Midwifery literature review
Make a systematic and thorough search for literature, you will need to use some advanced searching techniques. Hesketh | david crawford | megan teychenne | karen g midwifery and obstetric units in walsh | helen spiby | celia p. It de-mystifies the concept of literature review methodology and supports students writing up their dissertation, thesis or work-based learning book provides step-by-step guidance on:- identifying a research problem.

Randomised controlled trial: igation into the study of pregnant women with social risk: al guidance into the screening of infectious diseases in pregnant women: cological interventions for generalised itching during pregnancy: uity of care by a primary midwife: ques for assisting difficult delivery at caesarean section: association of maternal obesity and diabetes with autism and other developmental disabilities: use of psychotropic medication during pregnancy: a qualitative study: lled trial of maternal positioning to correct occiput posterior fetal position during the first stage of labour: als for changing the system of midwifery supervision: factors and outcomes of cutaneous melanoma in pregnant women under 50: quality standards for diabetes during pregnancy: sion in both women and men linked with an increase of preterm birth: d cochrane review of vitamin d supplementation during pregnancy: age of women becoming mothers in the u. Hood could increase body mass index in men over time: d cochrane review: taking iron supplements daily during pregnancy: d cochrane review: expedited versus conservative approaches for vaginal delivery in breech presentation: d cochrane review: planned caesarean section for term breech delivery: d cochrane review: alternative versus standard packages of antenatal care for low-risk pregnancy: feeding concerns following support cuts for mothers: ch and results into giving women who breastfeed long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (lcpufas) supplement: organic diet during pregnancy could the halve risk of male urogenital anomalies, according to research: world bank warns a rise in maternal deaths in west africa because of the ebola crisis: s suggest ssris taken during early pregnancy could be linked to birth defects: nt women with epilepsy could be at risk during labour, u. De boer | meredith vanstone | lidewij care for healthy babies at term: a systematic review of the cooke | carol bedwell | malcolm campbell | linda mcgowan | steven j.

Comparison of midwifery-led and medical-led models of care and their relationship to adverse fetal and neonatal outcomes: a retrospective cohort study in new zealand: iology of maternal depression, risk factors, and child outcomes in low-income and middle-income countries: lancet releases new series on maternal health 2016: lycaemia and risk of adverse perinatal outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis: -country individual participant analysis of 4. Study: publish updated guidance for women on alcohol consumption in pregnancy: publish new advice on air travel in pregnancy: sibility for public health nursing and midwifery leadership to transfer to phe from april: d cochrane review on cord traction during the third stage of labour: d cochrane review: pneumococcal vaccination during pregnancy for preventing infant health wales publish new report on unexplained sudden infant deaths in wales: d cochrane review on different ways of identifying women with gestational diabetes: publish consultation on antenatal and postnatal mental health: assesses the effect of parent-mediated intervention on infants at high risk of autism: ary analysis of birthplace study examines clinical characteristics and outcomes of ‘higher risk’ women: guidelines on chickenpox in pregnancy revised: organ transplants from newborn in the uk performed by doctors at imperial college nhs trust: irth connection release long-awaited report from dr sarah buckley on the role of hormones in childbearing: bjog study finds that medical comorbidities are associated with direct maternal deaths: suggests sleep position in pregnancy may be connected to stillbirth risk, if other risk factors are present: study finds link between government healthcare spending and maternal mortality rates across the eu: shows that increasing breastfeeding rates could save the nhs millions by improving maternal and infant health: guidance from nice on preventing vitamin d deficiency in pregnant and breastfeeding women and the under-5s: cochrane review: pentoxifylline for the prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants: ne review explores effect of informing and/or educating communities about early childhood vaccination: h study identifies risk factors for, and perinatal outcomes of, major depression in pregnancy: lancet publishes new series of open access articles on perinatal mental health: ne publish updated review on preventing or reducing violence against women during pregnancy: announces more organisations it will be partnering with to pilot system of revalidation in the spring: al age at childbirth may affect metabolism of male adult offspring: ment publishes guidance on changes to the health visiting service: study investigates influence of adolescent mothers’ educational attainment on their offspring’s achievement: health england develops flowchart to help midwives diagnose carbon monoxide poisoning in pregnant women: publish new patient information leaflet on pregnancy and breast cancer: t wins award for inflatable baby incubator: g women’s charities warn court case could lead to criminalisation of pregnant women’s behaviour: study finds parents’ happiness depends on number of children and age at first birth: ne review assesses treatment for epilepsy in pregnancy and the development of the child: d cochrane review examines effects of prophylactic antibiotics for prom at or near term: cochrane review assesses effectiveness of testing for syphilis during pregnancy: publish guideline consultation on safe midwifery staffing in maternity settings: official figures reveal over 1,700 women and girls who have undergone fgm were treated by the nhs in september: cochrane review: non-nutritive sucking for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in preterm and low birth weight infants: announces the first organisations it will be partnering with to pilot the revalidation model in spring 2015: women be offered financial incentives to breastfeed? Online 20 october frank | paul des, beliefs and comfort levels of midwifery students regarding sexual counselling in ble online 20 october ören | neriman zengın | saadet yazıcı | ayşe çil akıncı.

