Nursing research articles
We consider this essential learning for future interprofessional collaboration which should be included in senior nursing students' education. Qualitative study of nursing student experiences of clinical ndeh sharif and sara hed on: 9 november 2005.

Nursing research paper
2012 elsevier on the professional self: nursing students' perceptions of learning about roles, identity and teamwork in an interprofessional clinical 27, issue 2, january 2014, pages hood | robyn cant | michelle leech | julie baulch | alana : this study aims to describe how senior nursing students viewed the clinical learning environment and matured their professional identity through interprofessional learning in a student-led hospital 'ward'. Impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years.

2013 elsevier ting research with end-of-life populations: overcoming recruitment challenges when working with clinical 25, issue 4, november 2012, pages j. Smith | marilyn werkowitch | andrea qualitative research study methods, this study identified the key factors that patients, health care professionals, and family caregivers perceived as most helpful in effectively managing heart failure (hf) at home.

Entitled to full text“mobile technology to improve heart failure outcomes: a proof of concept paper”original research articlepages 26-33ponrathi athilingam, bradlee a. Entitled to full textthe effect of the emotional intelligence education programme on quality of life in haemodialysis patientsoriginal research articlepages 18-25masoome shahnavazi, zohreh parsa-yekta, mir-saeed yekaninejad, sara amaniyan, pauline griffiths, mojtaba vaismoradiabstractclose research highlights pdf (587 k).

In it you will find peer-reviewed articles, reports of evidence-based practice, case studies, systematic reviews, and much st nursing & allied health database provides users with reliable healthcare information covering nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, and much e with full database provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more with full text st health & medical is a collection of clinical research titles combined with hundreds of additional consumer and health administration & medline simultaneous two of the best health and nursing databases simultaneously! More research is necessary to develop endpoints consistent with the perception of patients, useful for clinical practice, and measurable.

Kapologwe, linda deng, renae stafford, marie jose voeten, kokusiima theonestina, wendy budin, nok chhun and allison hed on: 26 september ent in the home setting with intermittent pneumatic compression for a woman with chronic leg ulcers: a case a young, harrison ng chok and lesley hed on: 21 september accessed articles rss. Ive nursing: applications in practice, education, and a mixed methods approach to explore factors associated with evidence-based cancer pain management practice among h.

E id 1797014, 8 ing nurses knowledge of glasgow coma scale in emergency and outpatient department, harvinderjit kaur a/p basauhra singh, mei chan chong, hari chandran a/l thambinayagam, mohd idzwan bin zakaria, siew ting cheng, li yoong tang, and nurul hafizan e id 8056350, 5 vers lack of disclosure skills delays disclosure to children with perinatal hiv in resource-limited communities: multicenter qualitative data from south africa and botswana, sphiwe e id 9637587, 7 feeding among latino families in an urban pediatric office setting, elizabeth sloand, chakra budhathoki, julia junn, dolly vo, victoria lowe, and amy e id 9278401, 6 t us | terms of service | privacy g research and d in web of l menu about this journal ·. Of contents for year profile of saudi nursing workforce: a cross-sectional study, mohammad alboliteeh, judy magarey, and richard e id 1710686, 9 dge and attitude towards exclusive breast feeding among mothers attending antenatal and immunization clinic at dabat health center, northwest ethiopia: a cross-sectional institution based study, mulugeta wassie alamirew, netsanet habte bayu, nigusie birhan tebeje, and selam fiseha e id 6561028, 9 dge, practice, and associated factors of home-based management of diarrhea among caregivers of children attending under-five clinic in fagita lekoma district, awi zone, amhara regional state, northwest ethiopia, 2016, bogale kassahun desta, nega tezera assimamaw, and tesfaye demeke e id 8084548, 8 criterion validity, reliability, and feasibility of an instrument for assessing the nursing intensity in perioperative settings, satu rauta, sanna salanterä, tero vahlberg, and kristiina e id 1048052, 9 es’ role in providing nutrition advice during pregnancy: meeting the challenges?

