Mixed methods case study
Use cookies to improve your experience with our information about our cookie a mixed-methods case study design to explore, evaluate, and enhance a cancer patient navigator , lashawn a mixed-methods case study design to explore, evaluate, and enhance a cancer patient navigator al dissertation, university of ound: successful strategies for addressing inequalities in cancer care are greatly needed as critical racial/ethnic and socioeconomic cancer burden disparities persist in the united states. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods data will be analyzed and interpreted at the case level as well as across cases in order to highlight meaningful similarities, differences, and site-specific study is designed to inform efforts to develop more effective implementation strategies by fully describing the implementation experiences of a sample of community-based organizations that provide mental health services to youth in one midwestern dsimplementation strategiesmental healthchildren and adolescentsmixed methodsmultiple case oundchildren in the u.

Immediately following each interview, the interviewer will complete field notes that will capture the main themes of the interview and any information that is pertinent to the study aims [71, 72]. Is worth noting that the approaches to ‘mixing’ qualitative and quantitative data will be used at both the case-level and the cross-case level (as described below).

Intereststhe authors declare that they have no competing s’ contributionsbjp is the principal investigator of the study. However, there has yet to be a study that maps a fuller range of potential implementation strategies that extends beyond commonly used strategies such as training and supervision [9].

The resulting organizational profiles can be compared to norms from a nationwide sample of 1,154 clinicians in 100 mental health clinics, which affords the opportunity to determine the generalizability of study findings beyond the selected sites. These data are merged for the purpose of triangulation; in this case, to use the quantitative data from the stakeholder perceptions survey to validate and confirm the qualitative findings from the focus-group interviews.

For this study has been provided by the national institute of mental health (nimh) through a national research service award (nrsa) individual pre-doctoral fellowship (nimh f31 mh098478; powell, pi), the doris duke charitable foundation through a fellowship for the advancement of child well-being (administered by chapin hall at the university of chicago), the fahs-beck fund for research and experimentation at the new york community trust, and the larger randomized clinical trial that is providing the sample of organizations and measure of osc (nimh r01 mh084855; glisson, pi). The study relies upon the ‘sequential collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, beginning with qualitative data, for the primary purpose of exploration and hypothesis generation, ’ or a qual → quan approach [64].

Login or create a profile above so that you can save clips, playlists, and log in from an authenticated institution or log into your member profile to access the email methods is a research paradigm that combines specific positivistic elements of quantitative research methods with specific constructivist elements of qualitative research methods. Should also be noted that the powell and colleagues’ compilation includes a number of strategies that could not be reasonably adopted by the participants of this study (e.

Ekp, cag, plk, rr, rcb, bps, crc, and lap provided input into the design of the study. This study represents a novel approach to studying implementation as usual in the control group of an implementation rct.

This highlights the need for descriptive studies that define the range and context of current implementation processes in relation to what is known about ‘best implementation practice’ [35], which (for the purpose of this study) is characterized as the planned use of multiple strategies to address barriers to change at various levels [20, 26, 28, 36]. The proposed study will utilize cross-case synthesis [57], which treats individual cases as separate studies that are then compared to identify similarities and differences between the cases.

As with the individual interviews, the interviewer will complete field notes following the focus groups that will document the main themes of the session and any observations pertinent to the study aims. Interviews and field notes will be transcribed, and entered into nvivo, version 10, for data study will also involve a review of publically available and organization-provided documents.

Data will also be pooled across all seven cases to reveal an overall picture of strategy use, as well as perceived effectiveness, relative importance, acceptability, feasibility, and appropriateness of implementation s from the osc measure will be analyzed and interpreted in consultation with its developer according to procedures described by glisson et al. Primary benefit of a multiple case study is the ability to make comparisons across cases.

National institute of mental health funded randomized controlled trial (rct) [65] of the availability, responsiveness, and continuity (arc) organizational implementation strategy [23, 49, 66], which affords a unique opportunity to study implementation as usual. Cag is the principal investigator and ekp is the co-principal investigator of the arc rct that provides the context for the current study.

Qualitative results will then be categorized according to those osc profiles to determine whether strategy patterns, approaches to decision-making, and perceptions of strategies vary by organizational culture and methods previously mentioned, the structure of this study is qual → quan, meaning that qualitative methods precede quantitative and that they are predominant [64, 88]. In the present study, organizations with the worst cultures and climates may be expected to demonstrate similar implementation processes and perceptions of strategies (i.

