Should children have homework
A lot of the time you dont like homework because you dont like school so when you go home you are free from school but then you need to do homework... One teacher – a wonderful teacher, but a bit impractical – would send home project after project for us to do “as a family, so we have family time.

Should children have to do homework
One thing to note: in the washington post article, they do make a distinction that heavy homework loads in elementary can be negative. They need to not have homework over the summer or over the winter and over spring break they need to be just free.

By doing so, homework becomes disassociated from the standard teacher-student relationship and gains a whole new level of importance that draws students into the assignment. If i am allowed to have this information, please you for using wonderopolis for your homework, liesel!

Homework is so ingrained in the fabric of schooling that studies revealing its minimal positive benefits have been largely shrugged off or ignored altogether. You can read more about the advantages and disadvantages of homework by reviewing the wonder sources we provided r wrote this is obviously out of school and doesn't really have to deal with the stress of homework anymore.

Truthfully, homework is probably not going anywhere anytime soon, so we wanted to help show our wonder friends how it can be beneficial and how one can get the most out of it. Video was about a dinosaur eating a kids homework and that was why homework became extinct instead of dinosaurs.

I am a student who likes to prove i am good enough but when it comes to a family issue or a problem which takes my 'homework time' up, i find it very hard to face the rk is stupid why why do we have it mmmmmmm i hate it.. It should be reinforced in their schools by demanding higher performance and that includes giving them daily work that they are expected to are raising stupid children compared to other countries and we are paying the nator98(maximum 900 words)submityes homework!

Think you are wrong i have to stay up all night to do my homework then at school i always fall asleep :(. Also your class would go a lot slower because you would need to know it to move nator116(maximum 900 words)submiti think kids should not have homework kids need time you relax and unwind, if kids have to spend hours on homework then they are going to stay up late causing lack of sleep and making the brain not as capable to learn as usual.

Students have not had that daily homework practice in any subject that keeps the concepts ‘alive’ and moving in their brains, so that means that much of the practice time and teaching time and testing time had to come during the class time each day,” linder , other districts across the country are taking second looks at the practice. College students simply must be able to do this; there isn’t enough time for my students read two books of the aeneid and then discuss it inside of an hour and a half class session.

Many people have responded to my would just have to look on this comment page and see who "replies" to your comment. Very poorly educated eighth the fact that you, as an 8th grader, still don’t know how to spell “homework” and “again?

What a great idea – let’s have our students fall even farther behind the students in other countries who have already passed ours by in their academic achievements. Of the following is not an important life skill that can be enhanced via homework?

If children are too tired for excessive concentration, this will ultimately cause low homework scores. But schools also report that if teachers don’t give it, some parents will demand ers in homework say it teaches soft skills like responsibility and good study habits.

Homework dominates after-school time in many households and has been dubbed the 21st century’s “new family dinner. Sometimes it can be frustrating if you have a lot, but try to stay positive!

If we don't prepare them in middle school and elementary school they will be more overloaded in high school and college because they didn't expect it. But i need to know what date it was 're glad we could help with your homework, pusheen!

Public schools regulate choices that directly impact students health and wellnessshould cell phones be allowed in elementary school? Clearly, our schools are not expecting enough of their students, and all that homework is pointless.

On the issue of the actual educational value of homework, it may seem straightforward to many educators that reviewing lessons and practicing concepts after school would correlate to a greater retention of course material, but studies suggest that the link between assigned homework and academic achievement is drastically chers at the university of virginia’s curry school of education found in a 2012 study that math and science homework didn’t correlate to better student grades, but it did lead to better performances on standardized tests. Homework has its place,but it shouldn’t take up family time — and these days, it does.