Questionnaire on obesity in children
The questionnaires were developed by the program evaluation committee which included academics with expertise in childhood obesity, nutrition, physical activity, and community development. Articlegoogle scholarjames j, thomas p, cavan d, kerr d: preventing childhood obesity by reducing consumption of carbonated drinks: cluster randomised controlled trial.

Conclusionsthe parent and teacher questionnaires for the ewba community programs are a moderately reliable method for assessing child intakes, environments, attitudes, and knowledge associated with healthy eating and physical activity. Results support the use of the cebq as a psychometrically sound tool for assessing children's eating behaviours in dutch children and the study demonstrates its applicability in overweight-related oundespecially during the last few decades the prevalence rates of childhood overweight and obesity have reached epidemic proportions worldwide [1], and also in the netherlands [2].

The low sample size has implications for interpreting the results of the study, in particular those for the teacher questionnaire, because a larger sample size results in a smaller confidence interval which means we can be more certain that the true reliability coefficient is close to that which has been calculated [29]. Parents who participated in this ewba evaluation follow-up (sept–nov 2009) were invited by letter to complete the questionnaire on a second occasion, and all teachers were asked at a staff meeting to complete the survey a second time.

In the present study we translated the cebq and examined its factor structure in a sample of parents of 6- and 7-year-old children in the netherlands. We do not capture any email multiple addresses on separate lines or separate them with are going to email the obesity cut-offs as derived from parental perceptions: cross-sectional questionnaire.

Parental perceptions and clinical definitions of child obesity differ, which may lessen the effectiveness of interventions to address obesity in the home setting. Of these, 139 parents did not complete the question asking about their child’s weight status, and 282 children were not present on pct records.

Unravelling these factors will inform the development of evidence-based intervention programs to prevent overweight and obesity in the past, a number of psychometric instruments have been developed to assess eating behaviour in children, including the children's eating behaviour questionnaire (cebq) [7], the dutch eating behaviour questionnaire (debq) [8, 9], the children's eating behavior inventory (cebi) [10] and the batman (bob and tom's method of assessing nutrition) [11]. Several studies found that bmi was positively associated with frequent consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks [17, 18] and a decline in soft drink consumption would result in a reduction of overweight and obese children [19].

The extent to which parental and objective weight status cut-offs diverge has not been to compare parental perceived and objectively derived assessment of underweight, healthy weight, and overweight in english children, and to identify sociodemographic characteristics that predict parental under- or overestimation of a child’s weight and setting cross-sectional questionnaire completed by parents linked with objective measurement of height and weight by school nurses, in english children from five regions aged 4–5 and 10–11 years parental derived cut-offs for under- and overweight were derived from a multinomial model of parental classification of their own child’s weight status against school nurse measured body mass index (bmi) s measured bmi centile was matched with parent classification of weight status in 2976 children. Journal of behavioral nutrition and physical use cookies to improve your experience with our information about our cookie children's eating behaviour questionnaire (cebq) is a parent-report measure designed to assess variation in eating style among children.

Doolen j, alpert pt, miller sk (2009) parental disconnect between perceived and actual weight status of children: a metasynthesis of the current research. To the lack of relevant tools to evaluate the impact of the intervention, a number of program-specific questionnaires were developed to assess behaviours, knowledge, attitudes, and environments relevant to the goals of the program of increasing healthy eating and activity.

National child measurement programme (ncmp) measures the heights and weights of all children in reception (age 4–5 years) and year 6 (aged 10–11 years) at state schools in england. 2000, 19: articlegoogle scholardubois l, farmer a, girard m, peterson k, tatone-tokuda f: problem eating behaviors related to social factors and body weight in preschool children: a longitudinal study.

These different messages are a potential source of confusion which may mean that respondents are “guessing” the correct option and this in turn would be a source of retest internal consistency of the scores in the parent and teacher questionnaires was poor to moderate. For example children with a high intake of crisps would not necessarily have a high intake of lollies (both single items in the noncore food score).

Articlegoogle scholarwardle j, guthrie ca, sanderson s, rapoport l: development of the children's eating behaviour questionnaire. Articlegoogle scholarcole tj, bellizzi mc, flegal km, dietz wh: establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey.

3,5 the parents of some children who are most at risk of health consequences of being overweight, including south asian boys, appear from these study findings to be least able to detect weight problems in their child. Only one score from the parent questionnaire (non-core food) and three from the teacher questionnaire were in line with this recommendation; however, the value is affected by the number of items in the scale, and it is common to find low cronbach’s alpha values with scales with less than ten items [24].

Mastersson, “reliability and relative validity of a child nutrition questionnaire to simultaneously assess dietary patterns associated with positive energy balance and food behaviours, attitudes, knowledge and environments associated with healthy eating,” international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, vol. Clinical and parental classifications of obesity are divergent at extremes of the weight mass indexchildcross-sectional studiesfemalehumansmaleobesityparentspreschoolprimary careintroductionthe prevalence of childhood obesity has increased significantly in recent years.

Ong, “reliability and validity of the children's dietary questionnaire; a new tool to measure children's dietary patterns,” international journal of pediatric obesity, vol. S0005-7967(97) articlegoogle scholarcole tj, flegal km, nicholls d, jackson aa: body mass index cut offs to define thinness in children and adolescents: international survey.

Bjgpjournal's likes on h journal of general sion on ending childhood sion on ending childhood obesity (echo). Local authorities are encouraged to provide written weight status feedback to the children’s parents, as well as telephone or in-person feedback to children that are overweight.