Leaders in the field have emphasized the importance of using case study and other mixed methods observational designs to develop a more nuanced, theoretically informed understanding of change processes [59–64]. 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theoretical sciencecontentious issues in case study researchcultural sensitivity and case studydissertation proposalecological perspectivesideologymasculinity and femininityobjectivismotheringpatriarchypluralism and case studypowerpower/knowledgepragmatismresearcher as research toolterroirutilitarianismdata analysisabductionbayesian inference and boolean logicbricoleurcaseto-case synthesiscausal case study: explanatory theorieschronological ordercoding: axial codingcoding: open codingcoding: selective codingcognitive biasescognitive mappingcommunicative framing analysiscomplexitycomputer-based analysis of qualitative data: uter-based analysis of qualitative data: caita (computerassisted interpretive textual analysis)computer-based analysis of qualitative data: kwalitancomputer-based analysis of qualitative data: maxqda 2007computer-based analysis of qualitative data: nvivoconcept mappingcongruence analysisconstant causal effects assumptioncontent analysisconversation analysiscross-case synthesis and analysisdecision making under uncertaintydocument analysisfactor analysisfiction analysishigh-quality analysisinductivisminteractive methodology, feministinterpreting resultsiterativeiterative nodesknowledge productionmethod of agreementmethod of differencemulticollinearitymultidimensional scalingover-rapportpattern matchingreanalysis of previous dataregulating group mindrelational analysisreplicationreuse of qualitative datarival explanationssecondary data as primaryserendipity patternsituational analysisstandpoint analysisstatistical analysisstorysellingtemporal bracketingtextual analysisthematic analysisuse of digital datautilizationwebs of significancewithin-case analysisdata collectionaction-based data collectionanalysis of visual dataanonymity and confidentialityanonymizing data for secondary usearchival records as evidenceaudiovisual recordingautobiographycase study databasecase study protocolcase study surveysconsent, obtaining participantcontextualizationcritical pedagogy and digital technologycultural sensitivity and case studydata resourcesdepth of datadiaries and journalsdirect observation as evidencediscourse analysisdocumentation as evidenceethnostatisticsfiction analysisfield notesfield workgoing nativeinformant biasinstitutional ethnographyinterviewsiterative nodeslanguage and cultural barriersmultiple sources of evidencenarrative analysisnarrativesnaturalistic contextnonparticipant observationobjectivityover-rapportparticipant observationparticipatory action researchparticipatory case studypersonality testsproblem formulationquestionnairesreflexivityregulating group mindreliabilityrepeated observationsresearcher–participant relationshipreuse of qualitative datasensitizing conceptssubject rightssubjectivismtheoretical saturationtriangulationuse of digital datautilizationvisual research methodsmethodological approacheswriting and differenceactivity theoryactor-network theoryanti-historyautoethnographybase and superstructurecase study as a methodological approachcharacterclass analysisclosurecodifying social practicescommunicative actioncommunity of practicecomparing the case study with other methodologiesconsciousness raisingcontradictioncritical discourse analysiscritical sensemakingdaseindecentering textsdeconstructiondialogic inquirydiscourse ethicsdouble hermeneuticdramaturgyethnographic memoirethnographyethnomethodologyeurocentricismfamiliesformative contextframe analysisfront stage and back stagegenderinggenealogygovernmentalitygrounded theoryhermeneuticshybridityimperialisminstitutional theory, new and oldintertextualityisomorphismlangue and parôlelayered nature of textslife historylogocentrismmanagement of impressionsmeans of productionmetaphormodes of productionmultimethod research programmultiple selfingnative points of viewnegotiated ordernetwork analysisone-dimensional cultureordinary troublesorganizational cultureparadigm plurality in case study researchperformativityphenomenologypractice-oriented researchpraxisprimitivismqualitative analysis in case studiesqualitative comparative analysisquantitative single-case research designquick start to case study researchself-confrontation methodself-presentationsensemakingsexualitysign systemsignifier and signifiedsimulacrumsocial-interaction theorystorytellingstructurationsymbolic valuesymbolic violencethick descriptiontheoretical traditionscase study and theoretical sciencechicago schoolcolonialismconstructivismcritical realismcritical theorydialectical materialismepistemologyexistentialismfamiliesformative contextframe analysishistorical materialisminterpretivismliberal feminismmanagerialismmodernitynorth american case research associationontologyparadigm plurality in case study researchphilosophy of sciencepluralism and case studypostcolonialismpostmodernismpostpositivismpoststructuralismpoststructuralist feminismradical empiricismradical feminismrealityscientific methodscientific realismsocialist feminismsymbolic interactionismtheory development and contributions from case study researchanalytic generalizationaudienceauthenticityconcatenated theoryconceptual argumentconceptual model in a qualitative research projectconceptual model in a quantitative research projectconceptual model: causal modelconceptual model: operationalizationcontribution, theoreticalcredibilitydocile bodiesequifinalityexperienceexplanation buildingextension of theoryfalsificationfunctionalismgeneralizabilitygenericizationindeterminacyindexicalityinstrumental case studymacrolevel social mechanismsmiddle-range theorynaturalistic generalizationoverdeterminationplausibilityprobabilistic explanationprocess tracingprogram evaluation and case studyreporting case study researchrhetoric in research reportingstatistical generalizationsubstantive theorytheory-building with casestheory-testing with casesunderdeterminationtypes of case study researchanti-historycase studies as a teaching toolcase study in creativity researchcase study research in tourismcase study with the elderlycollective case studyconfigurative-ideographic case studycritical pedagogy and digital technologydiagnostic case study researchexplanatory case studyexploratory case studyinductivisminstitutional ethnographyinstrumental case studyintercultural performanceintrinsic case studylimited-depth case studymultimedia case studiesparticipatory action researchparticipatory case studypluralism and case studypracademicsprocessual case researchprogram evaluation and case studyprogram-logic modelsprospective case studyrealtime casesretrospective case studyreuse of qualitative datasingle-case designsspiral case research article has open peer review reports does open peer review work?

