Need of research methodology
But the government of india could not invest in the area, leading to production of non-qualified researchers in ayurvedic institutions who are supposed to be the backbone of ayurvedic s researchers started to feel that conventional clinical trial regimen is not fit for ayurveda. E-mail: @hor information ► copyright and license information ►copyright © indian journal of ophthalmologythis is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly article has been cited by other articles in the first glance, most of us would assume that this editorial is only for those who are involved in research and is certainly not for me. In the undergraduate curriculum research methodology and epidemiology is covered under preventive and social medicine.

Conduction of research involves science and subsequent publication requires scientific writing which is an art in should i do research? It should be more balanced, comprehensive, and equally emphasizing in the literary field, experimental and clinical research. They are also expected to publish it later in a peer-reviewed journal so that the research can be presented to the world without any ambiguity.

Hinduja national hospital and medical research center, mumbai, has taken the initiative to bridge this gap by conducting comprehensive workshops on “medical research and scientific writing”. For the purpose the modern research, methodology is not suitable and there is a need for a paradigm shift in the research methodology for ayurveda. The wider cause for conducting research is to improve patient care, a great service to the mankind.

From initiation of a research idea to the ultimate culmination in publication there are many segments; initiation of a research idea, thorough literature search, formulation of a research question, proper study design, possible source of funding, conduction of research, analysis of data obtained, proper interpretation of results and publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Undergraduate medical students need to learn it for a stronger foundation for their future; postgraduate students have no choice as a thesis/dissertation is the requirement for a masters degree. Having a good foundation of research at any level may help in pursuing a research career in the future.

We are fast approaching towards the publish or perish principle adopted by the should learn research methodology? 3,4] it is not possible to differentiate between biased research outcomes from unbiased ones without a proper understanding of each aspect of research. The aim of this editorial is to emphasize that each and every doctor needs to understand the basics of the science and art of research methodology.

Present day ayurvedic researches are failing in this aspect as they are unable to disseminate the knowledge gained from the exercises. To establish dose, duration, indication and side-effect profile of any given , if ayurveda has to provide the much needed support to the modern medicine in the management of the diseases, it requires more research in the areas of fundamental principles and diagnostic tools in place of drugs. Any treatment instituted on the basis of published evidence in a peer- reviewed journal becomes a very good defence for doctors in the court of law in cases of it is obvious that everyone should learn research methodology, then where is the lucuna?

Those who are not involved in conducting research themselves, are the end users of the fruit of such tedious efforts and should at least be able to differentiate between good and bad science. For those who are involved in conduction of research, it is mandatory that they perform the research well to curtail wastage of time and money. Ayurveda requires research in the areas of diagnostic principles of ayurveda so that the ayurvedic diagnosis can be made more pinpointed leading to more effective treatment strategies.

Hence, anyone who is related to medical science needs to understand should i learn research methodology? Commentshow to join pubmed commonshow to cite this comment:Ncbi > literature > the characters you see , we just need to make sure you're not a robot. The methodology may include publication research, interviews, surveys and other research techniques, and could include both present and historical 'research methodology' in a research methodology enabled the team to organize their efforts into one cohesive and conceptual product idea generation task for found this need to have a good research methodology in place when trying to figure out new ideas for your found this research methodology was really good and i considered it to be the best available in the business world found this also might like...

All those who hold administrative posts have to take decisions for their organizations and the research outcomes help them to a large extent in this regard. Nandini kumar[6] has also opined that there is a need to stem the misuse of indian traditional knowledge and there is dire need to gear ourselves up not only to show the science carried out in ayurvedic way, but also to use modern science to produce interpretative evidence. Ayurvedic research outcomes have not trickled down to professionals use; neither do they benefit ayurveda students or practitioners”.

However, this document has strongly recommended the exhaustive training of manpower of ayurvedic institutions for research methodology. Many of the diagnostic tools have been missed in between and new principles added like avarana are clinical trials in ayurveda are needed for– a. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting the characters you see in this image:Enter the characters you see , we just need to make sure you're not a robot.