Networking research papers
Efficient dynamic traffic offloading and reconfiguration of networked data centers for big data stream mobile computing: review, challenges, and a case ation year: 2016, page(s):54 - data stream mobile computing is proposed as a paradigm that relies on the convergence of broadband internet mobile networking and real-time mobile cloud computing. Sjr uses a similar algorithm as the google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal’s more on journal example article on lides are short, 5-minute presentations in which the author explains their paper in their own in brief authors co-submit and publish a data article in data in brief, it appears on sciencedirect linked to the original research article in this ctive matlab figure application allows readers to interactively explore matlab figures submitted with the article, and to download the original data ctive plot example article on application lets readers explore data and other quantitative results submitted with the article, providing insights into and access to data that is otherwise buried in sx authors co-submit and publish a method article in methodsx, it appears on sciencedirect linked to the original research article in this hing your article with us has many benefits, such as having access to a personal dashboard: citation and usage data on your publications in one place. Challenges for traffic engineering in software defined ation year: 2016, page(s):52 - is an emerging networking paradigm that separates the network control plane from the data forwarding plane with the promise to dramatically improve network resource utilization, simplify network management, reduce operating costs, and promote innovation and evolution.

Research papers on networking
Rauschenbach, "architectures and technologies for high-speed optical data networks," ieee journal of lightwave technology, december modiano and anthony ephremides, "efficient algorithms for performing packet broadcasts in a mesh network," ieee transactions on networking, may modiano, jeffrey wieselthier and anthony ephremides, "a simple analysis of queueing delay in a tree network of discrete-time queues with constant service times," ieee transactions on information theory, february modiano and anthony ephremides, "communication complexity of secure distributed computation in the presence of noise," ieee transactions on information theory, july ng qiao, datta, d. Zhang, "on the role of routing in named data networking", in proceedings of 1st acm conference on information-centric networking, pp. Wang, "ad hoc and sensor networks," wiley encyclopedia of computer science and engineering, jan l and magazine papers.

Thorough evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of quality criteria and monitoring as well as the negligible overhead of our monitoring s p2p based computer network management simulation of computer network attacks on the automation of computer network simulators network-wide statistical modelling and prediction of computer traffic stochastic estimation and control of queues within a computer network hybrid intrusion detection system design for computer network security monitoring and measurement of computer network performance extension of interplay in distance learning by computer network traffic flow distribution in computer network computer network topology design in limelight of pascal graph property computer network routing based on imprecise routing tables building computer network attacks relation between static and dynamic optimization in computer network routing research paper on computer science-computer network related paper free research paper-computer network 2011-2010 research paper-computer science-network security computer network ion-dete---and-implementation-of-a-scalable-intrusio computer network systems network design for computer systems localized network based routing model social network analysis prediction of computer traffic computer network ip configure computer network security neural network and computer networks computer network attacks-02 computer network traffic computer network attacks computer network course in education computer network for a company computer network topology distribution in computer network intrusion detection in computer network quality of service computer network protecting computer network computer network performance computer network application research papers-software engineeringconfigure computer network securitycomputer network application learningcomputer network ipcomputer network course in research papers-digital signaturesecurity aware ad hoc routing for wireless reembeddedelectronicsvlsiwirelesscontactfree ieee papers free research papers-computer ed online research papers. Modiano, “robust design of cognitive radio networks,” information and communication technology convergence (ictc), kuperman and eytan modiano, “disjoint path protection in multi-hop wireless networks with interference constraints,” ieee globecom, austin, tx, december h parandehgheibi, eytan modiano, david hay, “mitigating cascading failures in interdependent power grids and communication networks,” ieee smartgridcomm, venice, italy, november os paschos and eytan modiano, “throughput optimal routing in overlay networks,” allerton conference on communication, control, and computing, september jones, george paschos, brooke shrader, eytan modiano, “an overlay architecture for throughput optimal multipath routing,” acm mobihoc, august johnston, eytan modiano, yuri polyanskiy, "opportunistic scheduling with limited channel state information: a rate distortion approach,” ieee international symposium on information theory, honolulu, hi, july -ping li, georgios paschos, eytan modiano, leandros tassiulas, "dynamic overload balancing in server farms,” networking 2014, trondheim, norway, june, seferonglu and eytan modiano, “tcp-aware backpressure routing and scheduling,” information theory and applications, san diego, ca, february s markakis, eytan modiano, john tsitsiklis, “delay stability of back-pressure policies in the presence of heavy-tailed traffic,” information theory and applications, san diego, ca, february soeb kim, chih-ping li, eytan modiano, “scheduling multicast traffic with deadlines in wireless networks,” ieee infocom, toronto, ca, april os paschos, chih-ping li, eytan modiano, kostas choumas, thanasis korakis, “multirate multicast: optimal algorithms and implementation,” ieee infocom, toronto, ca, april s markakis, eytan modiano, john n. Impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years.

