Research projects in computer science and engineering
Innovators under 35: franziska roesner, university of washington, mit technology review, 8/16/e stored in synthetic dna can take over a pc, researchers find, the wall street journal, 8/10/17 more kers encoded malware in a strand of dna, wired, 8/10/g data in dna brings nature into the digital universe, scientific american, 7/29/ technology that will make it impossible for you to believe what you see, the atlantic, 7/11/17 more cell phone can make calls even without a battery, wired, 6/28/ school set to amplify uw's leadership in human-computer interaction with new hires jennifer mankoff and jon froehlich, allen school news, 6/28/chers use ridesharing cars to sniff out a secret spying tool, wired, 6/2/17 more school's jeffrey heer wins acm grace murray hopper award, allen school news, 5/3/ games help model brain's neurons, new york times, 4/24/ allen school faculty members win nsf career awards, allen school news, 4/18/ school's tom anderson elected to the american academy of arts & sciences, allen school news, 4/13/'s turi acquisition funds new $1m uw professorship in ai and machine learning, geekwire, 2/23/ng to love our robot co-workers, new york times magazine, 2/23/ 'genius' shwetak patel works on health monitoring apps for senosis startup, geekwire, 2/17/map finds routes that avoid common pitfalls for those with limited mobility, techcrunch, 2/1/ wireless, founded by uw researchers, raises $1. This classification can then be used by additional applications on the iphone or sent to web servers via the iphone’s highly available internet igent s-lee's compelling vision of a semantic web is hindered by a chicken-and-egg problem, which can be best solved by a bootstrapping method, creating enough structured data to motivate the development of applications. In this project, we attempt to help bridge this gap by presenting a method for using heuristic evaluation to evaluate persuasive is a set of tools for apple's iphone that allows us to collect annotated sensor traces from the accelerometer as well as compute accelerometer features and perform real-time activity classification.

Research and development projects in computer science
We are particularly interested in predicting specificity in protein interactions and uncovering how molecular interactions and functions vary across context, organisms and individuals. It also allows for additional haptic modalities by altering the hooke’s law linear-elastic force-displacement equation, such as non-linear springs, size changes, and spring length (range of motion) is an application and device-independent system, currently under development at university of washington, that automatically generates user interfaces for a wide variety of display devices. Further, vectorbase will be responsible for providing bioinformatics support of four included "driving biological projects," which will generate cutting-edge experimental data for both graduate students and staff to y: collins, emrich, department of computer science and engineering at the university of notre itation bachelor’s degree programs in aerospace, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering are accredited by the engineering accreditation commission of abet, inc.

We are developing a conceptual model to explain the motivations and key work processes underlying this extraordinary phenomenon. It employs recent advances in agent-based simulation, web-based deployment of scientific applications, a collaboratory for sharing simulations and data, and scalable web-based database management systems to improve the reliability of the stochastic simulations and to facilitate analysis of the resulting large datasets using datamining y: s - energy/power efficient, real-time system scheduling. Some techniques being considered include dynamic voltage scaling (dvs), dynamic frequency scaling (dfs), sleep mode control (smc), y: chen, computational discovery to privacy preservation in social, product, and health fast emergence of interaction networks brings a rich source of information not only about the nodes in such networks, but also about the relationships between them.

The f/oss community has developed a substantial amount of the infrastructure of the internet, and has several outstanding technical achievements, including the most popular web server (apache), the most popular scripting language (perl), and an operating system which successfully competes with windows (linux). We see an increasing number of location-enhanced applications, particularly on mobile y allows designers to quickly prototype location-enhanced applications using high-level abstractions, such as maps, scenarios and storyboards, and test these application prototypes with real users in the field without having to deploy a location trustworthy wireless project aims to provide the users of mobile, wireless devices with technologies that let them understand and control the kind of privacy that they receive. Energy/power efficient, real-time system computational discovery to privacy preservation in social, product, and health grammars for igent edge ous resource ges and systems for data intensive scientific : morphable computer architectures for highly energy-aware networks for machine : processing in ol: computational methods for simulation of : spontaneous information and resource le and reliable computation re engineering of scientific of the open source software ak: collaborative mobile ng the wandering rvised multilingual language ed biometric project is investigating various biometric sources (face, iris, hand, fingerprint, and gait) and sensors (2d, 3d, infra-red, ...

To develop 'breakthrough' passive wi-fi system, geekwire, 1/30/ faculty hires sidd srinivasa and michael taylor set to advance uw's leadership in robotics and computer engineering research, cse news, 1/17/ of the week: uw ph. It allows designers to incorporate large-scale, long-term human activities as a basis for design and speeds up ubicomp design by providing integrated support for modeling, prototyping, deployment and in situ testing. Faculty commitment to excellence in teaching has been recognized and honored with numerous engineering and university teaching awards.