Methods in case study : encyclopedia of case study methods in case study by: albert j. Like you do not have access to this login via your here for free trial ic disciplinescase study research in anthropologycase study research in business and managementcase study research in business ethicscase study research in educationcase study research in feminismcase study research in medicinecase study research in political sciencecase study research in psychologycase study research in public policycase study research in tourismcase study with the elderlyecological perspectiveshealthcare practice guidelinespedagogy and case studycase study research designbefore-and-after case study designblended research designbounding the casecase selectioncase within a casecaseto-case synthesiscomparative case studycritical incident case studycross-sectional designdecision making under uncertaintydeductive–nomological model of explanationdeviant case analysisdiscursive framedissertation proposalethicsevent-driven researchexemplary case designextended case methodextreme caseshealthcare practice guidelinesholistic designshypothesisintegrating independent case studiesjuncturelongitudinal researchmental frameworkmixed methods in case study researchmost different systems designmultimedia case studiesmultiple-case designsmultisite case studynatural science modelnaturalistic inquirynumber of casesoutcome-driven researchparadigm plurality in case study researchparadigmatic casesparticipatory action researchparticipatory case studypolar typesproblem formulationquantitative single-case research designquasiexperimental designquick start to case study researchrandom assignmentresearch frameworkresearch objectivesresearch proposalsresearch questions, types ofrhetoric in research reportingsamplingsocially distributed knowledgespiral case studystatistics, use of in case studystorysellingtemporal bracketingthematic analysistheory, role oftheory-testing with casesutilizationvalidityconceptual issuesverstehenagencyalienationauthenticity and bad faithauthor intentionalitycase study and theoretical sciencecontentious issues in case study researchcultural sensitivity and case studydissertation proposalecological perspectivesideologymasculinity and femininityobjectivismotheringpatriarchypluralism and case studypowerpower/knowledgepragmatismresearcher as research toolterroirutilitarianismdata analysisabductionbayesian inference and boolean logicbricoleurcaseto-case synthesiscausal case study: explanatory theorieschronological ordercoding: axial codingcoding: open codingcoding: selective codingcognitive biasescognitive mappingcommunicative framing analysiscomplexitycomputer-based analysis of qualitative data: uter-based analysis of qualitative data: caita (computerassisted interpretive textual analysis)computer-based analysis of qualitative data: kwalitancomputer-based analysis of qualitative data: maxqda 2007computer-based analysis of qualitative data: nvivoconcept mappingcongruence analysisconstant causal effects assumptioncontent analysisconversation analysiscross-case synthesis and analysisdecision making under uncertaintydocument analysisfactor analysisfiction analysishigh-quality analysisinductivisminteractive methodology, feministinterpreting resultsiterativeiterative nodesknowledge productionmethod of agreementmethod of differencemulticollinearitymultidimensional scalingover-rapportpattern matchingreanalysis of previous dataregulating group mindrelational analysisreplicationreuse of qualitative datarival explanationssecondary data as primaryserendipity patternsituational analysisstandpoint analysisstatistical analysisstorysellingtemporal bracketingtextual analysisthematic analysisuse of digital datautilizationwebs of significancewithin-case analysisdata collectionaction-based data collectionanalysis of visual dataanonymity and confidentialityanonymizing data for secondary usearchival records as evidenceaudiovisual recordingautobiographycase study databasecase study protocolcase study surveysconsent, obtaining participantcontextualizationcritical pedagogy and digital technologycultural sensitivity and case studydata resourcesdepth of datadiaries and journalsdirect observation as evidencediscourse analysisdocumentation as evidenceethnostatisticsfiction analysisfield notesfield workgoing nativeinformant biasinstitutional ethnographyinterviewsiterative nodeslanguage and cultural barriersmultiple sources of evidencenarrative analysisnarrativesnaturalistic contextnonparticipant observationobjectivityover-rapportparticipant observationparticipatory action researchparticipatory case studypersonality testsproblem