Sapling online homework
If the homework product includes a sapling learning ebook, the student must still purchase access to that ebook for the time period of the new course. Termination of license to digital sapling learning products once a refund is issued, user access and the license to sapling learning will terminate.

Sapling learning online homework
Students will be prompted to pay for access to sapling learning at the end of the respective grace period in order to continue their access. Refund policy for purchases made through third parties students who purchase access to sapling learning higher education product(s) through a third party or parties (including, but not limited to, online retailers, physical retail stores such as a campus bookstore, and access codes/cards bundled with other products such as textbooks), are not entitled to a refund if they have activated the sapling learning access card/code(s).
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Sapling learning will bear the cost of shipping the exchanged product to the original purchaser. Refund policy for digital product purchases made online at sapling learning's websites students who purchase access to sapling learning higher education product(s) via sapling learning's websites only and drop the academic course at their respective academic institution may request a refund of the price of the sapling learning higher education product(s) within two weeks of purchasing the sapling learning product(s).
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Changes to sapling learning refund policies sapling learning reserves the right to alter the sapling learning's refund policies for higher education products at any time at the company's sole discretion. Refund policy for self-study products sapling learning does not offer refunds for any self-study sapling learning product.

Purchases of sapling learning products through a third party are subject to the refund policy of that third party. Refund policy for multi-course sapling learning access codes/cards sapling learning does not offer refunds for unused access on multi-course sapling learning access codes/cards.

A user who is eligible for a refund under sapling learning's refund policies for higher education products should contact tech support with the e-mail address he/she used to enroll in sapling learning, the user name, the transaction id(s), and the specific sapling learning course to be refunded. State community est suburban est vista est-shoals community estern college - orange estern michigan estern oklahoma state estern state university of estern dame de namur dame of maryland gham trent southeastern college, new york city college, rockland d city d community community dominican northern state state university, state university, state university, state university, wesleyan community an ma baptist ma christian ma city community ma city ma panhandle state ma state university - oklahoma ma state university institute of ma state university, dominion -harvey college, city colleges of nazarene ge community roberts burg calhoun technical institute of state ta baptist lady of the lake lady of the lake community oro community & technical technical community c lutheran c union beach atlantic beach state se valley community uld high na city -hernando community c county community k henry community river community sippi state community lvania college of lvania highlands community lvania state lvania state university, lvania state university, lvania state university, lvania state university, lvania state university, greater lvania state university, lehigh lvania state university, mont lvania state university, new lvania state university, lvania state university, lvania state university, lvania state university, worthington lvania state university, ola state dine elphia der smith nt virginia community college at college, peak community community community urg state th state loma nazarene park chnic nd community nd state c state college, west e state e view a&m george's community i technical university - north university mary university of borough community land university of piac gamond community college of new ph-macon n valley community college-north g area community ds community s online campus laer polytechnic technical d bland college of the college of william and d j daley college, city colleges of d king high school (ccisd).

In the event a purchaser believes a physical book or tangible good purchased from a sapling learning website is defective, the purchaser may contact tech support to arrange for a merchandise exchange. Sapling learning reserves the right to alter or discontinue the grace period policy at any time at the company's sole discretion.

Learning (higher ed) table of contents for you'll find sapling learning's refund policies for higher education and self-study products. Notes 11-6-17re: how does one receive a refund for unused access to sapling?

Once an access code for a multi-course sapling learning online learning product is activated, the user is not entitled to a refund for any unused portion of the code. Grace period policy sapling learning may, but is not obligated to, provide a grace period at the beginning of each academic term during which time higher education students may temporarily enroll in and access sapling learning's higher education online products without paying.
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For the sake of clarity, a user who activates a multi-course sapling learning access code during the fall 2013 term is not eligible for a refund for access to sapling learning for subsequent terms, even if the student does not take the subsequent course(s) at the academic institution. Refund policy for tangible product purchases made online via sapling learning's websites sapling learning does not provide refunds for physical books or tangible goods purchased at sapling learning's websites.

Refund policy for users who retake the same academic course using sapling learning if a student paid for a sapling learning online homework higher education product for an academic course, and that student retakes the academic course that uses the same sapling learning online homework product, that user will be granted free access to the new homework product for the retake upon request to tech support.