Research paper on asthma
One of the most surprising finds though is the fact that income affects the chances of having asthma.... Weight loss, in the presence of obesity, may markedly improve asthma but is often difficult to achieve [39].

Furthermore, evidence from recent year suggest that obesity is a risk factor for asthma, which means there is a relationship between them. Asthma itself is an inflammatory disease characterized by increased airway responsiveness due to a variety of stimulus....

The percentile of adults that have been diagnosed with asthma by a health professional in greenpoint is 8. Coughing=just like the wheezing sound, the symptom of coughing make asthma visible to other people.

Notably, heightened dietary-stimulated weight loss is coupled with a considerable progress in asthma control, static lung function, and self reported quality of life in this faction of children. Ctasthma in the elderly is underdiagnosed and undertreated, and there is a paucity of knowledge on the subject.

A bout of breathing difficulty in people gasping to breathe is a painful sight among asthmatics. The journal has a specialized section which focusses on pediatric asthma research and practice aims to serve as an international platform for the dissemination of research of interest to pulmonologists, allergologists, primary care physicians and family doctors, ents and other health care providers interested in asthma, its mechanisms and sma is an international health organization focused on all aspects of asthma that bridge the gap between academia and clinical practice.

Because of the chronic nature of asthma, nurses have a vital role in educating patients on how to recognize when asthma is worsening, and when to respond appropriately to improve their outcome.... Here are the major elements of an asthma attack:-shortness of breath=described as tightness of the chest.

Is under-diagnosed in the aged patient as symptoms, are often underreported or misinterpreted, and asthma is often confounded with other diseases such as copd and heart failure [5, 6]. Long-standing asthma• determine what is the optimal management of asthma• how educate the elderly and develop an effective multidisciplinary approach• should drug therapy be better targeted to this population.

As the number of people with asthma increases, the more likely you are to come in contact with a person who has the disease. They are subtle changes that warn a person that his or her asthma is getting worse.

In a report released on wednesday, scientists have found out that dust mites from your house et may cause asthma in children who do not yet have the disease. For instance, a negative response to an emotional stress can cause an asthma attack (mark 1007).

Those symptoms will occur or you will have an asthma attack unless you contact a doctor about your asthma and stay with your treatment. This report defines asthma and outlines its symptoms and discusses how it is diagnosed and is an asthma attack?

Research and use cookies to improve your experience with our information about our cookie ed article: asthma in the elderly: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effect of is unclear whether leukotriene antagonists benefit older asthmatics. Prevalence of asthma in the elderly has been reported to be equal or even higher than in the general asthmatic population [5, 6].

The main purpose of this pilot study is to investigate the effect of adding montelukast to elderly asthmatics’ treatment regimen on asthma symptoms assessed by the asthma control test (act) (primary objective), daily symptom scores, number of puffs of albuterol, and spirometric values. Asthma causes the walls of the bronchioles (the tiny airways in the lungs) to swell and produce mucus so that it becomes difficult to breathe.

Asthma is diagnosed with a physical exam, a lung function test called spirometry, chest x-rays, an allergy test, and a bronchoprovocation test to measure sensitivity to various common triggers (“what is asthma? Many studies show that obesity is a risk factor for asthma, and it has a positive correlation between increase in body mass index bmi and the development of asthma.

The stimulation of exercise-induced asthma can range anywhere from inhaling allergens to hyperventilation or intense exercise.... This paper identifies how this treatment works, and the benefits as well as negative effects surrounding this new treatment.

A cure for asthma while the reality of a cure for asthma is a long ways off, the idea keeps many asthmatics hopeful and healthy. This has been attributed to a frequent under- or mis-diagnosis, poor assessment and under-treatment of asthma in this group, but also related to many patients-related care gaps in the management of asthma in this population [6, 12–16].