Research paper in computer science
This paper, google founders sergey brin and larry page discuss how google was created and how it initially worked. Here’s what i found:What i found was a fascinating list of topics, with many of the expected fundamental papers like shannon’s theory of information and the google paper, a strong showing from mapreduce and machine learning, but also some interesting hints that augmented reality may be becoming more of an actual reality top graph summarizes the overall results of the analysis. You can find more details in our , check out our 10th anniversary te a random to generate a random cs paper of your own?

Research papers on computer science
This is another paper that has high readership across a broad swath of disciplines, including ai, but wasn’t dominated by any one discipline. Is another paper on the same topic as paper #4, and it’s by the same author. Management in mobile network: a a mukherjee | debashis data networking: a saxena | vaskar raychoudhury | neeraj suri | christian becker | jiannong ted knowledge base management: a rophic event phenomena in communication networks: a opher is the research on connecting game worlds?

Biological sciences (my discipline) is the largest, but i started with this one so that i could look at the data with fresh eyes, and also because it’s got some really cool papers to talk about. Looking across subdisciplines as we did here, it’s not surprising to see two related papers, of interest to the main driving discipline, appear twice. Distinctive image features from scale-invariant paper was new to me, although i’m sure it’s not new to many of you.

Comparing yourself against others in terms of readers per paper could put a big smile on your face, or it could be a gentle nudge to get out to more conferences or maybe record a video of your technique for jove or khan academy or just r thing to note is that these results don’t necessarily mean that ai researchers are the most influential researchers or the most numerous, just the best at being accounted for. Journals enable data sharing through mendeley for applying for eu research funding – erc ting research research ghting rships & sponsorships. New dataset teaches algorithms classical passwords can be sent through your body, instead of p screens for anemia, blood conditions without needle catter communication enables first-ever implanted devices, smart contact lenses, credit cards that ‘talk’ hing trackers of the past: uw computer scientists reveal the history of third-party web g software predicts how you look with different hair styles, colors, , microsoft researchers break record for dna data well do facial recognition algorithms cope with a million strangers?

While this seems like a highly specialized niche area, it’s of importance to machine learning and ai researchers, so it was able to pull in a nice readership on mendeley. In general, two kinds of papers are published in csrd: research papers presenting novel approaches and results, and survey papers summarizing current developments. In the past five years alone, more than 40 students have received graduate research fellowships or honorable mentions from the national science foundation, and over a dozen have earned accolades as part of the computing research association's outstanding undergraduate researcher awards school faculty and students are among the most prolific contributors of award papers to major conferences in our field.

This is perhaps expected for such a general purpose technique, but given the above it’s strange that there are no ai readers of this paper at all. Is another machine learning paper and its presence in the top 10 is primarily due to ai, with a small contribution from folks listing neural networks as their discipline, most likely due to the paper being published in ieee transactions on neural networks. This free service is available to anyone who has published and whose publication is in computer science review ly published articles from computer science review.
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First of all, it shows that mendeley readership data is good enough to reveal both papers of long-standing importance as well as interesting upcoming trends. Ai again drove the popularity of this paper in large part and to understand why, think “augmented reality“. Clever way to transmit data on the cheap, the economist, 9/13/17 more y heer wins ieee visualization technical achievement award, allen school news, 9/12/ng the fourth estate: what the panama papers and confidante reveal about journalists' needs and practices, allen school news, 9/11/'s sounding board names a finalist for $2.

Of 2015's hottest topics in computer science ns expressed by forbes contributors are their question originally appeared on quora: what are currently the hot topics in computer science research? This paper describes how to identify objects in a video stream without regard to how near or far away they are or how they’re oriented with respect to the camera. The interesting thing about this paper is that had some of the lowest readership scores of the top papers within a subdiscipline, but folks from across the entire spectrum of computer science are reading it.
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Neural networks could be combined with machine learning, ally in fast-growing fields like computer science, discipline will always be a somewhat fuzzy concept. Videos of techniques at scivee or jove or recorded lectures (previously) can really help spread awareness of your research. Split computer vision, robotics and machine learning from ai, since the latest is a fuzzy and uncertain concept.

Led team awarded $1m bioelectronics innovation gets ‘smart’ with drawn-on, stenciled sensor five-fingered robot hand learns to get a grip on its health sensing tool measures lung function over a phone call, from anywhere in the team stores digital images in dna — and retrieves them atches can now track your finger in mid-air using engineers achieve wi-fi at 10,000 times lower uw professors win presidential early career award for scientists and computer scientists to make financial products better and more available for the center receives $16m to work on first implantable device to reanimate paralyzed makes tom hanks look like tom hanks? Introduction to applying for a nih r series for researchers: october webinars in french and german. Survey of active learning in collaborative filtering recommender elahi | francesco ricci | neil ons, research topics and active countries in software engineering: a bibliometrics garousi | mika v.
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