Scope and delimitation
The majority of entries were in the form of animations or cks were collected from a total of 150 students participating in the initiative by way of focus groups and online surveys using the blackboard vista learning management system in february 2010 and a total of 104 students completed it (87 per cent response rate). 10)document actionsdownloadshare or embed documentembedview morecopyright: attribution non-commercial (by-nc)download as doc or read online from scribdflag for inappropriate contentscope and delimitation out of 189 second year accounting students of saint mary’s university, 100 students wereused as a sample in conducting the survey.
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Findings show that the participants are culturally aware and that cultural awareness aids the students in reading comprehension. National artist virgilio almario asserted that there must be rigorous research on filipino culture and artists must show multi-cultural designs in their illustrations (almario, 2010).

The study yielded disappointing results: students from private and public schools do not have adequate knowledge of philippine art, not one respondent reached the passing score of 50. Conceptual framework on children's perspectives on framework shows that the experiences of the child, whether social or cultural, influence his/her perspectives and consciousness of being a filipino.

Tuning, on the other hand, entails modification of existing schema when it is inadequate for the encountered new information/knowledge, while restructuring involves creating a new schema for situations wherein there is inconsistency between the new information/knowledge and the old schema. 174) and following vygotsky's claim that "everyday concepts emerged from children's thinking about their daily experiences; that is, they occur spontaneously in the context of normal participation in family and community practices and activities" (hedges, 2012, p.

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And yet, we do not know a great deal about how school-age children actually do relate to the idea of nation" (koh, 2010, p. He expounds that stories should link children to their nation and carry filipino culture and tradition.
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It can be deduced that the everyday arena is important in the child's formation of the concept of "pagka-filipino"ã‚ as supported by almario and almario (2009) specifically on filipino games and further, by koh (2010) on habituated routines. Moreover, it was also mentioned that children's understanding of the environment is enhanced by picture books and that illustrations help lead the children into reading.

By probing how children in the early grades perceive and construct their identity as filipinos in the context of their everyday experiences, policy makers, teacher educators, curriculum developers, and early grades teachers will gain greater insight into how the concept of national identity and nationalism take root in every filipino child. In this study, early graders are children belonging to grade 1 and grade 2 levels, with ages ranging from 5 to 11 at the time of gathering the no icons.
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Eugene evasco identified dalanlahi and dalambayan as two of his guiding philosophies in writing books for children (evasco, 2007). She declared "childhood experience is commonly taken to be the bedrock upon which self-identity is built, and national consciousness is regarded by many as a key foundation of a modern persons' identity" (koh, 2010, p.
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The children's perspectives will improve the k to 12 philippine basic education curriculum and its study also investigates the perspectives of "pagka-filipino" of early graders, based on locally-published picture books. Therefore, it can be assumed that everyday experiences and concrete materials surrounding the child's routines such as games, food, clothes, animals, famous people, things commonly used and activities often engaged in, are important domains to investigate in this , g.
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Hopefully, it will also help educators in modifying their curriculum and teaching strategies based on what children know about our nation and their perspectives of being a research will also provide new directions for further studies that can be explored related to this rmore, the study aims for the enhancement of the teacher education instruction, especially teaching in the early grades, early childhood education, and other related programs, through growing emphasis on nationalism in their curriculum so that our future teachers will inculcate love of country in filipino children as early as the early and delimitation of the study is descriptive in nature and focused on early graders belonging to low-families as identified by the national statistical coordination board. In piaget's theory of cognitive development, children from two to seven years old belong to the preoperational stage and can already express themselves and describe the world through words and images.

The book offered a suitable definition of picture book in relation to this study by citing bader's definition which is "text, illustrations, total design; an item of manufacture and a commercial product; a social, cultural and historic document; and foremost, an experience for a child" (in matulka, 2008, p. The authors used the following criteria in authenticating the picture book: (1) remains reasonably true to the original printed source, (2) accurately and respectfully represents the values and beliefs of the cultural group, and (3) responsibly depicts geographical, historical, and cultural details (p.

The authors further contend that these are passed down to younger generations to reinforce and strengthen a behavior or cultural norms and attitude and as a form of legacy to perpetuate cultural tradition. According to yacat (2002), there are two kinds of pagka-filipino: filipino by name which is shallow and filipino by heart which is deeply-rooted.

Subject study for the student and the issues to which the research is really ng …that really helped…im the leader of the group and in charge in making the written…this saved my lifee! Aquino (2009) said that children's literature activates the schema of the child and presents vicarious experiences that encourage cognitive processes such as assimilation and accommodation.

The nelf firmly believes that the filipino child is "a human being who loves god, parents, and country, is proud to be a filipino, honors the customs, traditions and good values of the people, knows his/her basic rights, respects other cultures and is able to live in peace and harmony with all" (department of education, 2012, p. Using content analysis of 490 illustrations from 68 caldecott medal /honor books between 1990 and 2009, the authors took note of the gender and type of material cultural artifact used (household, production) by the characters.