Study): association between childhood problem behaviour and maternal caffeine intake: explores link between breastfeeding support and breastfeeding rates in the uk: finds financial incentives to help pregnant women quit smoking is cost-effective: in a three-part series examining women who experience caesarean birth: rds and competency framework for specialist maternal mental health midwives: s and experiences of exercise during pregnancy: ch shows no harm in children being born as a result of surrogacy: feeding and breast cancer risk by receptor status – a systematic review and meta-analysis: ne: multiple-micronutrient supplementation for women during pregnancy: women who use ivf more likely to miscarry than caucasian women, according to uk research: n a supplement during pregnancy for maternal and new born outcomes: list teams for neonatal transport to neonatal intensive care units for prevention of morbidity and mortality: pregnancy announced during a pilot trial to treat infertility in women over 35: links between midwifery experiences and survival chances of babies: al group b streptococcus-related stillbirth – a systematic review: ne review: pushing/bearing methods during the second stage of labour: se and high-impact sports before pregnancy reduces the risk of pelvic girdle pain: ne review: standardised neonatal resuscitation training to reduce mortality rates: ’s experiences using hypnosis intervention during childbirth: link. Brown | sarah lace in australia: processes and interactions during the intrapartum transfer of women from planned homebirth to ble online 1 november h fox | athena sheehan | caroline s influencing use of family planning in women living in crisis affected areas of sub-saharan africa: a review of the ackerson | ruth es: making a difference in the , preferences or going with the flow: an online exploration of women's views and experiences of birth divall | helen spiby | mary nolan | pauline ng messages about place of birth in mother and baby magazine between 1956 and al thinking evaluation in reflective writing: development and testing of carter assessment of critical thinking in midwifery (reflection). We need to talk about cmv’, available from: study finds hormone that preserves fertility in women with breast cancer : of recurrent stillbirth: bmj publish new systematic review and meta-analysis: does preferred place of birth influence course of pregnancy and labour?

This book distinguishes itself from the hundreds of books on qualitative and quantitative research with its focus on the literature review as a methodology. Kangaroo mother care’ helps preterm babies survive…but offers benefits for all: d: cromolyn sodium for the prevention of chronic lung disease in preterm infants: finds gestational diabetes increases risk of postnatal depression: d early delivery versus expectant management for hypertensive disorders from 34 week gestation to term: updated guidelines on postpartum haemorrhage prevention and management: d: antenatal breastfeeding education for increasing breastfeeding duration: d: interpregnancy interval following miscarriage and adverse pregnancy outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis: ation between influenza infection and vaccination during pregnancy and risk of autism spectrum disorder: d: early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants: of maternal position on fetal behavioural state and heart rate variability in healthy late gestation pregnancy: -based interventions for preventing hiv, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy in adolescents: erapy treatment of epilepsy in pregnancy: congenital malformation outcomes in the child: government campaign ‘our chance’ is launched to raise awareness of maternity safety: fussiness and food neophobia share a common etiology in early childhood: the infant car seat challenge useful? Students in thier final year are expected to undertake a dissertation in the form of a literature review or research proposal.