Modiano, “robust network design for stochastic traffic demands,” ieee globecom, next generation networking symposium, houston, tx, december 2011. It is attracting an increasing amount of research ranging from popular topics extraction to social influence analysis, including analysis and processing of big data, soci... Modiano “achieving 100% throughput in reconfigurable optical networks," ieee infocom 2006 high-speed networking workshop, barcelona, spain, april a zafer and eytan modiano, "optimal adaptive data transmission over a fading channel with deadline and power constraints," conference on information sciences and systems (ciss), princeton, new jersey, march 2006.

Tsttsiklis, “queue length asymptotics for generalized max-weight scheduling in the presence of heavy-tailed traffic,” ieee/acm transactions on networking, to appear, lee, hyang-won lee, eytan modiano, “reliability in layered networks with random link failures,” ieee/acm transactions on networking, december a jagannathan, eytan modiano, lizhong zheng, “on the role of queue length information in network control,” ieee transactions on information theory, september -won lee, long le, eytan modiano, “distributed throughput maximization in wireless networks via random power allocation,” ieee transactions on mobile computing, ian neumayer, gil zussman, rueven cohen, eytan modiano, "assessing the vulnerability of the fiber infrastructure to disasters," ieee/acm transactions on networking, december lee, eytan modiano, hyang-won lee, “cross layer survivability in wdm-based networks,” ieee/acm transactions on networking, august craparo, jon how, and eytan modiano, “throughput optimization in mobile backbone networks,” ieee transactions on mobile computing, april, -won lee, kayi lee, and eytan modiano, “diverse routing in networks with probabilistic failures,” ieee/acm transactions on networking, december, eryilmaz, asuman ozdaglar, devavrat shah, and eytan modiano, “distributed cross-layer algorithms for the optimal control of multi-hop wireless networks,” ieee/acm transactions on networking, april celik, gil zussman, wajahat khan and eytan modiano, “mac protocols for wireless networks with multi-packet reception cabaility,” ieee transactions on mobile computing, february, a zafer and eytan modiano, “minimum energy transmission over a wireless channel with deadline and power constraints,” ieee transactions on automatic control, december, a zafer and eytan modiano, “a calculus approach to energy-efficient data transmission with quality of service constraints,” ieee/acm transactions on networking, srinivas, gil zussman, and eytan modiano, “construction and maintenance of wireless mobile backbone networks,” ieee/acm transactions on networking, brzezinski, gil zussman, and eytan modiano, “distributed throughput maximization in wireless mesh networks via pre-partitioning,” ieee/acm transactions on networking, december, khandani, eytan modiano, jinane abounadi, lizhong zheng, “reliability and route diversity in wireless networks,” ieee transactions on wireless communications, december, ndro tarello, jun sun, murtaza zafer and eytan modiano, “minimum energy transmission scheduling subject to deadline constraints,” acm wireless networks, october, a zafer, eytan modiano, “optimal rate control for delay-constrained data transmission over a wireless channel,” ieee transactions on information theory, september, l neely, eytan modiano and c. Software-defined networking for ransomware mitigation: the case of ation year: 2016, page(s):14 - tly, different forms of ransomware are increasingly threatening internet users. Modiano, “diff-max: separation of routing and scheduling in backpressure-based wireless networks,” ieee/acm transactions on networking, 2015.

Learn xplore digital utional sign ence ication, networking & ents, circuits, devices & ing & ered materials, dielectrics & ering , waves & l topics for ics & , energy, & industry cs & control processing & keywords or short phrases (searches metadata only by default). Micro-to-host ation details: ieee network communications ication, networking & ing & university, @ author digital onal open access publishing university, @ your username/ purchased ications sion and & canada: +1 800 678 ide: +1 732 981 crimination y & opting out of cookies. Zhang, "ospfn: an ospf based routing protocol for named data networking," ndn technical report ndn-0003, july 2012.