And export 0 checked results export citations helpdirect export export file ris (for endnote, reference manager, procite) bibtex text refworks direct exportcontent citations only citations and abstracts all access types all access types open access articlesopen archive articles this issue is in progress but contains articles that are final and fully citable. E id 1797014, 8 ing nurses knowledge of glasgow coma scale in emergency and outpatient department, harvinderjit kaur a/p basauhra singh, mei chan chong, hari chandran a/l thambinayagam, mohd idzwan bin zakaria, siew ting cheng, li yoong tang, and nurul hafizan e id 8056350, 5 vers lack of disclosure skills delays disclosure to children with perinatal hiv in resource-limited communities: multicenter qualitative data from south africa and botswana, sphiwe e id 9637587, 7 feeding among latino families in an urban pediatric office setting, elizabeth sloand, chakra budhathoki, julia junn, dolly vo, victoria lowe, and amy e id 9278401, 6 t us | terms of service | privacy homeabout ojinfaqsauthor guidelinesfeatured authorseditorial staff boardcontact ussite 's newnew postingsjournal recognitionojin newsjournal topicsback to class: perspectives on school nursinghealthcare reform: nurses impact policyemerging global health concerns: how nurses respondelimination of barriers to rn scope of practice: opportunities and challengesorganizational outcomes for providers and patientsthe patient experiencecare coordinationcornerstone documents in healthcareemotional health: strategies for nursesmore...

This is despite the professional nursing requirement to conduct research into issues that influence palliative care practice. The large majority of the nurses' oral care knowledge was learned during their basic nursing education.

2012 elsevier ishing research in a palliative care clinical setting: perceived barriers and implemented 27, issue 1, february 2014, pages bullen | kate maher | john p. A multicenter italian di muzio | corrado de vito | daniela tartaglini | paolo y of life and self-care in elderly patients with cardiovascular diseases: the effect of a traditional chinese medicine health educational -qin sun | an-li jiang | san-mei chen | hui li | hai-yan xing | fang effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on hospital nursing -chen wang | ling-yi wang | shih-ming shih | shu-chuan chang | sheng-yu fan | wen-yu 2d6 drug-gene and drug-drug-gene interactions among patients prescribed pharmacogenetically actionable ll r.

Learn how to locate full text available through walden university library in ce based & clinical ne database of systematic reviews this database contains the full text of cochrane systematic reviews, which are considered the highest level of briggs institute ebp database joanna briggs institute ebp database includes systematic reviews, evidence summaries, and best practice information reviews this collection offers comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading measurements yearbook with tests in print produced by the buros institute at the university of nebraska, mmy provides users with a comprehensive guide to over 2,000 contemporary testing sts a research database that provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and and psychosocial instruments (hapi) hapi is a database that provides access to information on approximately 15,000 measurement instruments in the fields of health and psychosocial u: search multiple g research and d in web of l menu about this journal ·. Five main themes emerged describing their engagement in 'trying on' a professional role: 'experiencing independence and autonomy'; 'seeing clearly what nursing's all about'; 'altered images of other professions'; 'ways of communicating and collaborating' and 'becoming a functioning team'.

Please enable javascript to use all the features on this d nursing researchvolume 39, in progressvolume / issue in progressa volume/issue that is "in progress" contains final, fully citable articles that are published online, but the volume/issue itself is awaiting more articles before it can be considered "final". This brief paper examines the effect of an interprofessional simulation-based communication education program in enhancing medical and nursing students' perceptions of each other's profession and their attitudes toward nurse-physician collaboration.

Hand | jessie : the aims of this study were to develop empirical data on how nurses used an evidenced-based nursing information system (nis) and to identify challenges and facilitators to nis adoption for nurse leaders. Entitled to full textschool-related factors affecting smoking intention among korean middle school studentsoriginal research articlepages 34-40jin suk ra, mi sook jungabstractclose research highlights pdf (378 k).

Measures: sf-36 health survey, nursing stress scale (nss), perceived stress scale (pss), sit-and-reach test, functional reach test, the work limitations questionnaire, workplace injury and unscheduled time off. They range in scope from general nursing to specializations such as emergency and dermatology nursing.

Entitled to full textthe relation between patient education, patient empowerment and patient satisfaction: a cross-sectional-comparison studyoriginal research articlepages 11-17mei-yu yeh, shu-chen wu, tao-hsin tungabstractclose research highlights pdf (250 k). Purpose of the mindful nursing pilot study was to explore the impact of mindfulness training for nursing staff on levels of mindfulness, compassion satisfaction, burnout, and stress.