D cochrane review: drugs for preventing malaria in pregnant women in endemic areas: any drug regimen versus placebo or no treatment: advise that women who drank before they knew they were pregnant need not abort for fas: annual report published on the quality of care and outcomes for women with diabetes who become pregnant report from the national neonatal audit programme: neonatal care is improving, but inconsistencies remain: cochrane review: antiretroviral interventions for preventing breast milk transmission of hiv: cochrane review: fetal assessment methods for improving neonatal and maternal outcomes in preterm prelabour rupture of membranes: cochrane review on the use of antibiotics prior to amniotomy: examines association between paracetamol use in in pregnancy and adhd symptoms in school-aged children: cochrane review on interventions for postnatal constipation: england publish data on breastfeeding initiation and prevalence at 6-8 weeks: ch in the american journal of epidemiology suggests association between maternal lack of iron and autism in offspring: d cochrane review: skin preparation for preventing infection following caesarean section: highlights ways in which women may feel judged and criticised in their infant feeding choices: for thought. Research suggests: es could be introduced to prevent neonatal tetanus: reviews strategies to prevent stillbirths: ch shows alcohol use during pregnancy is common in some countries: d cochrane review: routine ultrasound in late pregnancy (after 24 weeks gestation): report highlights the dangers of cytomegalovirus in pregnancy and offers guidance on preventing transmission of the disease. The book is essential reading for undergraduates and postgraduates who want to succeed in their nursing or midwifery research e: about the book, chapter abstracts and how to use this uction to research concepts and fying the research ch design: comprehensive literature review as a research ting data by searching and sampling the literature and other secondary data l consideration when critiquing literature-based is and synthesis of literature-based tation and discussion of g your research report.

This book is written for nursing and midwifery students completing a research project based on reviewing published literature and using secondary data. Ng a safe criteria to diagnose miscarriage: ood mmr vaccination rates fall: investigates parents’ views of immediate neonatal care and resuscitation at birth being provided at the mother’s bedside: ne review: interventions for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy: ne review: research on desmopressin acetate for preventing acute bleeds during pregnancy for women with congenital bleeding disorders: n e supplementation during pregnancy: link. Nhs ic services t:avery hill mansion site se9 2pqwebsite / blog ts:counselling, health & social care, health and wellbeing, midwifery, nursing, paramedic science, psychology, public health, social al appraisal are many critical appraisal tools or books you can use to assess the credibility of a research paper but these are a few we would recommend in the library.

In summary, this up-to-date, comprehensive and engaging volume has accomplished what few other research texts have-it not only extends our understanding of the literature review methodology, it enables us to actually engage in this type of research' - sharan b. A must have for all 3rd year midwifery dana marie ery & child, bournemouth is an excellent book which takes the student on the journey, right from the philosphical underpinnnings, of using a literature review as a of nursing and midwifery, brighton select a format:Paperbackhardcoverelectronic from:amazon > textbooks > nursing research methods | nursing research. Increases: ment warning to pregnant women coming into contact with animals giving birth: of antenatal care to reduce and prevent preterm birth systematic review and meta-analysis: consumption during pregnancy and link to gestational diabetes: y statistics for nhs maternity statistics in england: tanding recent home birth research: guidance for professionals and consumers: d guidelines for pregnant women and alcohol consumption: oo mother care intervention and neonatal outcomes: ment of the perceived risks of electronic cigarette and hookah use in pregnancy: ne review: effects and safety of periconceptional oral folate supplementation for preventing birth defects: ne review: exploring different treatment regimens of magnesium sulphate for management of premature labour: betamimetics for the prevention of preterm labour and birth for women expecting twins: ery and nursing uk government bursary reforms: ation between smoking during pregnancy with aerobic fitness of offspring in young adulthood: se of cigarette tax and infant mortality rates: t with baby following birth and parental mental health well-being: into obesity in pregnancy: infant health service utilisation and costs on the nhs: ional advice for improving outcomes in multiple pregnancies: of high doses of folic acid supplements in pregnant women in spain: al caffeine intake during pregnancy and child cognition and behaviour at 4 and 7 years old (u.