Efficient and privacy-preserving computing in big data ation year: 2014, page(s):46 - data, because it can mine new knowledge for economic growth and technical innovation, has recently received considerable attention, and many research efforts have been directed to big data processing due to its high volume, velocity, and variety (referred to as "3v") challenges. Orthogonal multiple access vehicular small cell networks: architecture and ation year: 2017, page(s):15 - ly, the concept of 5g vehicular smallcell networking (v-scn) has been proposed to meet the growing demand of mobile data services in vehicular communications. Yiu and suresh singh, ``merging traffic to save energy in the enterprise'', acm 2nd international conference on energy-efficient computing and networking (e-energy 2011), columbia university, new york, may 31 - june 1, 2011.

Of measures associated with references, cites, and references: total number of references to other papers that have been resolved to date, for papers in the ssrn citations: total number of cites to papers in the ssrn elibrary whose links have been resolved to footnotes: total number of footnotes resolved in the ssrn : the links for the two pages containing a paper's references and citation links (when available) are on each paper's ssrn abstract you need immediate assistance, call 877-ssrnhelp (877 777 6435) in the united states, or +1 585 442 8170 outside of the united states, 8:30am to 6:00pm u. Selected as one of the best papers from infocom 2003 for fast-track publication in ieee/acm transactions on l neely, eytan modiano and charlie rohrs, "dynamic power allocation and routing for time-varying wireless networks," ieee journal of selected areas in communication, january, -wei chen and eytan modiano, "dynamic routing and wavelength assignment with optical bypass using ring embeddings," optical switching and networking (elsevier), december, l berry and eytan modiano, "'the role of switching in reducing the number of electronic ports in wdm networks," ieee journal of selected areas in communication, october, modiano, "satellite data networks," aiaa journal on aerospace computing, information and communication, september, i liu and eytan modiano, "on the performance of additive increase multiplicative decrease (aimd) protocols in hybrid space-terrestrial networks," computer networks, september, na narula-tam, eytan modiano and andrew brzezinski, "physical topology design for survivable routing of logical rings in wdm-based networks," ieee journal of selected areas in communication, october, sun and eytan modiano, "routing strategies for maximizing throughput in leo satellite networks,," ieee jsac, february, sun and eytan modiano, "capacity provisioning and failure recovery for low earth orbit satellite networks," international journal on satellite communications, june, fu, eytan modiano, and john tsitsiklis, "optimal energy allocation and admission control for communications satellites," ieee transactions on networking, june, l neely, eytan modiano and charles rohrs, "power allocation and routing in multi-beam satellites with time varying channels," ieee transactions on networking, february, modiano and aradhana narula-tam, "survivable lightpath routing: a new approach to the design of wdm-based networks," ieee journal of selected areas in communication, may na narula-tam, phil lin and eytan modiano, "efficient routing and wavelength assignment for reconfigurable wdm networks," ieee journal of selected areas in communication, january, modiano and phil lin, "traffic grooming in wdm networks," ieee communications magazine, july, schein and eytan modiano, "quantifying the benefits of configurability in circuit-switched wdm ring networks with limited ports per node," ieee journal on lightwave technology, june, na narula-tam and eytan modiano, "dynamic load balancing in wdm packet networks with and without wavelength constraints," ieee journal of selected areas in communications, october berry and eytan modiano, "reducing electronic multiplexing costs in sonet/wdm rings with dynamically changing traffic," ieee journal of selected areas in communications, october modiano and richard barry, "a novel medium access control protocol for wdm-based lans and ks using a master-slave scheduler," ieee journal on lightwave technology, april modiano and anthony ephremides, "communication protocols for secure distributed computation of binary functions," information and computation, april modiano and aradhana narula, "mechanisms for providing optical bypass in wdm-based networks," spie optical networks, january 2000. Centric network function virtualization over 5g mobile wireless ation year: 2015, page(s):68 - ss network virtualization and information-centric networking (icn) are two promising techniques in software-defined 5g mobile wireless networks.

Zhang, "adaptive forwarding in named data networking," acm sigcomm computer communication reviews (editorial note), vol. Light communications for 5g wireless networking systems: from fixed to mobile ation year: 2014, page(s):41 - e light communication, considered as a potential access option for 5g wireless communications, is gaining extensive attention. Scheduled delay-bounded congestion han, inho cho, keon nter interconnect and networking: ion to holistic vahdat, hong liu, ryohei urata, nter interconnect and networking: ion to holistic urata, hong liu, 2017 proceedings (2017).

