of bern, sity of toronto, department of psychology, sity of colorado boulder, sity of california, davis, ton university, sity of rochester, sity of cambridge, estern university, university amsterdam, the sity of california, davis, sity of toronto, a university, sity of british columbia, department of psychology, university, the sity of toronto mississauga, sity of british columbia, n j. Psychological and personality science is a peer-reviewed academic journal that covers research in social and personality psychology. The study was funded by a grant from the netherlands organization for scientific american associates, ben-gurion university of the imer: aaas and eurekalert!