University of greenwich | foi | privacy and cookies | legal | terms & conditions | sity of y of education and g and your literature review? More to the human tissue authority on disposal of pregnancy remains (less than 24 weeks’ gestational age): t versus lying down position in second stage of labour in nulliparous women with low dose epidural: anti-diabetic agents for women with established diabetes/impaired glucose tolerance or previous gestational diabetes planning pregnancy, or pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes: and trends in child mortality report 2017, unicef: entesis and placental sampling for pre-birth diagnosis: of vaccination evaluated rapidly (cover) programme 2017 to 2018: quarterly data: naire’s disease: risks of pre-heated birthing pools: d: antibiotic prophylaxis for operative vaginal delivery: d: sildenafil for pulmonary hypertension in neonates: d: screening for gestational diabetes mellitus based on different risk profiles and settings for improving maternal and infant health: d: techniques for preventing hypertension during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section: ng progress for breastfeeding policies and programmes: global breastfeeding scorecard 2017: ne review: fluid supplementation for neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia: irrigation for the management of skin extravasation injury in neonates: of diet and physical activity based interventions in pregnancy on gestational weight gain and pregnancy outcomes: meta-analysis of individual participant data from randomised trials: and quality of maternity care for disabled women during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period in england: data from national survey: se for pregnant women with gestational diabetes for improving maternal and fetal outcomes: cheal intubation in infants performed with a stylet versus without a stylet: d: fetal and umbilical doppler ultrasound in high-risk pregnancies: d: perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma: on of interdisciplinary guidelines for care of women presenting to the emergency department with pregnancy loss: d: induction methods for women who have had a prior caesarean birth: d: techniques of monitoring blood glucose during pregnancy for women with pre-existing diabetes: meaning of labour pain: how the social environment and other contextual factors shape women’s experience: d: women’s position for giving birth without epidural anaesthesia: fication and management of neonatal hypoglycaemia in the full-term infant – a framework for practice: link. Review of the research-based guide into newborns’ first year: feeding offers health benefits to women with ms: dia screenings for pregnant women aged 16-25 are cost-effective in australia: global cost of unsafe abortions: maternal diet before and during pregnancy and reduced risk of congenital heart defects infants are linked: births save hospitals money in canada: d mode of birth for twins does not affect maternal depression, well-being, incontinence or breastfeeding: birthplace in england research programme full report: ethnographic organisational study of alongside midwifery units: link.

To the human tissue authority on disposal of pregnancy remains (less than 24 weeks’ gestational age): t versus lying down position in second stage of labour in nulliparous women with low dose epidural: anti-diabetic agents for women with established diabetes/impaired glucose tolerance or previous gestational diabetes planning pregnancy, or pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes: and trends in child mortality report 2017, unicef: entesis and placental sampling for pre-birth diagnosis: of vaccination evaluated rapidly (cover) programme 2017 to 2018: quarterly data: naire’s disease: risks of pre-heated birthing pools: d: antibiotic prophylaxis for operative vaginal delivery: d: sildenafil for pulmonary hypertension in neonates: d: screening for gestational diabetes mellitus based on different risk profiles and settings for improving maternal and infant health: d: techniques for preventing hypertension during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section: ng progress for breastfeeding policies and programmes: global breastfeeding scorecard 2017: ne review: fluid supplementation for neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia: irrigation for the management of skin extravasation injury in neonates: of diet and physical activity based interventions in pregnancy on gestational weight gain and pregnancy outcomes: meta-analysis of individual participant data from randomised trials: and quality of maternity care for disabled women during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period in england: data from national survey: se for pregnant women with gestational diabetes for improving maternal and fetal outcomes: cheal intubation in infants performed with a stylet versus without a stylet: d: fetal and umbilical doppler ultrasound in high-risk pregnancies: d: perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma: on of interdisciplinary guidelines for care of women presenting to the emergency department with pregnancy loss: d: induction methods for women who have had a prior caesarean birth: d: techniques of monitoring blood glucose during pregnancy for women with pre-existing diabetes: meaning of labour pain: how the social environment and other contextual factors shape women’s experience: d: women’s position for giving birth without epidural anaesthesia: fication and management of neonatal hypoglycaemia in the full-term infant – a framework for practice: link. Study examines why socially disadvantaged women have poorer maternal health outcomes in the uk: statistics on women’s smoking status at time of delivery in england published by hscic:Antidepressant treatment for postnatal depression: health wales report finds association between deprivation and the risk of child death: study examines whether binge drinking in pregnancy affects child mental health and academic outcomes: series on child deaths finds substantial reductions, but variations within and between high-income countries: interesting piece about the microbiome of human milk: research from the states: finds a group-based dietary intervention for limiting gestational weight gain in obese women to be effective: study examines maternal responsiveness and the development of infants’ language skills: of pnd halved if women intend to breastfeed and succeed but more than doubled if they plan to but can’t: research from the journal of pediatrics: study examines genetic contribution to postpartum haemorrhage: postspaper submissions now open for london maternity & midwifery festival 201802/11/2017new technology helps identify prom and provide reassurance02/11/2017rcm ceo reveals priorities at rcm annual conference 201731/10/2017mother joins research efforts of gestational diabetes to help future generations25/10/2017english language requirements for international midwives amended by nmc24/10/ on twitter tweets by @ midwifery college of in to your your password? Less stillbirths in england since the smoking ban was introduced in 2007: ne review: interventions for leg cramp during pregnancy: ch journals available throughout august to celebrate world breastfeeding week: al ultrasounds could cause maternal anxiety, depending on level of feedback: link.