Modiano, “throughput optimal broadcast on directed acyclic graphs, ieee/acm transactions on networking, to appear, 2017. Next generation optical regional access networks," ieee communications magazine, january, modiano and angela chiu, "traffic grooming algorithms for reducing electronic multiplexing costs in wdm ring networks," ieee journal on lightwave technology, january modiano, "an adaptive algorithm for optimizing the packet size used in wireless arq protocols," wireless networks, august modiano, "random algorithms for scheduling multicast traffic in wdm broadcast-and-select networks," ieee transactions on networking, july, modiano, "wdm-based packet networks," (invited paper) ieee communications magazine, march modiano and richard barry, "architectural considerations in the design of wdm-based optical access networks," computer networks, february 1999. Macdonald , eytan modiano , and leslie servi, "a dynamic resource allocation strategy for satellite communications," ieee milcom, october, l neely and eytan modiano, "capacity and delay tradeoffs in mobile ad hoc networks," (invited paper) ieee broadnets 2004, san jose, ca, october, -wei chen, poompat saengudomlert and eytan modiano, "optimal waveband switching in wdm networks," ieee international conference on communication (icc), paris, france, june, l neely and eytan modiano, "logarithmic delay for nxn packet switches," ieee workshop on high performance switching and routing (hpsr 2004), phoenix, az, april, -wei chen and eytan modiano, "dynamic routing and wavelength assignment with optical bypass using ring embeddings," ieee workshop on high performance switching and routing (hpsr 2004), phoenix, az, april, brzezinski and eytan modiano, "a new look at dynamic traffic scheduling in wdm networks with transceiver tuning latency," informs telecommunications conference, boca raton, fl, march a zafer and eytan modiano, "dynamic channel assignment for connection oriented traffic in multi-hop wireless networks," conference on information science and system, princeton, nj, march, sun, eytan modiano, and lizhong zheng, "a novel auction algorithm for fair allocation of a wireless fading channel," conference on information science and system, princeton, nj, march, i liu and eytan modiano, "packet scheduling with window service constraints," conference on information science and system, princeton, nj, march, l berry and eytan modiano, "using tunable optical transceivers for reducing the number of ports in wdm/tdm networks," ieee/osa optical fiber conference (ofc), los angeles, ca, february, i liu and eytan modiano, "an analysis of tcp over random access satellite links," ieee wireless communications and networking conference (wcnc), atlanta, ga, february, l berry and eytan modiano, "on the benefits of tunability in reducing electronic port counts in wdm/tdm networks," to appear, ieee infocom, hong kong, march, na narula-tam, eytan modiano and andrew brzezinski, "physical topology design for survivable routiing of logical rings in wdm-based networks," ieee globecom 2003, san francisco, ca, december, na narula-tam and eytan modiano, "designing physical topologies that enable survivable routing of logical rings," ieee workshop on design of reliable communication networks (drcn), october, t saengudomlert, eytan modiano and robert gallager, "dynamic wavelength assignment for wdm all optical tree networks," allerton conference on communications, control and computing, october, khandani, jinane abounadi, eytan modiano, lizhong zhang, "cooperative routing in wireless networks," allerton conference on communications, control and computing, october, sun, lizhong zheng and eytan modiano, "wireless channel allocation using an auction algorithm," allerton conference on communications, control and computing, october, srinivas and eytan modiano, "minimum energy disjoint path routing in wireless ad hoc networks," acm mobicom, san diego, ca, september, neely and eytan modiano, "improving delay in ad hoc mobile networks via redundant packet transfers," ciss 2003, baltimore, md, march, l neely, eytan modiano and charles rohrs, "dynamic power allocation and routing for time varying wireless networks," ieee infocom 2003, san francisco, ca, april, fu, eytan modiano, and john tsitsiklis, "optimal energy allocation for delay-constrained data transmission over a time-varying channel," ieee infocom 2003, san francisco, ca, april, t saengudomlert, eytan modiano and rober gallager, "on-line routing and wavelength assignment for dynamic traffic in wdm ring and torus networks," ieee infocom 2003, san francisco, ca, april, -wei chen and eytan modiano, "efficient routing and wavelength assignment for reconfigurable wdm networks with wavelength converters," ieee infocom 2003, san francisco, ca, april, neely, jun sun and eytan modiano, " delay and complexity tradeoffs for dynamic routing and power allocation in a wireless network ," proceedings of the 40th annual allerton conference on communication, control, and computing, allerton, illinois, october, 2002.