This work is driven by the insight that careless (non-cooperative) adaptation of multiple resource or multiple communicating devices can lead to sub-optimal savings in resource utilization or degraded application performance; effects which are often difficult to capture with theoretical models alone, thereby requiring extensive experimental y: ges and systems for data intensive scientific problems in science and engineering can only be solved by harnessing large collections of computers called cluster, clouds, or grids. The lab's work focuses on developing knowledge about novel applications and integration of digital technologies in the work of organizations — whether they are formal or ad hoc social networks. The bachelor’s degree program in computer science is accredited by the computing accreditation commission of abet, ibility cse department is currently comprised of 50 distinguished faculty members and supports excellent research facilities.

Clever way to transmit data on the cheap, the economist, 9/13/17 more y heer wins ieee visualization technical achievement award, allen school news, 9/12/ng the fourth estate: what the panama papers and confidante reveal about journalists' needs and practices, allen school news, 9/11/'s sounding board names a finalist for $2. Supple uses decision-theoretic optimization to render an interface from an abstract functional specification and an interchangeable device e graphics tactile graphics project aims to increase universal benefit from graphical images (i. Based on an earlier ethnographic study, we have analyzed web site design practice and developed a system to support the practices used by designers during the early phases of information on-enhanced applications make use of the location of people, places, and things to provide useful services.

Computer vision can't do it all yet, the new york times, 9/19/ stencil, will lift, ascr discovery, september dna could store all the world's data, nature, 8/31/s could recycle radio waves instead of transmitting them with new ‘interscatter’ technique, techcrunch, 8/17/16 more really are watching you: web tracking surges with online ads, usa today, 8/16/16 more gollakota in the brilliant 10: the man who powers devices with wi-fi, popular science, 8/11/ robot you want most is far from reality, mit technology review, 8/10/ acquires turi in major exit for seattle-based machine learning and ai startup, geekwire, 8/5/ tag maker impinj prices ipo at $14, shares soar in rare public offering, geekwire, 7/21/16 more amazing search engine automatically face-swaps you into your image results, techcrunch, 7/21/16 more chers stored an ok go music video on strands of dna, mashable, 7/7/16 more ultimate facial-recognition algorithm, the atlantic, 6/28/16 more ts demonstrate their hololens apps after a quarter of vr and ar design, techcrunch, 6/10/ turns to biology as data storage needs explode, scientific american, 5/31/igent water: new $40m phyn joint venture taps uw tech expertise with seattle r&d lab, geekwire, 5/26/ to store information in your clothes invisibly, without $1000, anyone can purchase online ads to track your location and app team shatters long-range communication barrier for devices that consume almost no creen aims to allow parents, coaches, medics to detect concussion, brain injuries with a app could use smartphone selfies to screen for pancreatic er scientists use music to covertly track body movements, sequencing tool lack robust protections against cybersecurity -syncing obama: new tools turn audio clips into realistic battery-free cellphone makes calls by harvesting ambient ng the imsi-catchers: seaglass brings transparency to cell phone , parents alike worried about privacy with internet-connected tracking apps failing users in basic ways, study photos help instagram users with healthy ific discovery game significantly speeds up neuroscience research uw faculty named to american academy of arts and sciences. It helps researchers and educators develop innovative applications and solutions that feature broadcast-quality audio and video in support of real-time distributed collaboration and distance learning environments. A proved-correct compiler consists of a high-level functional specification, machine-verified proofs of important properties, such as safety and correctness, and a mechanism to transport those proofs to the generated machine code.

Biometric thms and software for problems in radiosurgery, radiation therapy, and other medical les mosquito comparative tic emotion ell: computational methods for simulation of biological - design and analysis of real-time intensive abstractions for high end biometric ing grids with machine learning ing ultra-dense computers with nting endangered c data-driven applications simulation (wiper). There is a very large gap between what is known about brain structure and the functional capabilities of a living brain - closing this gap is one of the grand challenged in modern science and engineering. In choosing the department of computer science and engineering for your ms or phd graduate degree students have opportunity to complete programs of study with a thorough and up-to-date understanding of their chosen research area.

The emotion detection systems will be integrated into computer interfaces in an attempt to provide more effective, user-friendly, and naturalistic interactions. Arbeloff laboratory for information systems and ralized information l design and fabrication c languages ical engineering and computer ionary design and ng and intelligent arts and cale computing ks and mobile ions research el and distributed operating systems mming methodology group (pmg). For example, a region might be evaluating two proposed alternatives for dealing with a congested freeway: expanding the freeway or building a new rail system.