Literature review on diabetes mellitus
Also reported in its research on 59 diabetic patients an increase in latency of the main components of the responses of the brain stem order to investigate the relationship between diabetes mellitus and hearing, another study used the p300 cognitive potential, which has been used as an objective procedure to assess cerebral cognitive function. Some authors refer only that changes in brain cells on some diabetics can result in slower processing of complex sounds, such as of speech ing to the analyzed studies, we can conclude that there is a relation between hearing disorders and diabetes mellitus.

Review of literature on diabetes mellitus
The pancreas does not produce insulin or produces inefficiently, failing to perform its biological main types of diabetes mellitus are type i and type ii. Kawamori r, tajima n, iwamoto y, kashiwagi a, shimamoto k, kaku k, voglibose ph-3 study ose for prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomised, double-blind trial in japanese individuals with impaired glucose tolerance.
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Literature review of diabetes mellitus
It is believed there are several factors that contribute for this association, being needed more studies with more details to establish the true role of these ds: hearing loss; diabetes mellitus; es mellitus is a metabolic disorder, in which there is uncontrolled sugar levels of the organism, affecting all sectors of the body. Black c, cummins e, royle p, philip s, waugh ment of type 2 diabetes: new and future developments in treatment.

Inhaled insulin was licensed for use in 2006 but has been withdrawn from the market because of low ds: type 2 diabetes mellitus, diagnosis, management, newer drugsintroductiondiabetes mellitus (dm) is probably one of the oldest diseases known to man. It is known that the number of individuals with the disease grows every year and it is estimated that half of these individuals are unaware of the diagnosis this work will be focused possible audiological implications of diabetes type i and type type i diabetes mellitus is the most common form among children and adolescents, caused by partial or total destruction of pancreatic beta cells, resulting in progressive inability to produce insulin.

International expert ational expert committee report on the role of the a1c assay in the diagnosis of diabetes. Insulin is always necessary in the treatment of type i diabetes mellitus and should be established as soon as the diagnosis is established 4),( type ii diabetes mellitus results from the action of insulin resistance mechanisms associated with a defect in hormone secretion, corresponding to the most prevalent form of diabetes worldwide 4.

Studies in humans are complicated for the variety of factors, in addition to the variations related to diabetes, such as duration of disease, metabolic control and the presence and degree of complications ça states that the metabolic changes that occur in diabetes mellitus, such as hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia, can cause various types of hearing loss and vestibular changes ts with glucose metabolism disorders may experience auditory, vestibular or mixed symptoms. Ncbi web site requires javascript to tionresourceshow toabout ncbi accesskeysmy ncbisign in to ncbisign l listworld j diabetesv.

The hyperglycemia, in turn, could be further present in this region and therefore, its effects would be greater than those observed in other regions of the cochlea s, as seen in aging and ototoxic subjects, the basal or high frequency region in the cochlea is susceptible to certain diseases, such as diabetes. There appears to be a relationship between hearing loss severity and disease progression, and this may be due to microangiopathic disease in the inner ear ic neuropathy, one of the main complications that appear from time of diabetes mellitus chronic evolution, is characterized by progressive degeneration of nerve fibers' axons 24.

Use of the auditory brainstem response testing in the clinical evaluation of the patients with diabetes mellitus. This is probably because the labyrinth is particularly sensitive to small variations in glucose and insulin plasma levels, and evidenced by the presence of insulin receptors in the endolymphatic sac previously mentioned, it is known that patients with diabetes mellitus often show symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus and hearing loss.

The cause of neuropathy is still very controversial and may be related to diffuse microangiopathy that would affect nourishment of peripheral nerves ogical association between hearing loss and diabetes mellitus (type i and type ii) has been debated since it was first mentioned by jordan in 1857, being subject of debate and remaining controversial to this day, despite numerous previous studies 8)-( 1864, it was identified the first scientific documentation connecting glucose metabolism disorders to inner ear diseases; observing the relation between sensorineural deafness and diabetes, thus establishing the link between hearing loss and hyperglycemia. Hu fb, manson je, stampfer mj, colditz g, liu s, solomon cg, et , lifestyle, and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in women.

2000;66(2): 24, 2012; accepted:Conflict of interest: is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution ncbi web site requires javascript to tionresourceshow toabout ncbi accesskeysmy ncbisign in to ncbisign l listworld j diabetesv. This review is based on a search of medline, the cochrane database of systemic reviews, and citation lists of relevant publications.

Screening and diagnosis is still based on world health organization (who) and american diabetes association (ada) criteria which include both clinical and laboratory parameters. The metabolic control of type ii diabetes is usually achieved with diet, physical exercises and/or concomitant use of oral hypoglycemic agents, insulin may be used in the treatment study aims to analyze the relationship between diabetes mellitus, type i and ii, and possible hearing disorders.

Pratley re, salsali tion of dpp-4: a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Although several studies have been conducted, the association between hearing disorders and diabetes mellitus is still quite controversial, therefore this work aims to clarify possible hearing disorders found in individuals with this study's development will specifically address issues involving general considerations about diabetes mellitus, including definition, types, and auditory behavior, such as common complaints and audiological objective of this study is to perform a literature review to determine the relationship between diabetes mellitus, type i and ii, and possible hearing order to achieve the objectives of this study, research was conducted in electronic databases, namely: scielo, medline and lilacs, and area books from the following combination of descriptors: diabetes mellitus x hearing loss, selecting the most significant studies in recent l es mellitus is a metabolic disease of multiple etiologies.

But there are those who understand that diabetes mellitus and hearing loss could be an integral part of a genetic syndrome and not dependent upon each other athy and neuropathy are diabetes complications, well recognized, but not fully understood, and are considered important factors responsible for vestibulocochlear manifestations 21. E-mail: @abokolobardauthor information ► article notes ► copyright and license information ►received 2012 mar 10; accepted 2012 may ght notice this article has been cited by other articles in cttype 2 diabetes mellitus (dm) is a chronic metabolic disorder in which prevalence has been increasing steadily all over the world.

In fact, the connection between hearing and diabetes seems likely if the blood supply to the cochlea and/or nerve centers in the auditory path, including the brain, are affected 18. Previous studies on cadavers have shown microvascular disease affecting the vascular groove, which is responsible for generating endolymph that serves as driving force for mechanical transduction of hair cells involvement of the blood vessels supplying the inner ear and the changes occurring in the vascular striae in patients with diabetes mellitus are facts proven by several authors, who believe that such changes are strong evidence that diabetes mellitus may cause hearing loss ically in the auditory system, it may occur atrophy of spiral ganglion, degeneration of the eighth nerve myelin sheath, decrease on the number of nerve fibers in the spiral blade, or thickening of the capillary walls of the groove vascular and small arteries inside the ear canal ar and nerve tissues have predominant role in auditory function and any disease capable of causing damage its cells has the potential to negatively affect various hearing organs.

Dependent on a stable level of glucose in ideal situations, extended periods of hypoglycemia episodes can lead to significant individual neurological alterations findings related to diabetes and hearing loss indicate that diabetes can be considered one of the causes of idiopathic sudden hearing loss 32),(33 since diabetes mellitus is known can cause microvascular damage, as well as other microcirculation disorders involving sudden increase of blood viscosity and thromboembolic episodes 32. Mayfield ja, white n therapy for type 2 diabetes: rescue, augmentation, and replacement of beta-cell function.