formulationquestionnairesreflexivityregulating group mindreliabilityrepeated observationsresearcher–participant relationshipreuse of qualitative datasensitizing conceptssubject rightssubjectivismtheoretical saturationtriangulationuse of digital datautilizationvisual research methodsmethodological approacheswriting and differenceactivity theoryactor-network theoryanti-historyautoethnographybase and superstructurecase study as a methodological approachcharacterclass analysisclosurecodifying social practicescommunicative actioncommunity of practicecomparing the case study with other methodologiesconsciousness raisingcontradictioncritical discourse analysiscritical sensemakingdaseindecentering textsdeconstructiondialogic inquirydiscourse ethicsdouble hermeneuticdramaturgyethnographic memoirethnographyethnomethodologyeurocentricismfamiliesformative contextframe analysisfront stage and back stagegenderinggenealogygovernmentalitygrounded theoryhermeneuticshybridityimperialisminstitutional theory, new and oldintertextualityisomorphismlangue and parôlelayered nature of textslife historylogocentrismmanagement of impressionsmeans of productionmetaphormodes of productionmultimethod research programmultiple selfingnative points of viewnegotiated ordernetwork analysisone-dimensional cultureordinary troublesorganizational cultureparadigm plurality in case study researchperformativityphenomenologypractice-oriented researchpraxisprimitivismqualitative analysis in case studiesqualitative comparative analysisquantitative single-case research designquick start to case study researchself-confrontation methodself-presentationsensemakingsexualitysign systemsignifier and signifiedsimulacrumsocial-interaction theorystorytellingstructurationsymbolic valuesymbolic violencethick descriptiontheoretical traditionscase study and theoretical sciencechicago schoolcolonialismconstructivismcritical realismcritical theorydialectical materialismepistemologyexistentialismfamiliesformative contextframe analysishistorical materialisminterpretivismliberal feminismmanagerialismmodernitynorth american case research associationontologyparadigm plurality in case study researchphilosophy of sciencepluralism and case studypostcolonialismpostmodernismpostpositivismpoststructuralismpoststructuralist feminismradical empiricismradical feminismrealityscientific methodscientific realismsocialist feminismsymbolic interactionismtheory development and contributions from case study researchanalytic generalizationaudienceauthenticityconcatenated theoryconceptual argumentconceptual model in a qualitative research projectconceptual model in a quantitative research projectconceptual model: causal modelconceptual model: operationalizationcontribution, theoreticalcredibilitydocile bodiesequifinalityexperienceexplanation buildingextension of theoryfalsificationfunctionalismgeneralizabilitygenericizationindeterminacyindexicalityinstrumental case studymacrolevel social mechanismsmiddle-range theorynaturalistic generalizationoverdeterminationplausibilityprobabilistic explanationprocess tracingprogram evaluation and case studyreporting case study researchrhetoric in research reportingstatistical generalizationsubstantive theorytheory-building with casestheory-testing with casesunderdeterminationtypes of case study researchanti-historycase studies as a teaching toolcase study in creativity researchcase study research in tourismcase study with the elderlycollective case studyconfigurative-ideographic case studycritical pedagogy and digital technologydiagnostic case study researchexplanatory case studyexploratory case studyinductivisminstitutional ethnographyinstrumental case studyintercultural performanceintrinsic case studylimited-depth case studymultimedia case studiesparticipatory action researchparticipatory case studypluralism and case studypracademicsprocessual case researchprogram evaluation and case studyprogram-logic modelsprospective case studyrealtime casesretrospective case studyreuse of qualitative datasingle-case designsspiral case research methods in case study : encyclopedia of case study methods in case study by: albert j.

By shedding light on ‘implementation as usual’ in children’s social service settings, this study will inform efforts to develop and tailor strategies, propelling the field toward the ideal of evidence-based bility responsiveness and idated framework for implementation ce-based al research service al institute of mental zational social ized controlled ative (dominate method). Further, a main benefit of the multiple case study design is obtaining different sources of information that will be used to triangulate the interview data [57, 64].